Week 1.2 - The Single Neuron & 1.3 - Lab Visit Flashcards
What are the four functional regions of the neuron. Name the structure corresponding to these region in a typical neuron.
Most neurons, regardless of type, have four functional regions in which different types of signals are generated.

Input: dendrites;
integration: soma/axon hillock;
conductive: axon;
output synapses/axon terminals
There are about 1011 neurons in the brain, and between 1014 and 1015 synapses in the brain, how many synapses do we have per neuron?
about 5000 (!) synapses per neuron
At which point in the neuron is an action potential initiated? Why?
Action potentials, or spikes are initiated at the axon initial segment (AIS); which is also called trigger zone. Large concentration of Sodium Channels

What is a synapse?
A synapse is a specialized structure allowing communications between neurons or a neuron with another cell.
As the intensity of an input stimulus increases, the ______ of the action potentials increases as well.
firing rate / spike rate / firing frequency
For a given neuron, the size of the action potential is always the same. The frequency of the action potentials can change however.
Neurons can encode the stimulus strength as spike rate. This is kind of coding scheme is known as rate-coding.
What is the membrane potential (Vm) ?
a potential that results from a separation of charge across the cell membrane (voltage). In other words, it is the difference in electric potential between the interior and the exterior of a biological cell.
What makes a neuron an “excitable cell”?
The presence of voltage-gated ion channels makes a neuron an excitable cell. The term excitable refers to the ability of some cells to be electrically excited resulting in the generation of action potentials. Neurons, muscle cells (skeletal, cardiac, and smooth), and some endocrine cells (e.g., insulin-releasing pancreatic β cells) are excitable cells.
What is the Nernst equation and what does it calculate?
With the Nernst equation you can calculate the equilibrium potential for a given ion.
Remember that the [square brackets] represent concentration and R, T, z and F are all constants; T is the absolute temperature; z is the valency of the ion.

How can we calculate the membrane potential (Vm) in real cells with multiple ion channels in its membrane?
When more than one ion channel is present in the membrane, the membrane potential can be calculated by using the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation (GHK equation). Usually, only K+, Na+, and Cl- are implemented;
* the larger P is, the more it contributes to the membrane potential.

Which two fundamental processes are at play in establishing the equilibrium/Nernst potential (Veq) of an ion across a membrane?
The equilibrium/Nersnst potential (Veq) is the voltage at the point where the chemical gradient (as result of ion type distribution) the and the electrical gradient (+/-) cancel each other out and are thus, in balance.
What is so special about an ion?
Ions are atoms with a charge. There are cations (+) and anions (-).
By what 2 factors is the membrane potential (Vm) established?
- The asymmetric distribution of ions across the plasma membrane (ion concentration gradients)
- The selective permeability of different ions by the plasma membrane (ion channels).
What is the value of the resting membrane potential (Vrest) in a typical neuron?
The value of the resting membrane potential varies from cell to cell, from about −20 mV to −100 mV.
But typically we use -70mV
What is the main difference between passive ion channels and active ion channels?
Passive channels, also called leakage channels, randomly switch between an open and closed state or stay open at all times.
An active channel is a channel that can open or close in responds to changes in the environment. Voltage-gated channels open and close in response to changes in membrane potential. Ligand-gated channels open and close in response to the presence of a molecule (ligand).
Looking at the Nernst equation, which factors have a significant impact in determining the outcome?
(1) the concentration gradients, (2) the valence of the ionic species in question, and (3) temperature.
The AP is the core mechanism that allows the neuron to do its job, which is receiving and propagating ______
Describe each stage of an action potential in the image

- Neuron at its resting membrane potential.
- Depolarisation. Is the result from the Na+ channels that open, leading to an influx of the positively charged Na+ ions. This leads to the inside of the cell becoming more and more positive (relative to the outside).
- Overshoot. Here, the membrane potential becomes positive.
- Peak. At this point, pNa is 600x greater than at its resting value.
Vm is close to VNa, though never reaches it because…
- The Voltage gated Na+ channels begin to inactivate rapidly after they open.
- Neurons have Voltage gated K+ channels that become activated by membrane depolarisation as well, but they just open much slower. That is why these channels are called delayed rectifiers, at the peak the PK is greater than at rest.
- Repolarisation. The outflux of K+ causes the inside of the cell to become more negative again, back to its resting value.
- Hyperpolarisation. When the resting potential is reached, the K+ do not immediately close again (they are slow). Leading the membrane potential to become a bit more negative before it will return to its resting value.
How can you interpret the following graph? (focus on the green and red line)

Note that:
- These are the Na+ and K+ conductances (g) respectively, which has to do with the opening and closing of the selective ion channels of Na+ and K+.
- The line of Na+ has an early peak and quickly decays after that, while the K+ conductance rises slower but also decays slower. After the peak, the conductance of K+ is higher than Na+ .
What is the absolute refractory period?
This is a period in right after the action potential in which it is impossible to fire another action potential, no matter how strong the stimulus.

Biological membranes act in similar ways as ________ because it ______ charges
* A capacitor is a device that allows separation of electrical charge, so an electric field is established (meaning voltage) across its plates.
What is the difference between an ion channel and a transporter/pump?
Ion channels are pores in the cell membrane that passively transport ions from one side to the other.
Ion transporters perform active transport by moving ions against their concentration gradient. The channels need energy (ATP) to do this.
A) Name the 3 main families of ion channels.
B) Of what type are the K+ and Na+ channels that are involved in generating an action potential?
- Ligand-gated
- Gap junctions
- Voltage-gated
These are Voltage Gated channels. Their gates open at a specific voltage.
Name the technique used to study single ion channels.
The Patch clamp technique allows high-resolution current recordings for a specific patch of membrane. That is useful because now scientists can focus on just a few ion channels at a time.

General procedure
A glass pipette containing electrolyte solution is tightly sealed onto the cell membrane and thus isolates a membrane patch electrically. Currents fluxing through the channels in this patch flow into the pipette and can be recorded by an electrode that is connected to a highly sensitive differential amplifier. In the voltage-clamp configuration, a current is injected into the cell via a negative feedback loop to compensate changes in membrane potential. Recording this current allows conclusions about the membrane conductance.
What is the relative refractory period?
A period after the absolute refractory period, in which it is more difficult to trigger another action potential. Meaning a stronger stimulus is needed.