Week 14.1 Antimicrobials Flashcards
What things are used to to kill bacteria or inhibit their growth?
antibiotics and disinfectants
Examples of antibiotics and disinfectants
-Penicillin prevents bacteria from building a cell wall (block peptidoglycan)
-Chloramphenicol and tetracycline inhibit protein synthesis
-Rifampicin inhibits RNA transcription
-Alcohol dissolves bacterial membrane
Why don’t antibiotics or disinfectants kill us like they do bacteria?
We have slight structure differences in ribosomes so they don’t target our cells
Antibiotics bind to…
Competitive inhibition vs noncompetitive inhibition
-Competitive: competitive inhibitor and substrate compete for active site
-Noncompetitive: competitive inhibitor binds to allosteric site that induces a conformational change in the active site, preventing the substrate from binding to it
the growth of the bacteria is inhibited but the bacteria are not necessarily killed
the bacteria are killed
Six primary antibiotic targets in bacteria
- Cell membrane
- Cell wall synthesis
- DNA replication
- RNA synthesis
- Protein synthesis
- Metabolism (folic acid synthesis)
Other special antibiotic targets in bacteria
- Biofilm formation
- Flagella/pilli
- Quorum sensing
What do you need to know to predict how an antibiotic will affect a cell?
- Antibiotic’s target
- Target’s function
What is the bacterial plasma membrane?
A phospholipid bilayer with a variety of embedded proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates that perform various functions for the cell
Functions of embedded proteins
- Transport
- Enzymatic activity
- Signal transduction
- Cell-cell recognition
- Intracellular joining
- Attachment to the cytoskeleton and ECM
Antibiotics that disrupt the bacterial membrane
- Daptomycin: causes depolarization of cytoplasmic membrane, resulting in disruption of ionic concentration gradients
- Bacitracin: inhibits export of peptidoglycan precursors
- Polymyxins: disrupts the membrane
Isotonic solution
no net movement of water particles; cell membrane is attached to cell wall
Hypertonic solution
water particles move OUT of the cell; cell membrane shrinks and detaches from cell wall (plasmolysis)
Hypotonic solution
water particles move INTO the cell; cell wall counteracts osmotic pressure to prevent swelling and lysis
a polymer composed of alternating N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) and N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)
-NAM: peptide sidechain
-NAG: does not have peptide sidechain
NAG-NAM synthesis
- NAM is synthesized in the cytoplasm and linked to UDP
- NAM is linked to bactoprenol
- NAG is added to NAM
- Bactoprenol flips NAM-NAG to periplasm
- Transpeptidase polymerizes the disaccharides into the growing peptidoglycan chain (crosslinking occurs)
- Bactoprenol flips back to cytoplasm
Why are peptide chains on 2 stacked N-acetylmuramic acids crosslinked?
to stabilize the layers
What is separation of bacterial daughter cells controlled by?
FtsZ protein
How do bacterial cells divide using FtsZ protein?
FtsZ proteins assembled along the membrane and form the Z ring. Then the Z ring is anchored to the membrane and pinches together to cleave the cells.
How do bacterial cells with cell walls divide?
Autolysins (an enzyme) cleave peptidoglycan so the dividing cell can separate
-Ex: amidase
What happens when autolysins cleave the cell wall?
New peptidoglycan is inserted along the break to facilitate elongation and septum formation
Antibiotics that affect cell wall synthesis
- Beta-lacams
- Beta-lacam/B-lactamase inhibitors
- Vancomycin
- Bacitracin
- Isoniazid/ethionamide
- Ethambutol
- Cycloserine
-Penicillins, cephalosporins, cephamycins, carbapenems, monobactams
-Mechanism: Bind proteins and enzymes responsible for peptidoglycan synthesis
Beta-lacam/beta-lactamase inhibitors
Bind beta-lactamases and prevent INactivation of lactam
Inhibits cross-linkage of peptidoglycan layers
Inhibits export of peptidoglycan precursors
Inhibit mycolic acid synthesis (mycobacterium)
Inhibits arabinogalactan synthesis (mycobacterium)
Inhibits cross-linkage of peptidoglycan layers
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
DNA > RNA > protein
DNA replication (summarized)
- Complementary strands of DNA must be separated and prevented from rewinding (DNA gyrase, helicase, single-stranded binding proteins)
- DNA polymerase requires an RNA primer to bind to DNA (RNA primase)
- Discontinuous strands must be ligated together (Okazaki fragments and DNA ligase)
DNA gyrase
relaxes supercoiling
separates strands of DNA
Single-stranded binding proteins
prevent DNA from coming back together
RNA primase
adds complementary RNA nucleotides to DNA
-allows attachment of DNA polymerase
-problem: RNA nucleotides instead of DNA
Okazaki fragments
short sequences of DNA that are synthesized discontinuously
DNA ligase
joins the 5’ phosphate to the 3’ end hydroxyl
Antibiotics that disrupt DNA replication
- Quinolones
- Metronidazole
-nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin
-Mechanism: inhibits DNA gyrase (strands remain extremely supercoiled)
Disrupts host DNA and therefore DNA replication
RNA polymerase
able to bind DNA, unwind, unzip, and polymerize without help from other enzymes
Antibiotics that disrupt RNA synthesis
- Rifampin (rifampicin): inhibits RNA polymerase
- Rifabutin: inhibits RNA polymerase
Antibiotics that disrupt protein synthesis
- Aminoglycosides
- Tetracyclines
- Glycylclines
- Oxazolidinone
- Macrolides, ketolides, clindamycin, streptogramins
-streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamycin, tobramycin, amikacin
-Mechanism: produce premature release from 30S ribosomal subunit
Prevent peptide elongation at 30S ribosomal subunit
Bind to 30S ribosomal subunit (prevent 50S from binding)
Prevents initiation of protein synthesis at 50S ribosomal subunit
Macrolides, ketolides, clindamycin, streptogramins
Prevent polypeptide elongation at 50S ribosome
Why is folic acid important for protein and nucleic acid synthesis?
It’s a required precursor
Why is folic acid synthesis not a good target?
-bacterial cells can become persister cells
-bacterial cells can also get folic acid from nearby
Antibiotics that disrupt folic acid synthesis (aka antimetabolites)
- Sulfonamides: inhibit dihydropteroate synthesis and disrupt folic acid synthesis
- Dapsone: inhibits dihydropteroate synthase
- Trimethoprim: inhibits dihydrofolate reductase and disrupts folic acid synthesis