week 1 physiology 2 Flashcards
what is needed in order to see an object?
1- the pattern of the object must fall on the vision receptors (rods and cones in the retina) accommodation
2- the amount of light entering the eye must be regulated (too much light will “bleach out” the signals)
3- the energy from the waves of photons must be transduced into electrical signals
4- The brain must receive and interpret the signals
what is meant by the direct/vertical for signal transmission?
photoreceptors →bipolar cell →ganglion cells →ganglion cell axons forgetting to forebrain →optic nerve/CN II
what is meant by the lateral connections influencing the single processing?
- Horizontal cells, Receive input from photoreceptors and project to other photoreceptors and bipolar cells
- Amacrine cells, Receive input from bipolar cells and project to ganglion cells, bipolar cells, and other amacrine cells
what is the act of converting electromagnetic radiation to neural signals called?
what are the 4 main regions of photoreceptors?
Outer segment (membranous disks containing phtopigment)
Inner segment
Cell body (middle of inner segment)
Synaptic terminal
what are the different types of photoreceptor?
rods and cones
what is the basis of phtotransduction?
- Photoreceptors have a depolarized rmp (Vm) [Compared to other neurons, resting Vm is more positive (~ -20mV)]
2) With light exposure, Vm hyperpolarizes!
what is the dark current
the residual electric current flowing in a photoelectric device when there is no incident illumination.
when is the dark current open/closed?
open when dark and closed when light
what channel controls the dark current?
A cGMP-gated Na+ channel that is open in the dark and closes in the light
what allows the brain to perceive objects in the visual field
This change in Na+ with light (due to cGMP-gated Na+ channel ) - in light there is reduced permeability of NA+ meaning that the membrane potential drifts to the K+
name the visual pigment molecule found in rods? what is it made up of?
Retinal (Vitamin A derivative) + Opsin (G- protein coupled receptor)
how do the rods work/what is the basis of Phototransduction?
Light converts 11-cis-Retinal to all-trans-Retinal (activated form)→opsin becomes activated→G=protein (tranducing)→molecular cascade→activated G-protein→activated cGMP PDE→PDE hydrolyses cGMP→reduces cGMP concentration→leads to closure of cGMP-gated Na+ channel→Lowered Na entry results in hyperpolarization
THE Modulation of the Dark Current is the basis of Phototransduction!!!
- Open in the dark
- Closes in response to light
- Nucleotide-gated channel (opened by cGMP)
- Permeable to Na+
- Keeps photoreceptor Vm more positive than most neurons meaning steady release of neurotransmitter
More glutamate in the dark/Less glutamate in the light
what facilitates high acuity?
- photoreceptor spacing
- refractive power
what can rods do well, what can cones do well?
Rods – seeing in dim light
Cones – seeing in normal daylight
how are rods and cones different structurally?
More convergence in rod system, increasing sensitivity while decreasing acuity (one large ganglion for many rods vs small ganglion for a few cones)
how can we see colour?
Different opsins for discrete wavelengths
red, green, blue= long wave to short wave
compare the two types of photoreceptors
rods = achromatic, peripheral retina, high convergence, high light sensitivity, low visual acuity
cones=chromatic, central reina/fovea, low convergence, low light sensitivity, high visual acuity
hw does the retina process things?
CONTRAST - Our visual system detects (+enhances) local differences in light intensity, not the absolute amounts of light.
why is vital field representation on the retina needed?
because image arrives at brain a Left/RightTop/Down Inverted representation
what part of vision cross over at optic chiasma
nasal hemiretina
what is the visual field mapped by?
the retina, LGN (lateral geniculate nucleus), superior colliculus, & cortex
as image is swapped over where is the right visual field, the superior visual field processed
left cortex, lower cortex
In the primary visual cortex, where are the eye specific inputs are segregated. when does it being to merge?
in layer 4
information starts to merge after layer 4C
what is Amblyopia
cortical blindness, is a term that refers to a variety of visual disorders when there is no problem with the eye (the optics and retina are fine), but one eye has better vision than the other.
what causes Amblyopia
can be caused by strabismus (wandering eye) if it is not corrected in infancy - must intervene to prevent. can be corrected surgically but not until baby is old enough
why to treat Amblyopia
patch over one eye and swap between eyes - This helps the brain develop properly to process signals coming from both eyes.
what is Hebb’s postulate?
When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased (strong eye becomes relied upon more than weak one)
Cells that fire together, wire together - strengthens synaptic connections.
what can happen to the Terminal Arborizations of LGN Axons in Monocular Deprivation
Axons Can Change Rapidly.
reduced number of branches in the deprived eye