Week 11 Developmental Disabilities and Pediatric/Adolescent Mental Health Flashcards
adolescent depression is higher:
- females
- by age 14, it is 2x in girl
- having depressed parents have 3x the risk
- peak 15-20 yrs
what framework gathers info about young person’s life and aids in gathering history:
- Home
- Education, employment, eating, exercise
- Activities and peer relationships, social media
- Drug use, prescribed meds, cigarettes, vaping, alcohol and other drugs
- Sexuality and gender
- suicide, self harm, safety, and spirituality
when to start MDD screening in adolescents? what tools?
- ALL adolescents beginning age 12-18
- pediatric symptoms checklist (PSC) - 4 yrs to 18 yrs
- Beck Depression inventory - adolescents
- PHQ-2 (if > 3, do PHQ-9) - 6 yrs and up
depression in adolescents vs adult
- adolescents: don’t admit to “feeling sad” but have mood swings, irritability, short tempered, temper tantrum, social w/drawal, somatic complaints
- toddlers: lack energy, too eager to please others, clingy
depression diagnosis criteria
- _>_5 symptoms below AND depressed mood or anhedonia x 2 weeks:
- Sleep changes/insomnia
- Interest (loss) - anhedonia, hopelessness
- guilt, worthlessness
- energy loss, fatigue
concentration/cognition (decreased)
- school/hw
appetite (changes)
- increase/weight gain
- psychomotor (agitation/retardation)
- suicide
Management for adolescents with depression
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- mild: CBT. if no response in 6-8 weeks, meds!
- complex: CBT + SSRI (1st line) [or SNRI/citalopram]
- fluoxetine (Prozac) for > 8 yrs
- escitalopram (Lexapro) > 12 yrs citalopram (Celexa) and sertraline (Zoloft)
- always CBT with meds (never alone)
- always assess suicide risk
- r/o underlying causes (CBC, TSH, CMP, B12, Folate)
avoid what medication as treatment for adolescent depression?
- paroxetine (Paxil)
- a/s with increased suicide ideation
- TCA’s (-tyline/nortripyline) = no benefit either
follow up interval for SSRI in adolescent
- EVERY week x 4 weeks, then every other for at least 2 visits
- again 12 wks later
Once remission of sx’s, f/u every 3 months
- continue meds for 6-12 months after remission WITH CBT
- always screen for SI/recurrent depression & document
- if stop meds, taper slowly over 1-2 months
why follow up so quickly for adolescents on SSRI’s?
- slight increase in suicidal ideation when starting SSRI educate to look out for it
if SSRI not helping adolescent depression and you maxed out the dose…
- switch to another SSRI!
- if 2nd SSRI no work → refer to psychiatrist (they will switch to another class, venlafaxine or bupropion)
General screening q’s for youths about nutrition and body dissatisfaction
ask this T/F question for diabetic youths
- how do you feel about your weight?
- how much do you like to weigh?
- do you, ur friends, or ur fam have any concerns about your eating, exercise, or weight?
- “I sometimes take LESS INSULIN than I should”
purging behavior (bulimia) can lead to
- loss of gastric acid
- hypokalemic hypochloremic
- metabolic alkalosis
- laxative abuse → hypokalemia
DSM 5 diagnosis of ADHD
- < 17 yrs old:
- need 6 or more hyperactivity/impulsivity sx’s
- OR 6 or more of inattention sx’s
- > 17 yrs old, need 5 or more
- sx must:
- occur often, in 2 or more settings for at least > 6 months
- present before 12 months, impair work, school, home, severe
- inattention sx’s:
- fails to pay attention/careless mistakes
- difficulty paying attention
- doesn’t listen
- avoids tasks that require sustained mental effort
- loses things to complete tasks
- easily distracted
- often forgetful in daily activities
- hyperactivity/impulsivity sx’s:
- fidgets /squirms
- leaves seat when needed to be seated
- runs/climbs when inappropriate
- trouble playing quietly
- always on “go”
- talks excessively
- answers q’s before q is completed
- difficulty waiting for his or her turn
- interrups/intrudes others
ADHD scales/screening
- Vanderbilt ADHD
- ADHD rating scale IV
- Connor Parent & Teacher rating scale
- Child attention profile
- CDC checklist
types of ADHD
- primary inattentive (6 or more positive behaviors in inattentiveness category)
- primary hyperactive/impulsive (^)
- combined type (6 or more positive in each category)
ADD term no longer used
ADHD treatment plan
- identify comorbid conditions & treat
- hearing/vision screening
- tutoring
- behavior management plan
- identify specific goals (2-3 behaviors)
- reward system for meeting goals
- online resources AAP, CDC< CHADD
- medication - stimulants + CBT
- NO meds for preschoolers unless severe/refractory to CBT
challenges in diagnosing and treating ADHD in adults
- comorbidities (anxiety, depression, drug use)
- refer mental health
- childhood symptom recall (sx’ before age 7?)
- mostly primary inattentive bc not disruptive
- behavior scales
- ASRS scale with 18 behaviors, need to be in 2 settings
- tx difficult bc CVD, abuse,
meds for ADHD
SNRI - Atomoxetine (Strattera) non stimulant
Down syndrome features
- most common: hypotonia (poor muscle tone) & short stature
- microcephaly
- flattened midface
- brachycephaly (flattened occiput), round face
- up slanting palpebral fissures “almond eyes”
- epicentral folds (vertical folds of skin b/t medial acanthi and bridge)
- brush field spots
- protruding tongue
- macroglossia
- short neck, skin folds
- broad shortened hands
- clinodactyly of little finger
- transverse palmar crease
- sandal toe deformity (inc spacing b/t 1st and 2nd toe)
Causes and variations of Down syndrome
- nondisjunction of 21st chromosome [most common]
- translocation
- mosaicism
- increasing in rates and affects all racial/socio levels
Down syndrome evaluation before discharge
- ECHO! (50% have congenital heart defects) even with no murmur
- hearing screening
- CBC (hem abnormalities, myeloproliferative disorder, leukemia reaction, polycythemia)
Down syndrome screening
screen for:
- congenital heart disease
- childhood leukemia
- thyroid disease (hypo/hyper)
- autoimmune dz (celiac, diabetes, dermatological)
- seizure disorders
- decrease hearing/vision
- autism; behavior problems
- Atlantoaxial subluxation
- sleep apnea (eval by age 4)
- other:
- otitis media
- bronchitis
- GI illnesses
what tendencies do Down syndrome have that’s normal?
- the “Groove” / OCD tendencies
- self talk / imaginary friends (esp when stressed)
neuropsychiatric disorders in down syndrome and what to exclude?
- depression
- Alzheimer disease (1 gene of Alz on 21st chromosome)
- anxiety disorders
- compulsive disorders
- autism
- exclude treatable medical conditions:
- obstructive sleep apnea
- hypothyroidism
- celiac sprue
- atlantoaxial subluxation → behavioral changes
screenings for adults with down syndrome
Screen TSH annually/yearly!
- testicular, ovarian, cervical, breast (routine), colon, leukemia (but would have found as child)
- celiac screen in children, not adults
- echo if haven’t already
- ophthalmologic and hearing q 2 years
- sleep study for OSA using polysomnography by age 4 (not routine)
- karyotype is used for diagnosis
PE of Down syndrome that warrant special attention
- obesity
- HEENT: cerumen impact, hearing impairment, chronic sinusitis, allergies, reflux, cataracts, keratoconus, vision impair, airway compromise
- thyromegaly, thyroid nodules, atlantoaxial subluxation
- pneumonia
- murmur, cardiomegaly, cyanosis
- testicular masses, cryptochordism, Pap screen
- arthritic changes, hallux valgus (bony deformity on 1st MTP)
- cervical cord compression, nerve root compression, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, motor weakness, ankle conus
dysthymic disorder criteria
- category of depression
- depressed mood for most days for at least 2 years
must not have gone more than 2 months w/o 2 or more of:
- poor appetite or over eating
- insomnia
- low energy
- low self esteem
- poor concentration
- difficulty making decisions
- feelings of hopelessness
most important risk factor for suicide
previous attempt!
warning signs of adolescent suicide
- obsession/poems essay on death
- dramatic change in appearance
- threats
- guilt/shame/reflection
- making amends
- changes in eating/sleeping
- giving away personal items
- drop in grades
hospitalize adolescent for SI if
- plans to access lethal means
- hx of prior attempts
- impaired judgment
- question of safety at home
management on generalized anxiety
- excessive anxiety/worry NOT focused on specific person/situation/stressor
- toddler/preschool: CBT and play therapy
older child: ped mental health therapy + CBT
- consider SSRI
first line treatment for mild to moderate OCD in adolescents
if severe: SSRI
what psych disorder has the highest risk of suicide?
bipolar disorder
90% recurrent after 1st manic. episode
bipolar disorder treatment
- refer to child behaviors health provider
- lithium (mood stabilizers) alone or with anti seizure meds (valproate, divaproex) or with antipsychotics (risperidone)
- non pharm:
- healthy diet
- stress reduction
- routine exercise
- good sleep hygiene
what meds can worsen manic response and cause metabolic disorders?
antidepressants can potential manic
what is the most common mental health problem in childhood?
more in males
ADHD med management (stimulant vs non stimulant)
- stimulant:
- low dose amphetamine (Adderall)
- methylphenidate: Concerta, Ritalin
- Amphetamines: adderall, Vyvanse
- more potent than methylphenidate
- non stimulant:
- atomoxetine (Strattera) SNRI for > 6 yrs old
- increase SI risk
- guanifacine + clonidine > 6 yrs old
- takes 1-2 wks for effect
- atomoxetine (Strattera) SNRI for > 6 yrs old
autism stats/patho
5x more common in boys, all racial groups
- MUST have sx at young age and can’t be late onset
- fragile X most common cause
autism screening gold standard
- 18 and 24 months during wellness checks
- prognosis better if diagnosed < 5 years
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) and Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R) gold standard
- M-CHAT screen at 16-30 (toddler) quick, easy
- screen autistic sibling
- if + = refer
- if < 3 yrs: refer for early intervention
- if > 3 yrs: refer for special education
- if - & parents concerned, rescreen next visit
- if + = refer
- citalopram contraindicated
autism behaviors to look for/red flags for early dx
- lack of social smile and eye contact by 2-3 months
- lack of joint attention 9 months
- doesn’t point at objects to show interest by 14 mo
- no babbling/cooing by 12 mo
- doesn’t say a single word by 16 mo
- no pretend by 18 mo
- loss of language/social skills by 2 yrs
- does not respond to name by 1 yr
- gets upset by minor changes
- avoids eye contact / wants to be alone
- repeats words/phrases
- monotone
- flaps hands, rocks body, spins circles
- self injury behaviors (head banging, biting, pinching)
autism diagnosis criteria
- deficits in ALL 3:
- social-emotional reciprocity: reduced sharing of interest
- nonverbal communicative - poor eye contact
- developing, maintaining and understanding relationships
- 2 or more of:
- repetitive movements, use of objects, speech (echolalia)
- insistence on sameness, routines, ritualized patterns
- highly restrictive interest
- hyper or hyperactivity to sensory or input
- must impair function, present in early development
anorexia / bulimia questionnaire
- do you make yourself Sick bc u feel uncomfortably full?
- control - do you worry u lost control over what you eat?
- loss more than One stone in 3 months period
- do you think you’re fat when ppl think you’re thin?
- would u say food dominates your life?
anorexia diagnostics
- R/o pregnancy → get UA
- bone density studies with amenorrhea (osteopenia)
- CBC (anemia), electrolytes, fasting glucose (new onset diabetes), thyroid studies (hyperthyroid), LFTs, FSH, LH
- hypokalemia, hypochloremia (purging)
- EKG (PVC’s and QT elongations)
anorexia management
- refer behaviors health + dietician + rehab + therapy
meds that decreases binging/purging:
- antidepressants
- fluoxetine (PRozac) -
- TCAs [NO in SI pts]
- atypical antipsychotics
- topiramate (Topamax)
- olanzapine (Zyprexa) - stimulate appetite/weight gain instead of decreasing binging
- antidepressants
Expected weight gain 1.1 lb per week from referring
- monitor for refeeding syndrome: confusion, irritability, organ dysfunction, seizure)
how is Fragile X inherited
X linked dominant inheritance (FMR1 gene mutation)
- females have XX
- milder sx’s bc have 2 X’s to compensate
- males have XY
- more sx’s
- females have XX
- 2nd common after Down syndrome
- women: 50% passing chance (carrier or syndromic)
- carrier men:
- pass premutation to ALL daughters (carriers only), none to sons
fragile X screening in who?
- pts with autism
- children with intellectual disability (idiopathic)
- children with family hx of
Fragile X clinical findings
- (think elephant)
- prominent forehead & jaw
- long ears
- long narrow face
- epicanthal folds
- high arched palate
- increased head circumference
- large testes (macroorchidism)
- club foot/ples planus, hip dislocation, scoliosis
- follow age appropriate health promo per AAP Bright futures
Turner syndrome
- ONLY females
- Missing X / altered chromosome from error in division
Turner syndrome sx’s
- most common: short stature
- loss of ovarian function/immature ovaries/infertility
- no puberty
- heart defects
- webbing of neck (NB)
- lymphedema of hands/feet
- normal IQ
turner syndrome management
- refer to endocrinology for tx → start Growth Hormone before 4 yrs old for puberty to hit 12-14 yrs
- low dose estrogen first then add progesterone 1-2 years after
Klinefelter syndrome
- extra X chromosome (XXY) → getting more feminine features
- NOT an inherited disorder; it’s an error in cell division
klinefelter syndrome sx’s
- tall with long arms
- reduced facial/body hair
- gynecomastia/boobies
- small testes
- less facial hair
- narrow shoulders, wider hips
- osteoporosis/weak bones
- infertility
- metabolic syndrome
- cryptocordism / undescended tests
- normal IQ but language/learning problem
klinefelter syndrome screening
- if infancy had hypotonia, delayed milestones, screen!
- or all, abdominal fat, clumsy, slow dev skills from 1-5 yrs old
klinefelter syndrome management
- testosterone RT at puberty age
- stimulates deeper voice, hair, muscle, libido
- improves bone density
- most men unable to father a child without help of fertility specialist
- fertility treatment: intracytoplasmic sperm injection right into egg
- monitor scoliosis
- annual thyroid screen
- increased risk of autoimmune and malignancies (breast cancer)
Marfan’s syndrome features
cardiac - monitor ~
- aortic root dilation
- Mitral valve prolapse, regurgitation
- tall, long limbs
- pectus deformities (pigeon)
- joint hyperextensibilities
- eyes: ectopic lentis, myopia, retinal detachment, esotropia/strabismus
- spontaneous pneumothorax
- normal IQ
marfans syndrome management
- avoid contact sports
- annual eye exam
- monitor cardiac
watch out for evidence of what in patients with anxiety?
physical trauma
separation anxiety disorder
- 5-16 yrs old
- most common pediatric anxiety disorder
- meds are NOT helpful
- manage with psycho/education
generalized anxiety disorder management in preschoolers
**preschoolers benefit from play therapy
peds depression diagnostics/labs
- EBV titers
- Vit D
- UA
- drug screening with NEW onset of depression
what can occur 4-6 weeks after a stressful infection?
- PANDAS - pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcus infection
- in peds with OCD and Tourettes
- give PO corticosteroids or IVIG
bipolar diagnostics/labs
- urine/saliva/serum sample for toxicology screening if no known previous diagnosis
- renal profile
before giving a stimulant for ADHD…
screen for cardiovascular risk (family history, obese, DM, dyslipidemia, hx of stroke/MI/TIA)
Prader Willi Syndrome treatment
- loss of function on chromosome 15 → constantly hungry (hyperphagia) at 12-24 months
- hypogonadism → infertile
- give sex hormone, growth hormone
Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome
- overgrowth syndrome affecting infants
- macrosomia
- parts of body growth big and uneven
- omphalocele
- macroglossia
- risk for wills tumor, hypoglycemia
what is the expected weight gain per week after refeeding of anorexia?
1.1 lb (0.5kg) per week
monitor for refeeding syndrome (confusion, irritability, organ dysfunction, seizure) from severe fluid and e- imbalance
bulimia treatment
- my role: screening & early identification
- referral for children/adolescents bc of sociopyschological dynamics
- nutritional rehab
- cognitive behavioral psychotherapy
- antidepressant (SSRI)
- PE: parotid glands, mouth, dental caries, esophageal or gastric injury, dehydration (from laxatives), ipecac a/s hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmias
- check e-, Mg, amylase levels
diagnostics for eating disorders
- CBC (anemia)
- e- (K, Na, acid-base imbalance)
- fasting glucose (diabetes)
- TSH (hyperthyroidism)
- LH
- ECG (premature ventricular contractions and QT elongation)
- bone density
which medications cause metabolic disorders (Diabetes, dyslipidemia)
atypical antipsychotics