Week 1 - GLM Flashcards
3 things modelling consist of
X variables
Relationship among X variables (correlation)
Relationship among X and Y variables
Regression Model
X variables are jointly and simultaneously related to Y
Are a linear weighted composite (Sum of X’s, weighted by what b is)
Assumption linearity (Straight relationship NOT Curvilinear - learn this later)
Predicted score and residual uncorrelated (Systematic and error are not correlated)
Relationship between X and Y not additive
Basis of GLM
Model + error = data
Error (Residual)
Part score leftover after systematic variation in X variable accounted for
Baseline to test the strength of X and Y variables in significance testing
Want error as small as possible (Should be if model is correctly specified)
- Should then only contain random/measurement error (Only happen if all systematic variation in Y is accounted for)
Not linearly related to the X’s
- uncorrelated to X’s and not accounted for by the model
Additivity GLM
Utilised in hierarchical modelling
GLM in Regression
Model = Systematic relation among X’s
Error = random, uncorrelated individual difference
Important to consider in GLM regression
Specification of model
Mis-specification lead to less reliability and questioning whether the model is truly systematic
Importance of theory to highlight important factors
What are the 4 stages of Box and Jenkins Linear Modelling
1) Model specification
2) Parameter estimation
3) Modelling Checking and fit assessment
4) Prediction
1) Model Specification
Choose and specify constructs to be included in the model
Specification error the most serious you can make
- Leav out important variables or include varaibles that are irrelevant
- Every other error can be fixed but this one
2) Parameter estimation
Deriving the F, R, b-weights
3) Model Checking/ fit assessment
Rarely performed in social science
Look at the r2 (How much variacne accounted for by the model)
4) Prediction
Never done in social science
Seek to predict new data with existing parameters
Does observed Y fit in with model of predictors and predicted relationship
Use data to test our prediction
Incorrectly specified model
May contain systematic effect of a variable that has been left out of the model
Consequences of incorrectly specified model
Inflate error
Inflate b-weights (Make there look like there is a bigger effect when in reality there is not)
How to increase statistical control
Adding control predictors into the model to take their systematic variance out of the error term
- Variance that the control variable share with Y is partialed out (Other variables can exert a unique effect on the variance on Y whilst controlling for these nuisance variables)
What are the three types of Multiple regression?
1) Simultaneous (Entry of all factors at once) (Forced entry)
2) Hierarchical (Uses additive properties of GLM to assess predicted X’s over several regressions)
3) Stepwise Regression (Used for data mining and marketing to come up with best predictors for a given sample)
- Use statistical rules and not theory
- Consecutively remove items from the model to lower the r2 to a predetermined amount
What is b-weight?
Partial slope
Effect of That particular X on the outcome adjusting for every other X in the model
What happens when predictors highly correlated?
Can partial each other out
Model Comparison in Hierarchical
Compare models to explain Y
New predictor must account for part of Y not explained for by previous predictors in the nested model
Each new regression start with residualised Y outcome from the previous block
R2 become change in R2 across models (blocks)