Week 10: The Scottish Dimension Flashcards
What are the three primary functions of the Scottish Parliament?
- Provide and sustain a government in office
- Make Law
- Hold executive to account
When are Scottish Elections?
First Thursday in May
What are the two circumstance under which an extraordinary Scottish Election may be called?
- If two-thirds of MSPs vote for dissolution of Parliament
- If the Parliament fails to nominate a First Minister within 28 days of a General Election or resignation or death of the incumbent FM
How many MSPs are there
How may regions are there?
What is the constitutional distinction between the UK government and the Scottish Government
The UK Cabinet is based on constitutional convention, the Scottish Cabinet is based on statute (Scotland Act).
Under what circumstance is a First Minister compelled to resign?
Loose a government confidence vote.
Which case highlights that Holyrood is subordinate to Westminster
AXA General Insurance v the Lord Advocate.
Which two individuals must approve of legislation made b the Scottish Parliament before it can be sent for Royal Assent
- Scottish Ministers
- Presiding Officer
Which section of the Scotland Act 1998 allows the Westminster Government to block an Act of Scottish Parliament?
Section 35.
Does Parliamentary Sovereignty apply to the Scottish Parliament?
Courts may strike down an Act of Scottish Parliament for a number of reasons.