WEEK 1 (Modern Scientists) Flashcards
Born on February 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543 at Torun, Poland
Nicolaus Copernicus
Adapted the scientific theory of heliocentrism
Nicolaus Copernicus
Dec. 14, 1546 to Oct. 24, 1601 — Knudstorp, Denmark
Tycho Brahe
Idea of stellar parallax
Tycho Brahe
Most accurate naked-eye astronomical observation in history
Tycho Brahe
Dec. 27, 1571 to Nov. 15, 1630 – Weil Der Stadt, Germany
Johannes Kepler
Three basic laws of planetary motion
Johannes Kepler
Feb. 15, 1564 to Jan. 8 1642 – Pisa, Italy
Galileo Galilei
First description of moving objects
Galileo Galilei
First to use telescope in astronomy
Galileo Galilei
Jan. 4 1643 to March 31, 1737 – Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England
Sir Isaac Newton
Conceptualized force of gravity
Sir Isaac Newton