Week 11 Language FINAL Flashcards

Apollo 11 Moon Shot, Cape Kennedy, FL
Winogrand was one of the New Documents photographers showcased in 1967 at MOMA. Winogrand was inspired by Walker Evan’s book American Photographs. He is best known for capturing moments of everyday American life in the post war era. “No moment is most important. Any moment can be something” he used a small format camera.
Wide angle lense, existential, documented people looking at Apollo 11 moment from Cape Kennedy. One woman photographing photographer. How is the world mediated through photography. Photographer documending mediated. About experiencign something photographically aware that camera renders something not otherwise recognized.

This photograph taken where Kennedy had been assassinated. Se see site and several representations of event pitcured within the picture. Winogrand sees how things photographed and represented by taking photographs of photograph which comments on what he is doing as a photographer: framing and reframing.
Winogrand used a wide angle lense. His photograph imparts a sense of randomness, speed, less well composed and travel, chaos of times, existential.
“I photograph the world to see how things look like”

New York City 1966
This photograph is part of his “self portrait” book about Lee Friedlander incerting himself as shadow, voyaristic, funny, like stalking her. He draws from Robert Frank, but more subjective esthetic of snapshot, coinciusly absorbing mistakes that are abou tthe medium into his artwork.
Friedlander was one of the New Docuents photographers in 1967 MoMA. Friedlander was able to organize a vast amount of information in dynamic compositions. His work is humorous and poignant images among the chaos of city life. He was influenced by Robert Frank and Walker Evans. He worked with a hand held Leica camera, focused on the social landscape, detatched images of urban life, store front reflections, posters and signs of modern life.

Father Duffy, Times Square, New York, NY
From fourteen American Monuments
Pictures, architectural, Father Duffy monument, organized chaos, comparison with Rauchenberg’s combines.
Friedlander was one of the New Docuents photographers in 1967 MoMA. Friedlander was able to organize a vast amount of information in dynamic compositions. His work is humorous and poignant images among the chaos of city life. He was influenced by Robert Frank and Walker Evans. He worked with a hand held Leica camera, focused on the social landscape, detatched images of urban life, store front reflections, posters and signs of modern life.

Identical Twins, Roselle, NJ
Arbus part of “The New Documents” show MoMA 1967
Arbus interested in finding the situation. Going places, scouting, stydying phone book to find characters, making appointments. No method for control. Strong attraction championed by Sarkosky Moma. She was influenced by Louis Hine and August Sander. Discussing ritual and mask

Jewish giant at home with his parents, Bronx, NY
Conscious decision o finding the giant and documenting him says something about herself.

Child with a toy hand grenade in central park, NYC
Arbus made a conscious formal decision to use a square format camera, shaped her vision of portraits. She chose weird photos to print, this one of a small boy, a toy grenade in his hand his other hand empty and claw-like strangely nearly sickly thin. This photo makes us think of wars that had happened and wars to come.

Coney Island, Standing
Lisette MODEL
From Vienna, very attracted to odd social situations, hermaphrodites, imporant because she was Diane Arbus’ teacher. Drawn to oddities, similar way of photographig with arbus. Drawn to gigures seen on Coney Island social pictures, non jugmental with it enhancing increcible amount of flesh sympathetic to womens.