Week 1 lecture 2 Flashcards
toxins that inhibit glycine
- receptor inhibitors: strychnine and Calycanthus spp. (ie Carolina allspice, strawberry shrub, and bubby bush)
- Receptor inhibitors (gelsemium spp. ie yellow jessamine)
- Release inhibitors (tetanus toxins)
glycine fx
- interneuron releases glycine which turns off initial neuron firing ot end muscle stimulation
- spinal nerve stim muscle cell and renshaw cell -> stem glycine and turn off muscle cell)
what happens if inhibit glycine fx
spastic paralysis
clinical signs direct glycine inhibitors
- onset 10-120 min (may find in stomach)
- anxiety, hyper responsive, tremors -> seizures
- death from resp failure 10 min -48hrs
seizures associated with glycine inhib
- begin with face neck and limbs -> sardonic grin
- saw horse stance
tx glycine inhibitors
- stablize
- enterogastric lavage/ rumenotomy (anesthesia)
- barbiturates and propofol for seizure control
- supportive care, thiamin
contraindicated for tx glycine inhibitors
- ketamine
- morphine
- emetics
strychnine does what, onset, found where, affects who
- glycine receptor inhibitor
- found in rodent baits
- duration signs hrs to days, death < 30 min
- can affect any species
strychnine ADME
A- SI, rapid
D- rapid (high conc liver and kidney)
M- hepatic
E- about 48hrs
dx strychnine toxicosis
- chem analysis bait, stomach content, liver, kidney, urine
- poor prognosis
Tetanus toxin does what, onset, get how
- glycine release inhibitor
- slower onset
- clostridial wound contamination
tetanus toxin affects who
can affect any species but horses most sensitive
strychnine duration of signs
- onset min to hrs, often find in stomach bc onset so fast
Clostridium tetani exotoxins
- tetanolysin (spreading factor, makes place for bacteria to live)
- tetanospasmin (causes neurologic changes)
tetanus clinical signs
- start at puncture spread from there
- slower onset than strychnine
- sustained titanic contractions (saw horse stance, rises sardonic, pump handle tail, lockjaw horse/ human, elevated nictitating membrane)
- death from resp failure
tx tetanus
- keep animal quiet
- wound care
- antitoxin close to puncture
- teteanus toxoid at diff site than antitoxin
- muscle relaxant
tetanus prognosis horse
- horse poor prognosis (54-80% mortality)
canine tetanus prognosis
- 8-50% mortality
tetanus prevention
- sanitation/ wound care
- vac horses
GABA inhibitors include
- metaldehyde
- Penitrem (mycotoxin)
- fipronil
- methylxanthine (at high dose)
- cyclone explosives
- Amanita muscaria
- cicuta maculata
- corydalis spp.
- Dicentra spp.
gaba fx
- inhibit neurotransmitter that prevents spasm
gaba inhibitirion -> ?
- spastic paralysis
- prevents similarly to glycine inhibitors