Week 10 - Anesthesia Assessment Flashcards
Anesthesia Assessment includes:
- Past Medical History
- Lab results
- Physical Status
- Airway evaluation
- Medication reconciliation.
Pre-operative Evaluation goals:
- Reduce patient risk and morbidity associated with surgery and anesthesia.
- Prepare the patient medically and psychologically.
- Promote efficiency and cost-effectiveness
Association that requires that all patients receive a preoperative anesthetic evaluation.
The Joint Commission (TJC)
Contains the outline for minimum requirements for preoperative evaluation.
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) contains the:
ASA Basic Standards for Preanesthetic Care
Conducting a preoperative evaluation is on the premise that it will: (2)`
modify patient care and improve outcomes.
Good pre-op evaluation can (3):
- reduce cost of surgery.
- reduce cancellation rates.
- increase resources utilization.
Components required in a pre- op: (7)
- Review of the medical record.
- History and Physical (pertinent to the surgery).
- Appropriate diagnostic tests.
- Appropriate Pre-op consultations.
- Determine whether the patient’s condition can be improved prior to surgery.
- Answer all questions.
- Obtain informed consent.
Pre-operative Evaluation challenges (6):
- Patient’s having outpatient procedures come in day of surgery.
- Fast turn over between cases.
Limited time to:
- get to know the patient
- create relationship.
- engender trust
- answer questions
Healthy Patient Approach
Standardization of Best Practices- enhances the process. The preop evaluation can serve as:
The basis for formulating best anesthetic plan tailored to the patient.
Forms are Rated using 3 Categories:
Informational Content
Ease of Use
Ease of Reading
Emergency Procedure:
Optimal timing:
Life, limb, or organ-saving.
Optimal timing:
<6 hours.
- Ruptured aortic aneurysm.
- Major trauma to thorax or abdomen.
- Acute increase in intracranial pressure.
Urgent Procedure Classification-
Optimal timing:
Conditions threaten life, limb or organ
Optimal timing:
6-24 hours.
- Perforated bowel
- Compound fracture
- Eye injury
Time Sensitive Urgency Classification
Optimal timing:
Stable but requires intervention.
Optimal timing:
Days to weeks.
- Tendon (Ex. Ruptured Achilles Tendon)
- Nerve injuries.
- Cancer
Urgency of surgery must be weighed against the optimization of the patient.
Planned procedures: (Carotid) may require (2):
Neuro exam & cardiac workup/clearance.
Elective Procedure Classification-
Optimal timing:
Procedure planned at patient or surgeon convenience.
Optimal timing:
Up to 1 year.
All other procedures that can be planned in advance.
Positive and conflicting risk factors for PONV
positive risk factors:
- F emale
- O pioids postop
- G eneral anesthesia (v.s. regional).
- H istory of PONV or motion sickness.
- A ge (younger, <50)
- N onsmoker
- D uration of anesthesia
- S urgery Type: cholecystectomy, laparoscopic, and gynecologic.
- A nesthesia types: Volatile anesthetic and N2O
Conflicting risk factors:
- M enstrual cycle
- A SA status
- M uscle relaxant reversal
- A nesthesia provider’s experience.
Apfel PONV risk scores:
No risk factor = 10% chance of PONV
1 risk factor= 20% chance
2 R.F.= 40% chance
3 R.F.= 60% chance
4 R.F.= 80% chance
Ephedra usage and effects/interactions:
For weight loss.
- Tachycardia
- Hypertension
- Increased sympathomimetic effects with others (arrhythmia with digoxin and HTN with oxytocin) .
Feverfew usage and effects/interactions:
for migraines.
- PLT inhibitor
- Increased breathing risk
- Rebound H/A with cessation.
GBL; BD; & GHB usage and effects/interactions:
For body building/ weight loss. (illegal med)
- death
- seizures
- unconsciousness
Garlic usage and effects/interactions:
an antioxidant and lowers cholesterol.
- decreased PLT aggregation.
Ginger usage and effects/interactions:
- potent inhibitor of thromboxane synthetase.
Ginko usage and effects/interactions:
Blood thinner;
Increased bleeding in pts on anti-coags
Ginseng usage and effects/interactions:
(energy/ antioxidant);
Inhibits PLT aggregation
Goldenseal usage and effects/interactions:
Oxytocic= worsens edema & HTN.
Kavakava usage and effects/interactions:
potentiates sedatives and hepatotoxicity.
Licorice usage and effects/interactions:
Treatment of gastric ulcer.
St John’s Wort usage and effects/interactions:
Prolongs anesthetic effects.
Valerian usage and effects/interactions:
potentiates sedative effects of anesthesia
Vitamin E usage and effects/interactions:
(slows aging);
Increases bleeding in conjunction with anti-coagulants & anti-thrombin meds
Estimated Energy Requirements for Various Activities
- Daily self-care;
- eat; dress;
- walk indoors;
- walk a block or 2 on ground level 2-3mph
Estimated Energy Requirements for Various Activities
- Climb a flight of stairs or walk up a hill;
- walk on ground level 4mph;
- run a short distance;
- heavy work around the house;
- participate in moderate activities (golf, bowling, dancing, doubles tennis).
Estimated Energy Requirements for Various Activities
MET >10
Participate in strenuous sports like swimming; singles tennis; football; basketball or skiing
remains one of the MOST important predictors of Peri-op risk for non-cardiac surgery; also helps define the need for further testing.
Exercise tolerance
Excellent exercise tolerance (even in patients with stable angina) suggests that:
the myocardium can be stressed without failing
For trauma patients, it is best to intubate in what position?
Patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis or Down’s syndrome require a thorough _______ evaluation.
The presence of symptoms of cord compression may require ________exam.
What prompts cord compression?
X-ray exam;
Numbness in hand when lifting chin.