Week 1 Health care delivery, interprofessional team, ethical responsibilities, legal responsibilities Flashcards
Components of Health Care Systems
Participants- Licensed providers (RN, LPN, MD, APN, pharm, dentists, dietitians, RT OT PT)
-unlicensed providers AP
Regulatory Agencies Examples
- Food and Drug Administration
- U.S. Department of Human Services
- The Joint Commission to set quality standards for accreditation of health care facilities
Healthcare Finance Mechanisms: Medicare vs Medicaid
Medicare- is for clients 65 and older and for people with disabilities
Medicaid- to aid low-income clients
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
-increased healthcare access for all
-decreased healthcare costs
-provide an opportunity for uninsured people to become insured at affordable costs
-all about increasing access to health insurance-
State Children’s Health Insurance Program CHIP
-covers uninsured children up to age 19 for low income families
Healthcare finance mechanisms Private Plans
Managed care organization MCO - primary care providers oversee comprehensive care for enrolled clients, focus on prevention/health promotion
Preferred Provider organizations PPO clients can choose from a list of contracted providers and hospitals. Using non-contracted providers increases costs.
Exclusive Provider Organizations EPO- clients choose from a list of providers/hospitals contracted with no out-of-network coverage
Long-term Care Insurance: supplemental long-term costs that Medicare wont cover
Levels of Healthcare:
Preventive health care
preventative- focus on education/equipment to reduce/control risk factors of a disease
-immunizations, stress management, occupational health, seat belt use
Level of healthcare
Primary Health care
-health promotion, includes prenatal and well-baby care, family planning, nutrition counseling, and disease control
-the sustained relationship between provider-patient
- office/clinic visits, community health centers, school or work screenings (hearing, vision, obesity)
Level of health care
-is a diagnosis of acute illness and injury
-emergency department, hospital settings, diagnostic centers, and urgent and emergent care centers
Level of Healthcare
-acute care, involves specialized and highly technical care
- ICU, oncology centers, burn centers
Lvls of Healthcare
Restorative Health care vs
continuing health care
Restorative-intermediate follow-up care to restore health and promote self-care
-Home health care, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities
Continuing - addresses long-term or chronic health needs
-end-of-life, hospice, palliative care, adult day care, assisted living, and in-home respite care
Relationship between health care systems and levels of care
People: licensed and unlicensed to meet client needs
Regulatory agencies *- ensure the quality and quantity of health care and protection of health care consumers
Health care finances- influences quality and parametes
- Safety: minimal risk factors that can cause harm to a client while promoting quality care (clients, staff, and self)
- Patient-Centered Care: compassionate, culture-sensitive, meeting physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual needs
- Informatics: the use of information technology as a communication and information-gathering tool
- Evidence-Based Care: using current knowledge from research and credible sources for client care
- Quality Improvement: improve health care services by developing and implementing plans
- Teamwork and Collaboration: the delivery of client care with interprofessional members of the health care team
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses 6
- Teamwork/Collaboration
- Safety
- Informatics
- Patient-Centered Care
- Evidence-based practice
- Quality improvement
Interprofessional personnel (condensed)
Spiritual support staff
Registered dietitians-plan assess educate on nutrition
* LAB Technician: Obtains specimen of body fluids and performs diagnostic tests
PT: asses plan to better musculoskeltal function
OT: ADLs motor skills
Providers-asses dx, tx (MDs, Dox, advanced ( varies by state- practice nurses APNs and physicians assistants PA))
Radiologic technologists
social worker* coordinates inpatient and community resources for psychosocial and environmental needs
RNs Roles and Responsibilites
depend on state
-initial assessments, establish nursing Dx, goals, interventions, ongoing client evaluations
-develop interprofessional plans for client care
- shares needed info to team members, referrals for client assistance, health education, and identify community resources
LPN role/responsibilites
work under RN
- work within the nursing process, assist with plan of care, consult with team members, recognize the need for referrals
-deliver nursing care using nursing process
Assistive personal
assistant and technicians
feedings, prep of nutritional supplements, lifting, basic care, measure and record vital signs, and ambulate clients
Advanced practice nurse
clinical nurse specialist- clinical field
nurse practitioner - works with providers in nonemergency primary health care
certified registered nurse anesthetist CRNA
certified nurse midwife- deliver care to newborns
nurse educator
nurse administrator-leadership in facilities
nurse researcher
basic principles of ethics
Advocacy-defend clients health, wellness, safety, wishes, and rights
Responsibilities- respect obligations
Accountability-answer for ones actions
Confidentiality -protect privacy
Ethical Principles for client care**
Autonomy- right to one’s own decision’s
Beneficence- good of others, no self interest
Fidelity fulfill role
Justice- fairness of care/resources
Nonmaleficence- do no harm
Federal Laws**
HIPAA health insurance portability and accountability act - protect patient health info, always get patient consent
Americans with Disabilities Act
Mental Health Parity Act
Patient Self-Determination Act PSDA*
Federal law PSDA: patient self-determination act
- inform patients of their rights regarding medical care
- indicate the patients med rec whether or not they have an advanced directive
- no discrimination towards ind w/ advanced directives
- ensure compliance to advance directives
- educate staff/community on advanced directives
Criminal vs Cival law
criminal law-public law relates to the relationship between an individual and the gov’t
civil-protect ind rights, tort law
*unintentional torts 2
Negligence-fails to implement safety measures, ex client at risk of falls
Malpractice- ex dosage calc error resulting in death
Quasi Intentional torts 2
defamation of character- gossiping, bad mouthing
breach of confidentiality- releasing medical records
Intentional torts
Assault - psychological, anything that makes another fearful and apprehensive, a threat
Battery is physical contact that is wrongfully resulting in injury or offensive contact
False imprisonment- confining or restraining against ones will
State laws
boards of nursing can issue and revoke the license
boards set standards for the scope of practice of nurses
good samaritan law protects workers from liability at scene of emergency
differs within states
about half adopted licensure compact allowing nurses to have a multistate license
Professional Negligence
fails to act using average judgment, intellect and skill a person with the same training would have
failure to
- follow standards of care
- use equipment responsibly
-communicate effectively with clients
-notify the provider of client condition
-complete a prescribed procedure
Student negligence
don’t preform tasks you cannot do without supervision
liability will fall on instructor, facility, school and student
avoid negligence
follow standards of care
competent care
develop a care rapport with clients
Nsg roles in client rights
ensure client understands their rights, protect their rights
- the client has the right to
- understand the care and be active in the decisions
- accept, refuse ask for modifications
-receive competent care
Informed Consent responsibilities: Provider
-obtain the consent
-explain the purpose of the procedure
-explain procedure
-explains who will be involved
-explain potential harm, pain, and discomfort
-offer other Tx options
- offer the option to refuse and what consequences go with it
Client informed consent role
-gives the consent
-is competent/legal age or an emancipated minor. If the client is not able to do so they will have somebody appointed
-no coercion, must be voluntary
- receives enough info to make decision
Nurse in informed consent
-Is a witness
-ensures the provider gave all needed info
-ensure the client understood/is competent
- have the client sign the consent form
-notify the provider if the client has more questions/appears confused
-document questions the client has, notify the provider, reinforce teaching and use of an interpreter.
PSDA and refusal
-staff will let pt know of refusing care
-if they refuse tx, the client must sign a document indicating they know the risk of refusing Tx and if they choose to refuse
-if a client leaves against medical advice, the nurse notifies the provider to talk about the client’s risks to expect
-the nurse will ask the client to sign an against medical advice form and document the incident
Impaired coworker
criminal charges can apply to substance abuse
- report suspected impaired coworkers to manager
Advanced directives
-communicate pt wishes at end-of-life care if they are unable to do so
-psda asks al clients on admission to a facility if they have an advanced directives
advanced directives if the pt does not have one
-nurse lets the client know their pt rights and how to make an advanced directive
-a health care representative should be able to help with this process.
Advanced Directives Ex
A living Will- document that expresses Pt wishes regarding med tx, if they are facing end-of-life
Durable power of attorney-pt proxy to make health care decisions
DNR order, (the provider consults the family prior to a DNR)
Nsg role in advanced directives
provide written info on advanced directives
- document the client’s advanced directives status
ensure that the advanced directives reflect the client’s current decisions
-inform staff members of clients advanced directives
Legal obligations of mandatory reporting*
-Communicable diseases
-hepatitis, HIV, Chicken pox, Lyme diseases MMR, pertussis, rabies, shingles, and STI