week 12 - specific populations Flashcards
do all indivisuals within a community have the same harms associated when it comes to alcohol/drug use?
- no, subpopulations exist within a community/country in which different harms are associated with them.
what are some of the sub-population groups that have different harms/impacts associated with AOD use?
Injecting drug use women abo/TSI rural/remote LGBTI young people/older/mental illness
what are some harms associated with injecting drug users?
- more susceptible of blood bourne viruses - HEP C
- psychosocial issues
- imprisonment
- homelessness
- mental illness
Although the % of ppl injecting drugs in Australia, what are some positives within these groups of ppl in Australia?
- Although AUS has a very high % of ppl injecting, the % of ppl having HIV IS VERYYYY low
- although countries Russia + SA have lower % ppl injecting HIGHER % of HIV
- this is explained by the needle and syringe program AUS has implemented
what are some interventions for injecting drug users?
- interventions are based on harm minimisation rather than abstience
1. NSP
2. peer interventions - getting people whom IDU to talk to other ppl that are IDU to educate them in the proper way administering drugs
3. general psychoeducation - safer injecting
- vein care
- community/safety disposal
- overdose
Generally, women have a much higher % for the risk of SA, why is this?
- women usually taking care of children
- social differences
- stigmitisation -> more socially acceptable men to drink/drink higher amounts
- women < men to seek help/be honest/more fearful - beliefs and social beliefs
- believes will get -ive attitude from health professional
- fear of getting blamed/
- more stigma - patterns of use
- women higher % of taking prescription medication
- develop probems more quickly/easier (biology related)
- private/ hide their use because of fear of being judged (stigma)
what are some barriers in treatment when it comes to treating the women sub-population?
- many of treatment services are male orientated
- uncomfortable for women to come forward/honest
- many women sexally abused men - might feel uncomfortable being in a male-orientated setting - many women have children
- fear of loosing children if they come forward about their drug problem
what are the different drug/alcohol use between ppl living in rural areas and inner citiies? How can these differences be accounted for?
- in general rural ppl have a much higher % alcohol use
- rural ppl have higher % drug use
- drugs such as ecstacy higher in inner cities
- drugs such as MA higher in Rural areas
- rural areas have less access to service + higher stigma-> higher suceptibility in risky substance abuse
do LSE or HSE areas have higher % of smoking and alcohol rates? why
- higher % smoking in LSE
- higher % alcohol drinking in HSE
- may be due to HSE having more money to drink
what are some of the best practises when treating CALD populations?
- having imagery of ppl from different cultures in service centres -> allows ppl to understand they are accepted/included in community and are not alone
- having a translator when someone from CALD comes into treatment services
- different languages available
- providing culturally centred tretament services that is similar to the norms/expectancies and culture of different CALD groups
what are the trends in alcohol/drug use within ABO/TSI?
- much higher % and higher risk than NON-abo sub populations
what are some reasons as to why ABO/TSI population groups are at risk?
- racism and social isolation
- poverty - LSE
- removal of children from their families
- dysfunctional family/behaviour patterns
what are some of the best ways in addressing the needs of ABO/TSI to reduce risky levels of substance abuse?
- community and service centres that are run by ABO/TSI ppl
- ## services run by ABO/TSI treatment services that take into account factors such as culture/ spiritiural needs of the population group
was AOD in LGBT community higher or lower when compared to heterosexuals in AUS?
- 2-4 x higher than heterosexual
was the % of mental health seen greater in LGBT communties or in heterosexual communties?
- 40% in LGBT communities
- 20% in heterosexual communties
How can the % rates of AOD in LGBT communties be explained?
- LGBT are rejected in normal social groups
- because LGBT are judged/rejected from normal social settings, they go to LGBT clubs/bars in which drug use is prevelant -> constantly surrounded by drugs/alcohol
- external and internal homophobia (getting yelled on the street because you are gay and you dont like the way you are )
- minority stress - coming out creates prejudice
what are some of the best ways we can practise treatment for LGBT community?
- address homophobia/bullying of LGBT community to schools
- involve LGBT community in educaton/prevention programs
- workforce development training of LGBT community
- provide support groups for LGBT community