Week 12: Indigenous Australians Flashcards
What 3 criteria have been identified for indigenous Australians?
Of aboriginal or torres strait islander descent
Identify as aboriginal or torres strait islander decent
Accepted within the communities they live or have lived
What unique things do indigenous people hold?
Social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from the dominant society
What have indigenous Australians sought?
Recognition of their identities, way of life and their rights to traditional land and territories for years
What common problems do indigenous Australians share?
Common problems are related to the protection of their rights and inequalities (such as health)
What are indigenous Australians determined to do?
Determined to preserve, develop and transmit their ancestral territories and ethnic identity. Allows continued existence of people in accordance to own cultural values
What percentage of the total Australian population is indigenous?
- 3%
- Hundred of groups with their own languages, histories and cultures
Among indigenous Australians, how many of them identify as aboriginal, torres strait islander or combined?
Aboriginal 91%
Torres Strait Islander 5%
Combined 4%
What has been identified as central to indigenous well-being?
Culture is central
What does language facilitate?
Plays a role in communicating and passing on cultural knowledge and practices. As well as contributing to a stronger sense of identify and belonging to community
How many Australians speak an indigenous language as their main language?
Where are indigenous Australians more likely to live?
In urban or remote areas
What is the average age of indigenous Australians?
23 years vs. 37.8 for non-indigenous Australians
Why are there less indigenous Australians at the older segment of the population?
May be related to health inequalities, health care access and health determinants that lead to a lower life expectancy
What does life expectancy not determine?
Ones quality of life
What is the life expectancy of indigenous Australians in comparison to non-indigenous Australians?
Indigenous Australians live for almost 10 years less which is very concerning