Week 11: Canadian Federalism, the Canadian Social Union and Health Policy Flashcards
Pre 1980
1957- Hospital and Diagnostic services act
1966 Medical care act
1977 Established programs financing (EPF)
1966 Medical care act
Funded through Canadian assistance plan (CAP)
50/50 cost sharing
1977 Established programs financing act
Shift from cost sharing to block funding
Transfer of tax points to provinces/territories
Increased based on economic growth and population growth
Transfer of tax points to provinces/territories
Federal government reduced what is collected in federal tax from citizens and allows provincial government to increase taxes at a similar rate
What caused the greatest one-time decrease in the proportion of health care spending paid for by the federal government?
Established programs financing
Canadian Health Coalition and Ontario health Coalition
Advocate in favour of publicly funded health care system in opposition to user fees and privatization
Federal government should pay a larger share of health care costs
Maintaining government roles
Restraining social program costs
Restructuring the role of government
1997- present
Repairing the social union
1984-1988 Restraining social program costs
Weakening of government commitments to health and social programs
Neoliberalism strongly influenced government policy
How much of a reduction in health transfers from federal to provincial/territorial government occurred btwn 1986-1998?
41.2 billion
1988-1997 Restructuring the role of government
Concern with government budget deficits due to the economic recession
Significant reduction in federal health care spending
What replaced EFP in 1995?
Canada Health and Social transfer
Canada Health and Social Transfer
Federal contribution at a rate based on the previous year with adjustment for GDP at provincial level
One funding envelope for health care, social spending and post-secondary education