Week 10 - FINAL Flashcards
Sternberg on creativity and intelligence
Sternberg defines a key aspect of wisdom as a balance between the need for change (creativity) with the need for stability (intelligence)
Essential Assessment Skills
Sorting Through and Making Sense of Data
Inference–The act of reasoning from knowledge or evidence
—> Inductive reasoning (bottom up,
From the details to conclusions)
—> Deductive reasoning (top down, From conclusions to the implications)
Good Writing
Specific Learning Disorder with impairment in mathematics
Impairment in:
Number sense
Memorization of arithmetic facts
Accurate or fluent calculation
Accurate math reasoning
”alternative term used to refer to a pattern of difficulties characterized by:
- problems processing numerical information
- learning arithmetic facts
- performing accurate or fluent calculations.”
General and Specific Factors in Learning Math
General factors
- g
- Language
- Verbal working memory
- Processing speed
- Phonological awareness
Specific factors
- Number sense (numerosity)
Number sense
- Approximate (estimation without language or symbols)
- Symbolic/exact numbers (representation of precise quantities)
Currently it seems that symbolic number sense is a better predictor of future math skill
Ex. aproximate: you give kid 4 grapes, do they know its 4 or think you have 3,000 grapes
Ex. Symbolic: you say you have 3,000 grapes. Can they pciture what that looks like?
Best cognitive predictors of future math skills
General cognitive skills
Mastery of the exact number system
(probably this requires an intact approximate number system
Processing Speed is a predictor of MD, RD, and ADHD (explaining a portion of the comorbidity)
Verbal ability predicts MD and RD
Verbal Working Memory is specifically predictive of MD
- but also is an important contributor to other academic and other outcomes
What does Processing Speed predict
MD, RD, and ADHD
Verbal Ability predits what
MD and RD
Verbal working memory specifically predictive of…
Normative Math Development Framework
Approximate number system in early infancy
Subitizing—ability to know a small set of objects without counting them
5 Implicit Principles of Counting - DON’T NEED
- One-to–one correspondence (itemizing, adds on to eachother)
- Stable order of counting names
- Cardinality (the last number is cardinal of the set)
- Abstraction (any thing can be counted)
- Order irrelevance (the same cardinal number is achieved regardless of order of counting)
Impairments in nuermosity effect….
Deficits in numerosity affect development of later counting and calculation skills
Brain Mechanisms for MD
A widely distributed neuronal network is involved in the development of math skills
Etiology of MD
Familial and heritable