Week 10- Flashcards
The regression method summarizes the relationship between two variables. It is used to estimate the average of one variable for a particular value (or range of values) of the other variable, while noting that individual values will vary around this average.
Variable we wish to learn about. Also called the outcome or dependent variable.
Notation: y
Explanatory variable:
Variable that is thought to explain the changes we see in the response variable. Also called the independent variable.
(Properties of correlation coefficient )
Value doesn’t depend onwhich variable is the
response variable orwhich is the explanatory
IfIswitchXandY, then correlation(r) doesn’t change.
(Properties of correlation coefficient )
Value doesn’t depend onunits ofmeasurement
IfImeasure ininches insteadof centimeters,then correlation (r)doesn’t change.
– Ifthey areon the samepatternasthe restofthe data,they willtypicallystrengthen the correlation.
– Ifthey areoffthe patternofthe restofthe data,they willtypicallyweaken the correlation.
Verticaldistancebetween the regressionlineandaparticulardatapoint.