Week 10 - Chromosomal Abnormalities Flashcards
What is the long arm of a sub-metacentric chromosone called?
q arm
short = p arm
What is a metacentric chromosone?
centromere is in the centre
p and q arms are of equal length
eg human chromosones 1 and 3
What is an acrocentric chromosone?
short p arm can be deleted without harm
eg chromosone 14, 21, Y
What are autosomes?
chromosones 1-22
Where is this gene located?
chromosone 11
short arm
main band 1
sub-band 5
sub-sub band 5
(bands are numbered according to increasing distance from centromere)
What is a karyotype?
a description of a chromosone set
eg 46, XX = normal female
What syndrome does this individual have?
47, XX, +21
female with Down Syndrome
What is the karyotype for an individual with Turner Syndrome?
45, X
What is cri du chat syndrome?
an individual with the karyotype
46, XY (or XX), del(5p)
deletion of the short arm of chromosone 5
name comes from the characteristic cry of affected infants
What are the two main types of aneuploidy?
aneuploidy - abnormal number of chromosones
trisomy - presence of an extra chromosone
monosomy - absence of a chromosone
(polyploidy - presence of extra set(s) of chromosones)
Normal = 46
consequence is too little/too much protein produced as a result of the extra genes
How do aneuploidies arise?
failure of sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division
can occur at meiosis I or meiosis II
What is a disomic gamete?
a gamate with two copies of a chromosone rather than one
if fertilised this gamate will give a trisomy individual
nullisomic gamate - no copies of a specific chromosone
What is Patau syndrome?
Trisomy 13
47, XY, +13
What are the consequences of males gaining an extra X chromosone?
karyotype - XXY
tall, infertile, possible poorly developed secondary sexual characteristics and slight reduction in IQ
Klinefelter syndrome
What is the number of inactive X chromosones in an individual with the karyotype XXX?
in female somatic cells only one randomly chosen X chromosone is active
regardless of number present only one X chromosone is active