week 11 - effectiveness of treatment Flashcards
does treatment need to be voluntary to be effective?
- No, it does not need to be voluntary to be effective
- if someone is mandated into treatment - example when they are in jail and needs to go to treatment or is given a choice on a fine or treatment/jail or treatment - this can also lead to effective results
- BUT more ethical and encouraged to be voluntary
is what happens in therapy the biggest determinant of the success in therapy?
No - has nothing to do with what happens inside therapy and what you are doing - it has to do with external factors
- random things outside therapy - friends/family/jobs
- how much you like your therapist “theraputic relationship”
what is ethics?
- choosing/not choosing decisions based on whether or not they will have good consequences to the people involved
what are some ethical issues between you and the clinent/surroundings ?
- theraputic relationship - relationship between you and clinent can be ruined if you decide to tell mum/dad -> results in clinent not trusting anyone -> no longer seeking help
- who should have access to public free treatment?
- consent - corrections officer - if he calls you and asks you if the client has been to see you lately and when the client hasn’t actually come in in 3 weeks
- confidentiality - levels of legalness - at what point do you call/act upon the things the client is telling you
- guidlines among the organisation you owrk in - and might conflict ethics
- minors
- harm minmisation/no absience - what if your from US and livein AUS and believe that you SHOULD NOT take harm min approach -> and you are asked to take this approach - what do you do?
what are some barriers in mental health professionals
- lack of knowledge in the AOD issues
- if clinent walks in MH service that has a AOD issue -> if you were to reject person and tell him to go to MH -> clinent will feel like no one is willing to support him - sterotyped belief of clients - what image pops in to your head when you hear crack addict?
- views on how to manage relapse - if judgemental -> might lower confidence of clinent to do better
- concerns of lack of skills that the therapist has
Say you are working for a particular service and they have specific guidelines, policy and procedures - are these nesscarily good?
- they are not ALWAYS ethical
- sometimes best interest might do something less ethical
when do breaches in the professional field most likely to occur when treating clinents with alcohol/MH issues?
- workloads is high
- worker is under ALOT of stress
- when clinent and therpist values come to conflict
- lack of guidlines, procedures and policies
- lack supervision/support
look at the case example - answer for each dot point
- ask questions - do you know the posssible consequences to this? do you know the risks of overdose? do you know how to protect yourself?
- if your rundown and realy tired, you might not have noticed that ryan was only 15 - regret giving him the needles and not asking him additional questions that you would have asked
what are some possible consequences in not telling mum/dad about the clinents problems?
- if he overdoses -> mum and dad may want to sue you and use the statistic of 80% psychologists in AUS would have called me but YOU DIDNT
what are the APS guidlines of confidientiality?
- know your context - know what your organisation saids to do and follow it
- if organisations procedures are NOT ethical - raise them ASAP from very early on - infromed content - talk about limitations of cofidentiality - if i think you are in any harm , i will be contacting you parents, are you ok with that?
- only breach confidentiality when
- content to do so - can u plz tell mum/dad cause if i tell them they will get mad at me
- there is a legal obligation to do so (suicidal, child protection - worried about ryans safety)
- another person can be hurt/killed from the client - when disclosing info - only disclose info that is needed to be disclosed and to the appropreite indivisuals(mum/dad)
- it has to be very direct
- - where saftey permits, inform clients
- about what info is about to be discloud
- reasons for disclosing info
- to who the discloure is made to
what are the main priciples of effective treatment?
- treatment should be long term - 3 months approx
- no single treatment is appropriate for all individuals
- effective treatment attends to his/her multiple needs - not just his/her drug use
- treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective