Week 12- Former Yugoslavia Flashcards
Vlade Divac
- Basket ball player who sparked the conflict between Yugoslavia and its 6 republics after flag incident
- was Serb by ethnicity and Yugoslav by nationality
Dražen Petrović
- was Croat by ethnicity and Yugoslav by nationality
- best friend of Divac until county tensions caused them to divide
6 main religions and ethnicities of former Yugoslavia
1) Slovenes
2) Croatians
3) Serbians
4) Bosniaks
5) Macedonians
6) Albanians
catholic and speak Slovenian
Croatians and Bosnian Croats
catholic and speak “Serb-croatian”
Serbians and Bosnian Serbs
orthodox christians and speak “Serb-Croatians”
Muslims and speak “Serb-croatian”
Orthodox Christian and speak Macedonian
Muslim and speak Albanian
relationship between serbs, Croats, and Slovenes AND Austro-Hungarian Empire
they formed out of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after WWI
what does the name Yugoslavia actually mean
Southern slavs
what was going on in Yugoslavia in WWII
- Nazi occupation
- civil war among Yugoslav groups
what were the Yugoslav groups that were involved int he civil war
- Ustaše: Croat fascists
- Chetniks: Serb resistance fighters
- Communist “partisans” lead by Tito
what happens to Yugoslavia after WWII
it becomes communist under Marshall Tito composed of the 6 groups
plusses to communist Yugoslavia
- brotherhood and unity
- Relative Prosperity
- Freedom to travel
- Citizens supported regime
- Yugoslavia had global importance
Minuses of communist Yugoslavia
- NOT a democracy
- “centralized versus regional” problem
- Conflict memory of WWII
- Problem of ethnic nationalism fwas never fully solved
- economic problems
Communist leader Marshal Tito kept Yugoslavia unified from:
1945 until his death in 1980.
Slobodan Milosevic
- serbian nationalist
- claimed he would help serb nation reclaim past grander
Why did Yugoslavia not end up a liberal democracy like post-1989 Czechoslovakia?
- politicians capitalized on peoples’ worst fears
- and turned people against each other
factors that lead to disintegration of Yugoslavia
1) Death of Tito leaves a power vacuum
2) Appeal of ethnic nationalist ideologies
3) Shortsighted politicians
4) Nationalists’ control of media
5) Ethnic/linguistic/religious diversity
6) Ethnic/linguistic/religious diversity
7) Economic inequalities between regions + economic decline of entire former Yugoslavia
How did Yugoslavia disintegrate
1991: Slovenia and Croatia declare independance
1992: Macedonia declares indépendance and Bosnia war breaks out
1998: Kosovo war begins
- longest siege of any city in modern history: 1992- 1996
- Symbolic importance: center of civic/Yugoslav nationalism.
what lead to NATO intervention in 1994
Markale Marketplace Massacre
Srebrenica killings
- worst mass murder in European since WWII
- Bosnian Serbs massacre more than 7,000 Muslim boys and men in July 1995
present day consequences of Yugoslav wars
- Former Bosnian Serb General was found guilty of war crimes and genocide and has been sentenced to life in prison
- Former Bosnian Serb President was found guilty in of “war crimes against humanity” and sentenced to 40 years imprisonment