week 1 embryology Flashcards
when do the Pharyngeal Arches develop in the embryo? what do thePharyngeal Arches lead to the development of in humans?
Arch 1 → Day 22
Arches 2 and 3 → Day 24
Arches 4 and 6 → Day 29
in humans contribute to much of the face and neck
what does each arch consist of?
Core of mesenchyme derived from paraxial and lateral plate mesoderm → musculature of face and neck
Neural crest cells → skeletal components of face
Cranial nerve component
Artery (Aortic arches – see Embryology of Heart and Great Vessels lecture CVS block))
how are the arches separated?
Externally separated by deep pharyngeal clefts
=Ectoderm lining
Internally separated by pharyngeal pouches
=Endoderm lining
what nerves are associated with which Pharyngeal Arches?
1 - CNV1, 2, 3
4-6:-CNX (arch 4 - superir laryngeal branch, arch 6-recurrent laryngeal branch)
what does the 1st arch contain?
skeletal components:
-Maxillary process (dorsal portion)
Maxilla, zygomatic and part of temporal bone
-Mandibular process (ventral portion)
Contains Meckel’s cartilage → incus, malleus and mandible
muscles: Muscles of MASTICATION, anterior belly of digastric, MYLOHYOID, tensor tympani and tensor palatini
All supplied by V3
nerve: sensory supply to skin of face, V1,2+3
what does the 2nd arch contain?
skeletal components:
- Stapes, styloid process of temporal bone + stylohyoid ligament
- Lesser horn and upper part of body of hyoid
muscles:Muscles of FACIAL EXPRESSION, stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, and auricular muscles
all supplies by CNVII
what does the 3rd arch contain?
Greater horn and lower part of body of hyoid
Muscles of Arch 3:
Stylopharyngeus mm.
Glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve
4th and 6th arches contain?
Laryngeal cartilages
Muscles of Arch 4:
Cricothyroid, levator palatini and pharyngeal constrictors
Supplied by Vagus (X) Superior laryngeal; pharyngeal plexus
Muscles of Arch 6:
Intrinsic laryngeal mm.
Supplied by Recurrent laryngeal nerve (X)
what arises from pharyngeal clefts?
1st Cleft:External auditory meatus
2nd – 4th Clefts:
lose contact with outside and form the cervical sinus (usually disappears)
what arises from pharyngeal pouches?
1st Pouch= middle ear, eustachian tube, tympanic membrane
2nd Pouch=palatine tonsil
3rd Pouch= Inferior parathyroid gland, Thymus
4th Pouch = Superior parathyroid gland, Ultimobranchial body (C cells of thyroid gland)
how does the ear develop?
Otic Placodes becomes Otic Vesicles becomes inner ear