Week 1 - H - CSF/Aqueous humour production&circulation (physiology 1) Flashcards
What is the clear colourless liquid most composed of water in the brain?
This is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
What produces CSF?
The secretory epithelium of the choroid plexus produces CSF
Once CSF is produced by the choroid plexus, what is its circulation?
Produced in choroid plexus which exists in each of the brains ventricles It then circulates in the subarachnoid space before being absorbed into venous circulation
What are the three main functions of CSF? (mechanical, homeostatic, circulatory - explain them)
Mechanical protection: shock-absorbing medium that protects brain tissue. Brain “floats” inside the cranial cavity
Homeostatic function: pH of CSF affects pulmonary ventilation and cerebral blood flow. Transports hormones.
Circulation: medium for minor exchange of nutrients and waste products between blood and brain tissue
How is clinical CSF analysis obtained?
Obtained via lumbar puncture as CSF exists in the sub arachnoid space surrounding the spinal cord
At three weeks of embryology, what is the first well defined nerual structure to form?
The neural tube
What does the neural tube give rise to?
The anteriro part gives rise to the brain and its ventricles
The posterior (caudal) part gives rise to the spinal cord
What forms the choroid plexus cells?
Cells in the walls of the ventricles
In development of the choroid plexus, arteries invaginate into the pia matter and ependyma giving rise to what?
This gives rise to the chorid fissure
The involuted ependymal cells along with the vessels enlarge into villi and form the choroid plexus, responsible for CSF production WHat are the 4 ventircles of the adult braiin in which the chorid plexus is formed? What do the ependymal cells line?
2 lateral ventricles, and the third and fourth ventricle
Ependymal cells line the CSF filled ventircles
The choroid plexus scerete CSF through the capillaries in the walls of the ventircles and through the ependymal lining of the ventricles into the ventricle itself The production of CSF in the choroid plexuses is an active secretory process, and not directly dependent on the arterial blood pressure. What does the secretion of fluid depend on?
The secretion of fluid by the choroid plexus depends on the active Na+-transport across the cells into the CSF.
What connects each of the ventricles?
The lateral ventricles are connected to the thrid ventricle by the interventricular foramen
The third ventricle is connected to the fourth by the cerebral aqueduct
What is another name for the interventricular foramen?
The foramen of Monroe
The cerebral aqueduct (sylvian aqueduct) connects the 3rd and 4th ventricle What nucleus lies inferior to the cerebral aqueduct?
The trochlear nerve nucleus
Found in the midbrain
The trochlear nucleus and which other cranial nerve nucleus is found in the midbrain of the brainstem?
The oculomotor nucleus