Week 11 Flashcards
Children’s mental grammar have
____ before they start producing multiword utterances
Do kids have adult-like grammar?
If the universal grammar (nativists) people are right then what kind of grammar would we observe in young kids?
- kids have pretty sophisticated grammars by age 5
- if the universal grammar (nativists) people are right, we should be able to observe adult-like grammar in young kids
What is the Continuity Hypothesis?
(Pinker, 1994)
- it suggested that in the 80’s, grammatical development is continuous (that at birth, the child’s mind includes all the structures that make up adult grammar)
- the stuff (structures, syntax etc…) of the grammar is there at birth
- born with a lot of syntactic knowledge already
Explain the longitudinal study about Eight “relational meanings” . (Brown, 1973) ex: agent + action Daddy sit agent + object Mommy sock action + object
Is this consistent with the continuity hypothesis?
- Adam, Eve and Sarah
- sent lab assistants to their houses once a week for two or three years
- naturalistic data of them interacting with their families in their homes
- in the early utterances when they first started combining words, they observed all these combinations in the table
- is this consistent with the continuity hypothesis?
- brown is saying that when they first start combining words, they are not using syntax
- they are actually trying to use semantic principles (meaning) to combine words
- NOT consistent with the continuity hypothesis!
What is the truncated clause theory?
(Radford, 1990; Guasti, 2002)
Is it consistent with the continuity hypothesis?
- a simple sentence
- theory says that they are obeying syntactic principles by adult-like syntactic principles but that fully detailed tree hasn’t yet developed
- their utterances are grammatical in respect to their mental grammar but the extra levels of structure don’t get turned on until the kids get older
-the Truncated Clause theory is consistent with the continuity hypothesis
Do kids have adult-like grammar?
• kids’ performance is constrained by processing limitations (Bloom, 1990; O’Grady, 1997)
Is this consistent with the continuity hypothesis?
- the reason they say things that are not grammatical, they have processing limitations
- domain-general constraint
- they have the competence but its a performance limitation
- memory ability is limited
- they get the content words out but not the functional words
-consistent with the continuity hypothesis
Discuss the study about Evidence from Production
(Cazden, 1968; Maratsos, 1982)
• M: 74 hours from 21 children (2;9 - 4;0)
• C: 150 hours from Adam, Eve, Sarah
• looked for syntactic category errors
- a verb in a place where a noun goes —> that would indicate that their mental grammar is not adult-like
- in that 224 hours, they only made 10 errors
ex: (noun used as verb) - You have to scale it first
- Mummy trousers me
-not using words in the wrong categories
Discuss the Evidence from Production study.
(Bloom, 1990)
• 14 children, 1;6 - 2;10
• looked at adjectives & nouns
-Kids used adjectives in two different ways
How can we interpret this pattern?
• kids used predicative adjectives with common nouns, pronouns, proper names
ex: pillow dirty, girl bad, I sleepy
• kids rarely (
What do the production results tell us? If this was just about semantics then…
-we wouldn’t expect to see these results in the difference between the adjectives, proper names and pronouns
What is a principle?
the things that are true of every language
What is a parameter?
-the systematic ways that languages vary
The x-bar theory. principle or parameter?
Every sentence has a subject.
principle or parameter?
In some languages, the subject can be null (i.e. unpronounced).
principle or parameter?
How would a child learn that Italian is null?
a) assume null subjects are allowed; observe null subjects in the environment; assumption confirmed
b) assume null subjects are forbidden; observe null subjects in environment; revise assumption
-the default setting is to not allow NULL subjects