Week 11 - Choice under risk and uncertainty, Asymmetric information, International trade Flashcards
What is risk?
know the probability of the outcome
What is uncertainty?
refers to situations where the
probability of certain occurrences is not known
What tool do we use to study individuals behaviour around risk and uncertainty?
a lottery/ gamble
How to calculate the expected value of this lottery?
calculate the probability weighted average of the value from each possible outcome
EV = probability x outcome + probability x outcome
What does it mean if the expected value of a lottery is zero?
the lottery is fair, neither gaining or losing something
Suppose that a consumer has an initial income of £5. He can invest his initial income in a stock asset today
(Assume that the stock today costs exactly £5). Next month, the value of the stock can either increase or
decrease. If it increases, then the consumer increases his income to £7.5, but if it decreases, then consumer
decreases his income to £2.5.
The consumer believes that there is a 50 per cent chance that the stock will increase its value and 50 per cent
change that it will decrease its value.
The expected value from buying the stock asset is:
costs you £5
50% £7.5
50% £2.5
EV = 0.5 x 7.5 + 0.5 x 2.5 = 5
although expected value is £5, the lottery is fair because EV-Cost = 0
You play a lottery for free
30% +£100
70% -£30
What is the expected value of this lottery?
EV = 0.3 x 100 + 0.7 x (-30) = 30-21 = 9 (average earning) this lottery is unfair
How do economists classify people in terms of risk?
risk-averse, risk-neutral and risk-loving
What is a key issue in individual attitudes to risk?
a key issue is whether or not a person would accept a fair gamble
What is risk neutral?
a person who is only interested in whether the odds yield a profit on average
only about expected value and not about the risk involved.
They will always take a bet or investment if it has a positive EV, regardless of how risky it is.
What is risk averse?
a person who will refuse a fair gamble
prefers certainty over risk, even if the risk has a positive expected value.
They require a risk premium (extra compensation) to take on risk.
Even if a risky investment has a positive EV, they might avoid it unless the potential return is significantly higher than a safer alternative.
What is risk loving?
a person who bets even when the odds are unfavourable
enjoys taking risks and may even accept a negative EV gamble if there is a chance of a big win.
They actively seek risks with high rewards, even if the odds are against them.
Which individual risk would go for a negative expected value
risk-loving since there is a small chance of still winning
What is asymmetric information?
a situation in which one side of an economic relationship has better information than the other
This can influence how individuals with different risk preferences approach decisions involving positive expected value (EV) risks
What are the 2 different types of asymmetric information than an economic decision maker might lack but desire?
- Hidden characteristics
- Hidden actions
What are hidden characteristics?
things that one side of a transaction knows about itself that the other side would like to know but doesn’t know
1) sellers are better informed
2) buyers are better informed
What are hidden actions?
Actions taken by one side of an economic relationship that the other side of the relationship cannot observe
1) firms vs employees
2) insurance companies vs their customers
Example of price discrimination in an imperfectly competitive market with asymmetric information:
Consider the following situation:
A flight company flies a direct route from London to Rome to deliver air freight.
The marginal cost of adding passengers to the flight is £120 per passenger.
Two passengers: A businessman and a holidaymaker
Businessman is willing to pay £500 for the flight, but wants to stay for one day only.
If he has to stay for more than one day, he is willing to pay £250.
Holidaymaker is willing to pay at most £200 for a flight, and he does not much care about the trip’s length.
Asymmetric Information – The airline does not know whether a customer is a businessman (high willingness to pay) or a holidaymaker (low willingness to pay).
Price Discrimination – The airline wants to charge different prices to different customers to maximize profits.
Self-Selection (Screening Mechanism) – The airline must design ticket pricing so that each type of customer reveals themselves based on their choices.
Situation 1: Symmetric Information + No Price Discrimination
The airline must charge one uniform price to all customers.
Two possible pricing strategies:
Charge £500 per ticket
The businessman buys a ticket (£500), but the holidaymaker does not.
Revenue: £500
Cost: £120
Profit: £500 - £120 = £380
Charge £200 per ticket
Both the businessman and the holidaymaker buy tickets.
Revenue: 2 × £200 = £400
Cost: 2 × £120 = £240
Profit: £400 - £240 = £160
Since £380 is greater than £160, the airline will choose to charge £500 per ticket, even if it loses the holidaymaker’s business.
Situation 2: Symmetric Information + Price Discrimination
If the airline knows who is a businessman and who is a holidaymaker, it can engage in first-degree price discrimination:
Charge £500 to the businessman (who is willing to pay £500).
Charge £200 to the holidaymaker (who is willing to pay £200).
Revenue Calculation:
Businessman: £500
Holidaymaker: £200
Total revenue: £700
Total cost: 2 × £120 = £240
Profit: £700 - £240 = £460
Conclusion: With perfect knowledge about each customer, price discrimination increases profits from £380 (without discrimination) to £460.
Situation 3: Asymmetric Information + Second-Degree Price Discrimination
In reality, the airline does not know who is a businessman and who is a holidaymaker.
To solve this problem, it uses a self-selection mechanism:
Offer two ticket types:
A £500 flexible ticket (no restrictions) for the businessman.
A £200 ticket with a Saturday night stay requirement for the holidaymaker.
Why does this work?
The businessman values a short trip and does not want to stay over the weekend.
The holidaymaker is indifferent to trip length, so he will choose the cheaper ticket.
This forces customers to reveal their type through their choice of ticket.
Revenue Calculation:
Businessman buys a £500 ticket.
Holidaymaker buys a £200 ticket.
Total revenue: £700
Total cost: 2 × £120 = £240
Profit: £460
Conclusion: Even with asymmetric information, the airline can achieve the same £460 profit by structuring ticket restrictions to force self-selection.
What will a self-selection device do for an airline?
the airline can use a self-selection mechanism to address asymmetric information by offering a set of choices (tickets) that vary in terms of price and restrictions. The idea is that these choices will reveal the hidden characteristics of the consumers, allowing the company to maximise profits by tailoring its pricing strategy to different customer segments.
Example of self selection
For example:
(1) A £449 ticket that has no restrictions on when it can be used.
(2) A special £200 “holiday ticket” that can be used only if the traveller goes on a trip of at least two weeks.
Businessman is willing to pay £500 for the flight, but wants to stay for one day only. If he has to stay for more
than one day, he is willing to pay £250.
If he buys (1), his surplus is £500 - £449 = £51
If he buys (2), his surplus is £250 – £200 = £50
So the businessman will pay £449
The holidaymaker will pay £200
The firm will earn (£449-£120) + (£200-£120) = £409
Note: £380 < £409 < £460
Real-world examples of price discrimination and self-selection mechanisms in flight companies
Flight Companies (Price Discrimination Based on Flexibility)
Flexible Fare Pricing:
Airlines use price discrimination based on flexibility and timing. For example:
Short-term flight tickets (e.g., for business travelers who need to fly back the next day) are more expensive due to the higher willingness to pay for flexibility.
Longer-term flight tickets (e.g., for holidaymakers who are willing to stay for a month or more) are cheaper because the airline knows that leisure travelers are more price-sensitive and less concerned with timing restrictions.
This pricing strategy ensures that the airline captures as much consumer surplus as possible by offering different prices based on the consumer’s demand elasticity and willingness to pay.