Week 1 Deveplopmental Flashcards
Define Neonate
Baby immediately after birth
Define infancy in terms of months
Birth to 18 months
Define Early Childhood in terms of months
18 months- 5 years
Define middle childhood in terms of years?
6 years to
~12 years for boys
~14 years for girls
Define adolescence in terms of age.
onset of puberty-21 years old
Newborn to 1 month- Gross Motor
- physiological flexion
- lifts head briefly
- head to side
Newborn to 1 month- Gross Motor
- physiological flexion
- rolls partly to side
Newborn to 1 month- Gross Motor
-Head lag in pull to sit
Newborn to 1 month- Gross Motor
Reflexive standing and walking (primary standing reflex)
Newborn to 1 month- Fine Motor
- views objects directly in front eyes
- follows moving object to mid-line
- hands fisted
- arm movements jerky
- very limited purposeful movement
2-3 months- Gross Motor
Lifts head to 90 degrees briefly
- chest up in prone position
- rolls prone to supine
2-3 months- Gross Motor
- asymmetrical tonic neck reflex ATNR
- Legs kick
- prefers head to side
2-3 months- Gross Motor
- Head upright, but bobs
- may have some variable head lag in pull to sit
- requires full support for sitting
2-3 months- Gross Motor
- Poor weight bearing
- Hips in flexion, behind shoulders
2-3 months- Fine Motor
- Visual field increasing
- hands open more
- can visually track through 180 degrees
- reflexive grasp
- palmar grasp
4-5 months- Gross Motor
- bears weight on extended arms
- pivots in prone to reach toy
4-5 months- Gross Motor
- Rolls from supine to side
- feet to mouth
4-5 months- Gross Motor
- Head steady in supported sitting
- turns head in sitting
- may sit alone from brief periods
4-5 months- Fine Motor
- Grasp and release
- Ulnar-palmar grasp
6-7 months- Gross Motor
- Rolls from Supine to prone
- Supports self on one hand to reach for toy
6-7 months- Gross Motor
-Lift head
6-7 months- Gross Motor
- Lifts head and assists when pulled to sit
- able to maneuver into sitting individually
- sits independent
6-7 months- Gross Motor
May crawl backwards
6-7 months- Fine Motor
- Approaches objects with one hand
- Radial-palmar grasp
- “Raking Grasp”: Using finger flexion to bring object towards palm.
- Voluntary release
- Transfers objects between hands
8-9 months- Gross Motor
Hands and knees position
8-9 months- Gross Motor
- Moves from sitting to prone
- Can sit longer without hand support
- Pivots
8-9 months- Gross Motor
- Stands at furniture
- pulls to stand
- lowers to sitting from supported stand
8-9 months- Gross Motor
crawls forward
-cruises along furniture
8-9 months- Fine motor
- Active supination
- Radial digital grasp
- Inferior pincer grasp
- extends wrist actively
- pionts/pokes with index
- refined release of obejcts
- removes objects from container
12-15 months- Gross Motor
- Walks without support
- fast walking
- walks backwards
- walks sideways
- bends over to look between legs
- creeps or hitches upstairs
- throws ball in sitting
12-15 months- Fine Motor
- marks paper with crayon
- builds tower of two cubes
- turns over small container to dump out items
16-24 months- Gross Motor
- squats in play
- playing upstairs and downstairs
- propels ride on toys
- kicks ball
- throws ball
- throws ball forward
- picks up toys from floor without falling
16-24 months- Fine Motor
- Folds paper
- Strings beads
- Stacks six cubes
- Imitates vertical and horizontal strokes with crayon on paper
- holds crayon with thumb and fingers
2 years- Gross Motor
Rides tricycle
- walks backwards
- walks on tiptoes
- runs on toes
- walks downstairs alternating feet
- catches large ball
- hops on one foot
2 years- Fine Motor
- Turns Knob
- opens and closes jar
- able to button large buttons
- child-sized scissors with assist
- 12 to 15 piece puzzles
- Folds paper or clothes
Preschool Age (3-4 years)- Gross Motor
- Throws ball 10 feet
- walks on a line 10 feet
- hops 2-10 times on one foot
- jumps up to two feet
- jumps over obstacles up to 12 inches
- throws and catches small ball
- Runs fast and avoids obstacles
Preschool Age (3-4 years)- Fine Motor
- may begin to develop hand preference
- able to use scissors
- matches colors
- draws recognizable figures
Early school Age (5-8 years)- Gross Motor
- Skips on alternating feet
- gallops
- jumps with control
- kicks ball with control
Early school Age (5-8 years)- Fine Motor
- Hand preference
- able to write
- able to button small buttons
Later School Age (9-12 years) - Gross Motor
Mature throwing,jumping, and running.
- competitive
- improved balance coordination, endurance, and attention span.
Boys- preadolescent growth spurt
girls- Prepubescent body changes
Later School Age (9-12 years) -Fine Motor
Greater control of hands use
- Drawing
- Handwriting fully developed
Adolescence (13+ years)-Gross Motor
-Rapid growth in size, strength
Puberty-changes in proportions
-balance and coordination skills, eye-hand coordination ,endurance may plateau.
Adolescence (13+ years)- Fine Motor
More refined motor skills
Pediatric Reflex
Opens mouth and turn head in direction of touch.
Integration: 3 months
Pediatric Reflex
-Closes mouth,sucks, and swallows
Integration 2-5 months
Pediatric Reflex
Moro Reflex
Arms and hands open; then arms glex and hands close;infant typically cries.
-Startle Reflex
Integration: 4-6 months
Pediatric Reflex
Palmar Grasp
Fingers flex
Integration 4-6 months
Pediatric Reflex
Plantar Grasp
Toe grasp (flexion) Integration 4-9 months
Pediatric Reflex
Neonatal Positive support- primary standing
-LE extensor tone increases, plantar flexion present
Integration 1-2 months
Pediatric Reflex
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
Arm and leg on face side extend; arm and leg and skull side flex )fencing
Integration: 4-6 months
Pediatric Reflex
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
Arms flex and legs extend;arms extend and legs flex
Integrations 4-6 months
Pediatric Reflex
Tonic labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)
-Extensor tone of neck, UE and LE increases when moved into flexion. Flexor tone of neck, UE and LE increases when moved into extension. (opposite STNR)
Integration: 4-6 months
associated with cerebral palsy
Pediatric Reflex
Landau Reflex
Hips and legs extend; UE extends and abducts. elbows can flex
Integration 3-4 months and 12-24 months
Pediatric Reflex
Protective Extension UE-parachute, downward forward, sideways, backward
Shoulder flex and elbow and wrist extend (arms extend forward) to protect head; infant catches self in direction pushed.
Integration: 6-9 months through lifespan
Pediatric Reflex
Stagger LE-forward,backward, sideways
Infant takes less than 1 steps in direction of displacement. UEs will often have protective reaction.
Integration 15-18 months through life
Pediatric Reflex
Equilibrium Sitting
Integration: 7-8 months
Pediatric Reflex
integrates 12-21 months throughout life time