Week 1 History of Epidemiology Flashcards
What year was it thought that epidemiology emergency
Before 500 ce
What contribution did Hippocrates 460 - 370 BC make?
Suggested environmental factors such as water and air were implicated in disease
When was the bubonic plaque and how many europeans did it kill?
1346 - 1352
1/3 of the european population = 20 - 30 million
What contribution did Paracelsus 1493 - 1541 make?
Founder of toxicology
Examined toxic effects of chemicals in the environment and work
Described a dose-response effect
What contribution did John Graunt 1662 make?
Founder of vital statistics
Employed quantitative methods to describe population vital statistics by organised a mortality and morbidity table
What contribution did Bernadino Ramazzinni 1700 make?
Founder of occupational medicine
Described occupational diseases and highlighted risk of hazardous materials
What contribution did Sir Percival Pott 1775 make?
A London surgeon that described environmental causes of cancer.
Observed higher rates of scrotal cancer in chimney sweepers and suggested bathing weekly as an intervention.
What contribution did Edward Jenner 1796 make?
An English physician observed those exposed to cowpox were immune to smallpox
Developed the smallpox vaccine
What contribution did William Farr 1807 - 1883 make?
Assumed the post of Compiler of Abstracts and developed more sophisticated systems for codifying medical conditions.
used census reports to study occupational mortality in England.
What contribution did John Snow 1813 - 1858 make?
English anaesthesiologist considered to be the father of epidemiology.
Described how cholera was transmitted by water and suggested interventions to reduce spread
What contribution did Robert Kock 1843 - 1910 make?
A German physician verified human disease was caused by specific living organisms. Identified the causes of tuberculosis was Mycobacterium tuberculosis
What was the Spanish flu and how many people did it kill?
1918 - 1919
50 to 100 million people globally
What contribution did Alexander Flemming 1881 - 1955 make?
Discovery of penicillin and development of it as an antibiotic
What was it discovered that smoking causes disease?
What did the Framingham study 1948 look at?
Gathered information about aspect of health such as the aetiology of coronary heart disease
What year was Smallpox declared erradicated?
From the 1980, what have the emerging infectious disease been?
HIV, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Chikungunya, avian flu, swine flu, SARS-COV-2 (COVID19)