Week 10 - The Changing Concept of Career Flashcards
What are tri-sector leaders?
Tri-‐sector leadership is a holistic leadership approach that calls for businesses to involve all three sectors –business, government and nonprofit-‐ in their work.
The need for tri-sector leaders
- Many of the world’s most difficult problems – resource scarcity, training future workforces, making healthcare affordable and accessible – require collaboration between government, business, and not-for-profit sectors
- Tri-sector leaders are individuals who are able to bridge the differences that separate the three sectors and thus develop more holistic and sustainable solutions
- The paths to tri-sector leaderships varies, some begin in government and then move into the private sector (e.g. Sheryl Sandberg) while others start in the not-for-profit sector prior to moving into government (Barack Obama)
Characteristics of tri-sector leaders
- Balancing competing motives
- Acquiring transferable skills
- Developing contextual intelligence
- Forging an intellectual thread
- Building integrated networks
- Maintaining a prepared mind
Balancing competing motives
(Characteristics of tri-sector leader)
- Have a strong desire to create ‘public value’, however, this is not at the expense of their on motives for wealth creation, power, and strong sense of mission
- Combine idealism (often found in the not-for-profit sector) and pragmatism (found in government and business) to serve a wide array of people
Acquiring transferable skills
(Characteristics of tri-sector leader)
- In business one must use scare resource to exploit market opportunities
- Government must bring competing interest together to create regulatory environments that benefits the public
- Not-for-profit organisations have limited resources, focus on the long-term, and look for creative ways to further social good
Developing contextual intelligence
(Characteristics of tri-sector leader)
- Not only able to see parallels between sectors but also accurately assess differences in context and translate across them
Forging an intellectual thread
(Characteristics of tri-sector leader)
- Concentrate on a particular issue or theme overtime building subject matter expertise in the process
- Developing and applying an intellectual thread across sectors provides the ability to transcend limitations of sector-based thinking
- Over their career tri-sector leaders strengthen their intellectual thread via formal education, professional training, or research at a not-for-profit organisation
- An intellectual thread increases one’s credibility and capacity to cross and seamlessly integrate across sectors
Building integrated networks
(Characteristics of tri-sector leader)
- Critical for any career, especially, a cross-sectorial one
- Integrated networks across sectors are used to convene project teams/think tanks to develop solutions for cross sectoral issues
Maintaining a prepared mind
(Characteristics of tri-sector leader)
- Preparing financially to be in a position to take up positions that are financial less lucrative, at least in the short-term
- Comfortable deviating from traditional career paths when opportunities arise to extend one’s skills and experience across sectors
- Rather that focusing on a specific job or career, focus on a set of skills, capabilities, values, experiences, and impact one wants to have as a ‘frame of reference’
Developing tri-sector leadership skills
Need to overcome systemic barriers across sectors
Necessary to take a life-cycle approach
At the beginning of career:
- Undertaking joint-degree programs (not purely technical ones)
- Undergoing training and mentoring programs that incorporate cross-sector concerns
- Undertaking fellowships
- Attending conferences where mentors (across sector) could be found
- Media training and establishing connections with media
Towards the end of career
- Mentoring budding tri-sector leaders
- Incorporating tri-sector leadership development and training as part of organisational succession planning
Employer-employee compact (white-collar)
(Evolution of the employer-employee compact)
- Stable
- Life-time employment and loyalty
- Predictable career trajectories
- Low employee turnover
- Rapid unpredictable change - volatile
- Employees encouraged to think as ‘free agents’ in charge of their own destiny and therefore, employability
- Winner take all mentality
- Lack of job security and performance-driven culture results in more adaptable and entrepreneurial employees
- However, the most adaptable and entrepreneurial talent constantly seek greener pastures elsewhere, making employee retention extremely difficult
Strategies to develop an employer-employee compact as allies
Establishing a ‘Tour of Duty’:
- Entering into fixed-term (e.g. 4 years) projects with employer/employee with provision for discussion at mid-point of tour
- Purpose of relationship is stipulated at the forefront and each part is aware of expected benefits and when relationship will be terminated
- Although transactional in design, relationship must be based on trust and investment from both parties
- If done well, can act as an employee retention tool – reaching agreement on another ‘tour’
Important to construct personalised, mutually beneficial tours to truly be effective as a strategy of employment (for the employee) and recruitment (for the employer)
Engaging beyond the employer’s boundaries
- Networking, especially with those those are different to one has been found to significantly increase an individual’s ability to be creative and innovative
- Networks should be established both within the confinements of one’s current employment as well as beyond
- Compact should allow employees time to develop networks on ‘company time’ – in exchange, employee’s must leverage the network established for employer’s benefit
- Networks should include all stakeholders linked to employer and/or employee’s profession
When considering employment investigate whether network intelligence is a top priority of potential employers
Employer’s can attract highly networked individuals if network intelligence is valued and therefore supported
Becoming a part of alumni networks
- The purpose of the new compact is not to deliver lifetime loyalty in reciprocation for lifetime employment
- It is to build ‘lifelong affiliation’ through a network of allies (i.e. employers) – Can lead to future employment opportunities
- Can lead to new business opportunities or collaborators, especially across sectors (i.e. government, not-for-profit)
- Great source to expand one’s network and therefore, access to diverse information
- One should not become part of alumni networks purely for personal gain - need to approach it as a reciprocal relationship where both parties would benefit, even if there is a time lag