Week 1 Textbook Reading pt 2 Flashcards
small membrane-enclosed units filled with a concentrated aqueous solution of chemicals and provided with the ability to make copies of themselves by growing and dividing in two
Diverse in their chemical requirements
Some cells are so specialized that they stop reproducing
In all organisms, genetic info, genes, are carried in DNA molecules
In every cell, long polymer chains of DNA are made from the same set of 4 monomers, called nucleotides, attached together in different sequences
The info encoded in these DNA molecules is read out, or transcribed into a related set of polynucleotides called RNA
Although some of these RNA molecules have their own regulatory, structural or chemical activities, most are translated into a different type of polymer called protein
central dogma
This flow of info(from DNA to RNA to protein) is so important to life that it’s called the central dogma
parts of the central dogma and how they make self-replication possible
DNA encodes info that directs the assembly of proteins: the sequence of nucleotides in a molecule of DNA controls (“dictates”) the sequence of amino acids in a protein
Proteins catalyze the replication of DNA and its transcription into RNA, and they participate in the translation of RNA into proteins
This feedback loops between proteins and polynucleotides supports the self-reproducing behaviour of living things
how is life an autocatalytic process
self-sustaining process where 2 or more ecological processes form a closed cycle, where each process makes the other one easier
DNA and RNA provide the sequence information(green arrows) that’s used to produce proteins and to copy themselves
Proteins, provide the catalytic activity (red arrows) needed to synthesize DNA, RNA, and themselves
Black arrows represent the biochemical processes by which new DNA, RNA, and proteins are manufactured in cells
All together, these feedback loops create the self-replicating systems that provides living cells with their ability to reproduce
what makes viruses different than living cells
Only living cells can perform self replication
Viruses don’t have the ability to reproduce on their own
Instead, they parasitize the reproductive machinery of the cells they invade to make copies of themselves
Without a host cell to help them, viruses are inert and are considered not living
These are sometimes harmful… once viruses gain entry, they can exert a malign influence over a cell or an organism, as shown by the coronavirus responsible for the covid-19 pandemic
how do mutations arise
When a cell copies its DNA in prep for cell division, the copying is not always perfect
Sometimes, the instructions aren’t read correctly or become damaged by mutations that change the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA
For this reason, daughter cells are not exact copies of their parent
Mutations can make offspring that make them worse off (less able to survive and reproduce), better off (better able to survive and reproduce) or changed in a neutral way (genetically different but equally viable)
how is the pattern of heredity complicated for many organisms
For many organisms, the pattern of heredity is complicated by sexual reproduction, in which 2 cells of the same species fuse, combining their DNA
In the process, the genes from each parent are combined and then passed on in new combos to the next gen, to be tested again for their ability to promote survival and reproduction
eukaryote vs prokaryote
e- with nucleus
p-w/o nucleus
Why does the bacterium E.coli serve as an important model organism?
Rod-shaped (bacillus) Gram-negative bacterium that is frequently used as a model organism
Factors such as its ability to grow fast using cheap media and availability of molecular tools to perform genetic manipulations are favorable for using E. coli as a model organism in molecular genetics
How does bacteria play a unique and fundamental part in the nutritional “economic” of life on Earth?
Some bacteria perform photosynthesis, using energy from sunlight to produce organic molecules from CO2, other derive energy from the chemical reactivity of inorganic substances in the environment
Use energy from the sun to produce organic molecules and take energy from the chemical reactivity of inorganic substances in the environment
Other living organisms depend on the organic compounds that these cells produce from inorganic molecules
How is bacteria harmful?
In the middle ages, bacteria that caused the bubonic plague wiped out half the pop of Europe
Today, different bacteria cause a variety of human diseases from cholera and whooping cough to tuberculosis
How is bacteria beneficial?
Bacteria that reside on our skin and in our gut promote a healthy immune response
Organelles that generate energy in eukaryotic cells are thought to have evolved from aerobic bacteria that used to reside inside anaerobic ancestral cells
Our own metabolism can be seen as a product of the activity of an organelle whose evolutionary birthright we can trace to a bacteria cell
Why is archaea the most poorly understood domain?
Most of its members have been identified only by DNA sequencing of environmental samples
The only ones we know about are small and lack the internal, membrane-enclosed organelles that distinguish the eukaryotes
Discovered that their genomes are more closely related to those of eukaryotes
How do bacteria and archaea store their genetic info differently from eukaryotes?
They store their genetic info in the form of DNA; however these cells do not keep their DNA tightly packed inside a nuclear envelope, separated from the rest of the cell contents
Mitochondria generate usable energy from food molecules
Mitochondria are present in all eukaryotic cells and are present in the cytoplasm
Individuals are found enclosed in 2 separate membranes, with the inner membrane formed into folds that project into the interior of the organelle
how are mitochondria generators of chemical energy for the cell
Generators of chemical energy for the cell
Harness the energy from the oxidation of food molecules, such as sugars to produce adenosine triphosphate(ATP)- the basic chemical fuel that powers most of the cell’s activities
what would happen to eukaryotes and plants without mitochondria?
Because the mitochondrion consumes oxygen and releases CO2 in the process, the entire process is called cellular respiration
Without mitochondria, eukaryotes and plants would be unable to use oxygen to extract the energy they need from the food molecules that nourish them
How does the resemblance of mitochondria to bacteria provide evidence that mitochondria evolved from an aerobic bacterium that was engulfed by an anaerobic ancestor of present day eukaryotic cells?
Mitochondria contain their own DNA and reproduce by dividing
Their strong resemblance (both in appearance and in DNA sequence) to modern day bacteria provides evidence
This engulfing event created a symbiotic relationship that provided both partner cells with metabolic support, allowing them to survive and reproduce
why are mitochondria believed to have evolved from engulfed bacteria
The surface protrusions of an ancient archaea expanded and surrounded an aerobic bacterium → symbiotic relationship
Protrusions fused with one another, trapping the bacterium as an endosymbiont within the body of the archaeon where it remained enclosed by an internal membrane by the archaea membrane
At some point, the symbiont escaped and entered cell’s cytoplasm, where it evolved into a mitochondria containing DNA and its membranes derived from the engulfed bacterium
The archaeal plasma membrane that folded inward during protrusion, expansion and fusion is proposed to have formed both the nuclear envelope and the internal membrane-enclosed organelles, such as ER
Structure and function of the inner membrane of mitochondria?
Inner membrane contains most of the proteins responsible for energy production in eukaryotic cells
Highly folded to provide a large surface area for this activity
chloroplasts capture energy from sunlight
Chloroplasts are large, green organelles that are found in the cells of plants and algae, but not in the cells of animals or fungi and capture the energy of sunlight
Possess internal stacks of membranes containing the green pigment chlorophyll
Carry out photosynthesis→ trapping the energy of sunlight in their chlorophyll molecules and using this energy to drive the production of energy-rich sugar molecules
Release oxygen as molecular by-product
Plant cells can extract this stored chemical energy when they need it like animal cells → by oxidizing these sugars and their breakdown products, mainly i the mitochondria