Week 1 Genetics Flashcards
What is the cause of abnormalities in chromosome number?
What is nondisjunction?
Error in cell division where improper segregation leads to abnormal chromosome number
When does nondisjunction typically occur?
It can occur in any cell division:
- Meiosis I
- Meiosis II
- Mitosis
Maternal age effect is associated with nondisjunction in what phase of cell division?
meiosis I
Mosaicism is associated with nondisjunction in what phase of cell division?
What is the word for normal chromosome number?
Haploid (23 for gametes)
Diploid (46 for somites)
What is the word for chromosome numbers that are NOT multiples of 23?
Monosomy (if 45)
Trisomy (if 47)
What is the word for entire extra sets of chromosomes?
Triploidy (1 extra set)
Tetraploidy (2 extra sets)
What is the cause of triploidy?
Dispermy (fertilization by 2 sperm)
What is the cause of tetraploidy?
failure of cell division
Are polyploids viable?
NO, common at conception and common cause of spontaneous abortion
True or false, all monosomies of autosomes are lethal.
True or false, all trisomies of autosomes are lethal.
List the clinically signficiant, viable trisomies.
True or false, aneuploidy is common in gametes but rarely present in live births.
True, it is only present in around 3% of births, because aneuploid offspring are typically lost very early (before the 1st trimester)
What is the leading cause of spontaneous abortion?
chromosome abnomalities (50% of miscarriages, 90% of losses in very early pregnancies)
True or false. Fetuses with Turner’s syndrome are rarely spontaneously aborted.
FALSE. Around 20% of Fetuses with monosomy X are spontaneously aborted.
True or false. Autosomal monosomies commonly result in spontaneous abortions.
FALSE. Autosomal monosomies only account for 1% of spontaneous abortions, these are lost before clinical recognition of pregnancy in most cases
What is another name for trisomy 21?
Down Syndrome
*Most common chromosomal disorder
What is the most common cause of Trisomy 21? Second most common cause?
95% Nondisjunction (maternal meiosis I) wtih 2-4% exhibiting mosaicism
5% translocation (Robertsonian)
What are the 2 ways mosaicism can occur in Trisomy 21?
Normal conception, early in development nondisjunction occurs and leads to trisomy cell line.
Trisomy 21 conception, early in development cell loses one of the 21’s and this cell line becomes dominant (have increased level of survival and milder phenotype!)
True or false: trisomy 21 is more common in males.
FALSE- equally common in males and females
What is the incidence of trisomy 21?
1 in 800 live births
only around 20% live until live birth
What is another name for trisomy 18?
Edward’s syndrome
What are the major clinical findings of infants with trisomy 18?
mental retardation
rocker bottom feet
Clenched hand
Life expectancy of less than 1 year
What is the major cause of trisomy 18?
maternal nondisjunction
What is the incidence of trisomy 18?
1 in 6000
less than 5% of conceptions survive to term
What is another name for trisomy 13?
Patau syndrome
Most severe of the viable trisomies
What are the major clinical findings of infants with trisomy 13?
Abnormal midline development (cleft lip, omphalocele, etc.)
Severe mental retardation
Very short life expectancy
What is the major cause of trisomy 13?
80% due to meiotic nondisjunciton (maternal age effect)
20% Robertsonian translocation
Mosiacism is rare
What is the incidence of trisomy 13?
1 in 10,000 live births
Less than 5% of conceptions survive to term
True or false: 1 in 500 people have a sex chromosome abnormality.
True- less severe phenotypes are seen in sex chromosomes
What is another name for monosomy X?
Turner’s syndrome
What are the major causes of Turner’s syndrome?
50% meiotic nondisjunction (80% PATERNAL)
35% mosaic
5% mosaic with Y-bearing cell line (started off male at conception but nondisjunction event very early)
10% structural abnormalities in X chromosome
What is the consequence of 5% of Turner’s syndrome patients being mosaic with Y-bearing cell line?
they are at increased risk for certain cancers