Week 12 Flashcards
Toxoplasma Gondii
➢ Lack of self-control and disregard for rules
➢ Decreased willingness to accept the moral standards
➢ Increased risk of self-directed violence (women)
➢ Males less able to establish interpersonal relationships,
had lower self-control, and were more likely to wear
untidy clothes
➢ Aggressive personality and impulsivity
Johnson et al. (2018) look at entrepreneurs
➢ Infected students 1.4× more likely to major in business and 1.7× more
likely to have an emphasis in ‘management and entrepreneurship’
➢ Professionals attending entrepreneurship events 1.8× more likely to
have started their own business if infected
➢ Infection prevalence was a consistent, positive predictor of
entrepreneurial activity and intentions at the national scale
➢ Nations with higher infection also had a lower fraction of respondents
citing ‘fear of failure’ in inhibiting new business ventures
Overview - The Brain
• Brain is obviously plastic – it changes over time
• At a minimum the capability for declarative
learning and memory implicates functional and
structural plasticity of the adult brain
• Plasticity is essential for the development of the
nervous system and normal functioning of the
adult brain
• Plasticity provides flexibility in
• Development
• Learning
• Recovery
• Neural plasticity can be broadly defined as the
ability of the nervous system to adopt a new
functional or structural state in response to
extrinsic and intrinsic factors
Plasticity can potentially influence any point of
nervous system function - modulate
• Synapse strength
• Synapse number
• Signal timing
• Network connectivity
• Network composition• Human nervous system functional at birth, but, rudimentary
• Embryonic connectivity like a ‘rough draft’ of neural circuits
• Genetically determined connectivity followed by experience
dependent reorganisation
• Custom fit the nervous system to individual bodies and
unique environments
• Experience dependent maturation underlies the abilities of
the human brain
Developmental Plasticity
• Cell proliferation and migration - neurogenesis mostly
done by 7th month prenatal (except olfactory bulb,
hippocampus and maybe some more elsewhere)
• Key part of development is axon growth and synapse
formation – connections - axons and dendrites grow
and must grow to appropriate targets
• Postnatal development mostly – synaptogenesis,
myelination, dendritic branching (then also neural loss
and synaptic loss – pruning)
• Critical periods
• Effects of deprivation and enrichment
• Rear animals in the dark – fewer synapses and
fewer dendritic spines in V1; deficits in depth and
pattern vision
• Rats raised in enriched environments had thicker
cortices – more spines and synapses per neuron
Developmental Reorganisation
• Developing neural circuits require maintenance –
reorganised depending on activity
• Time-dependance: window of opportunity within which
experience can influence development
• Critical period – when it is absolutely essential that an
experience occurs within a given time limit – and then
other mechanisms follow on
• Sensitive period – when an experience can still have an
influence outside the interval
• Hubel and Wiesel - example of developmental
plasticity of visual circuits through studies of
monocular deprivation led to the discovery of the
critical period
• Activity-dependent development of the visual
system - development of visual systems requires
interplay between sensory experiences,
spontaneous neural activity, and genetically
encoded innate programs
Cross section through
primary visual cortex
Columnar Organisation of V1
Cross section through
primary visual cortex
Developmental Reorganisation
Cortical sensory maps
• Roe et al (1990) altered course of developing RGC
axons to MGN (ferrets) – visual input led to retinotopic
organisation in A1
• Knudson and Brainard (1991) – barn owls – raised with
displacement prisms on eyes – change in spatial map
• Early music training – expand auditory cortex that
responds to complex tones
• Knudson and Brainard (1991)
• Reorganisation only in young owls – rewiring of
deep auditory nuclei involved in inter-aural time
difference mapping
• Critical period
Head response to auditory or visual stimuli
Visual calibration of the auditory space map – visual
experience influences calibration of sound localisation
Developmental Reorganisation
Early experience has lifelong effects on social behaviours
• Spitz (1940s) compared infants raised in orphanage with those in a nursery
attached to a women’s prison
• Main difference in contact with carers (low contact nurse care in former,
high contact mothers in latter) and social/sensory deprivation (high in
former, low in latter)
• 4 months – not much difference
• 1 year – prison infants far above in motor and cognitive performance;
orphanage withdrawn and little curiosity, prone to infection
• 2-3 years, prison kids equal with normal; orphanage further behind –
unable to walk or speak
Developmental Plasticity
Experience, particularly during critical
periods, fine tunes the developing
nervous system
Activity Dependent Plasticity
- Synaptic modulation - long term memory
* Activity dependent myelination
Synaptic modulation
• Memory is the result of changes in strength of
synaptic interactions among neurons in neural
• Hebb – if a synapse is active when a postsynaptic
neuron is active – then synapse is strengthened -
neurons that fire together wire together
• Enduring changes in the efficiency of synaptic
transmission underlies long term memory
Synaptic modulation
Long term potentiation (LTP)
• Facilitation of synaptic transmission following high
frequency presynaptic stimulation
• Measure response of neuron to single low intensity
electrical pulse to presynaptic neuron; deliver high
intensity high freq stim for 10 sec; measure response to
single low intensity after various delays
• Response increases – synapse has been strengthened
• LTP lasts months after multiple stimulations
• Only develops if firing of presynaptic is followed by
firing of postsynaptic – correlated activity is the
critical factor
LTP Process
• 2 types of ionotropic Glu receptor
• AMPA – Na+ channel opens with Glu binding - EPSP
• NMDA requires 2 things – binding of Glu and postsynaptic
neuron is already depolarised
• Simultaneous activity and postsynaptic likely to fire
• NMDA channel results in Ca2+ influx – intracellular
messenger – signalling cascade to induce LTP
• Ca2+ effects are highly local – only want to affect a
single connection
• Involves presynaptic and postsynaptic changes
• Structural changes – increase number and size of
synapses and postsyn spines, changes in presyn and
postsyn membranes, changes in dendritic branching
• Epigenetic changes
Long Term Depression
• Don’t remember everything forever
• Mechanism to downregulate synapse strength
• LTD induced by prolonged low freq stim
• Also – if EPSP after postsynaptic cell fires – synapse not
contributing to firing so weakened
• Also NMDA – but lower Ca2+ conc – activates different
Activity Dependent Myelination
• Changes in white matter observed during learning
• Cellular studies show that myelination can be influenced by action potential firing in axons
• Conduction velocity modifiable through changes in myelin to optimize timing of info transmission through neural circuits
• Spike-time arrival is of fundamental importance in neural coding, neuronal integration and synaptic plasticity
• Myelination - effective mechanism for manipulating spiketime arrival
• Optimal synchrony of spike-time arrival through
nodes in a network is what maximizes performance
• Adjust conduction velocity by
• myelinating unmyelinated axons
• modulating the thickness of the myelin sheath
• modulating structure of nodes of Ranvier
• Through activity-dependent feedback
Myelinated vs unmyelinated
Modulate thickness of the myelin sheath
Modulate length and spacing of segments
• When neurons fire - cascade of events promotes
• Neuronal activity influences ODCs and Schwann cells,
their progenitors, and other glia (e.g. astrocytes)
• Ion channels and receptors for various growth
factors, neurotransmitters, and other signalling molecules
• Adaptive myelination may play a role in learning
• Structural imaging studies identified white matter
microstructural changes in human adult volunteers
• learning to juggle (Scholz et al., 2009)
• who have undertaken musical training (Steele et al., 2013)
• learning a second language (Schlegel et al., 2012)
Activity Dependent Myelination - Activity stimulates progenitor cells to become
In early neuronal development, ATP released from axons Converted to adenosine and activate receptors on ODC progenitors Promotes differentiation to ODC
Activity Dependent Myelination - Activity regulates myelination by mature ODCs
After the progenitors have differentiated into oligodendrocytes, action potentials increase myelination through signalling astrocytes