Week 1 Terms of MSK structure Flashcards
Explain Lateral/Medial
Explain Posterior/Anterior
Explain Cephalad/Caudad
Explain Proximal/Distal
Explain Varus/Valgus
Explain Flexion/Extension
Explain Adduction/Abduction
Explain Medial/Lateral rotation
Explain Protraction/Retraction
Explain Supination/Pronation of the elbow and foot
Explain Inversion/Eversion
Explain Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion
Explain the difference between a Strain/Sprain/Haemotoma
What are the 3 primary functions of a ligament
Describe how a muscle functions as a power generator in terms of it’s structure and how it works to provide stability
Describe the 3 stages of the healing process
What’s the function of a tendon
What type of tendon injuries are there?
What is tendon stiffness?
How does a tendon differ from muscle?
What is Fascia and describe it’s function
What types of cartilage are there and what function does it have
Is sport associated with cartilage injury/osteoarthritis?
What is the proprioceptor for tendons and ligaments?
Explain the severity of ligament injuries in terms of grade and the approximate healing time
Explain the severity of muscle injuries in terms of grade and the approximate healing time
Give 2 types of muscle injury examples
Explain an intramuscular haematoma and how to heal it (in usual cases)
Give maybe 3 examples of muscles that provide stability
Explain what may happen during an injury in terms of stability and proprioception? How might we approach rehab in these cases
Why may tendons be susceptible to injuries
What physical characteristics might we want for tendons? What are the advantages of it in performance settings?
What happens when the fascia is under excessive or prolonged overloaded? How do we strengthen it?
What are the 3 types of cartilage?
Is sport associated to Osteoarthritis? Why or why not?
What are the change characteristics of Osteoarthritis?
What changes does running impose on the knee cartilage?
What is a skeleton composed of and what is it’s function?
What are the properties of nerves?
What are the 4 types of nervous pain?