WEEK 1 - what is counselling Flashcards
What shapes our understanding/definitions of counseling
*Experience of counselling
*Ideas from our social network
*Pop-culture – novels, TV, Movies
*Relationship with a counsellor
*How counselling is talked about at school/workplace
*Formal Study
Why is reflective practice necessary?
-Essential for responsible and ethical practice – invites us to take responsibility for our actions and values
-Enables us as practitioners to learn from experience – to
question our stories
-Provides strategies to bring things out in the open & frame questions never asked before
-Challenges assumptions, social and cultural biases, inequalities & questions our own behaviours which may silence or marginalize voices of others.
-Builds confidence in our practice
-Prevents stagnation – antidote to complacency, habit and blindness
-Helps us to link theory to practice
What is critical relfection?
Critical reflection is a process that involves the ‘unsettling’ of
assumptions held individually, socially, professionally, theoretically and politically that influence our lives
Why is the inductive learning cycle significant
*Centers you (the participant) rather than the facilitator
*Enables us to constantly grow our practice through building
on and/or changing our behaviour as a result of an experience or input
*Research has shown that people learn best by “doing.”
*while “ideas are formed in the minds of individuals,
interaction between individuals typically plays a critical role
in developing these ideas … ‘communities of interaction’
contribute to the amplification and development of new
knowledge” Nonaka (1994)
*Overcoming this tendency to simply agree and go along
can increase the team’s access to multiple viewpoints .., a
process that stimulates critical thinking and deep learning
(Kayes, 2001).