week 1 day 1 jan 8 Flashcards
According to the author, how long ago was child psychopathology established as a unique discipline? (ECAP Chapter 1)
30 years ago p.4
Organizational principles of development psychopathology (ECAP Chapter 1)
define a system that considers human dev. as holistic (interactive and dynamic concept of whole child) and hierarchical (movement toward increasing complexity) p.7
Four “D”s for distinguishing normal from abnormal (ECAP Chapter 1)
deviance, dysfunction, distress and danger p.13
Main focus + summary: neurobiological theories (ECAP Chapter 1)
concerned w/ impact of biological and genetic factors on individual differences p.15
to define abnormal behavior, this model would seek to determine which parts of body or brain are malfunctioning (whether genetic, brain chemistry or brain anatomy) p.16
Main focus + summary: psychodynamic theory (ECAP Chapter 1)
(Freud’s psychosexual stages) abnormal behavior results from fixation or regression based on earlier unresolved stages of conflict p.16
Main focus + summary: Erikson’s stage theory (ECAP Chapter 1)
psychosocial stages = socioemotional tasks must be mastered to allow positive growth across lifespan p. 16
ex. 1st year of life=trust vs. mistrust (secure attachment)
Main focus + summary: behavioral theories (ECAP Chapter 1)
based on belief that behavior is shaped by associations (contingencies) resulting from positive (reinforcement) and negative (punishment) consequences p.17
positive consequences achieved= adding a benefit or remove/avoid a negative consequence
negative consequences achieved= adding an adverse/negative consequence (punishment) or remove/avoid a positive consequence (penalty) p.17-18
Main focus + summary: cognitive theories (ECAP Chapter 1)
focused on the relationship between thoughts and behaviors + how faulty assumptions can impact social relationships and self-attributions negatively p.19
jean piaget and stages of cognitive dev. ex: ages 2-7 = preoperational stage
Main focus + summary: social cognitive theory (ECAP Chapter 1)
albert bandura contributions of social learning processes, observational learning and aggression; children’s observation and subsequent modeling of adult behaviors can have positive (nurturing/caring) or negative consequences (agression) p.19
Main focus + summary: family systems theory (ECAP Chapter 1)
emphasis that family unit is the focus of assessment and intervention; family is made up of multiple systems (parent, child, siblings, extended family etc.) p.20-21
Bronfenbrenner’s model (ECAP Chapter 1)
developmental contexts consist of multiple circles around the child, where child is innermost circle; 1. core= child’s ind. characteristics (genetics, temperament)
2. microsystem= immediate environment (family, school, peers)
3. exosystem= social/economic context (poverty, divorce, family stress)
4. macrosystem= cultural context, beliefs, laws
5. chronosystem= impact of one’s cumulative experiences over life
tabula rosa (ECAP Chapter 1)
children come into world as a blank slate and parents’ responsibility=fill slate w/ environmental controls and discipline (john locke) p.6
laissez-faire (ECAP Chapter 1)
children are flowers that would grow and flourish naturally w/ parents caring, nurturing them (jean-jacquees rousseau) p.6
case formulation (ECAP Chapter 1)
a hypothesis about why the problem behavior exists and how it is being maintained p.8
what is equifinality? (ECAP Chapter 1)
many factors may cause a single outcome ex. depression p.21
what is multifinality? (ECAP Chapter 1)
similar risks may produce different outcomes ex. childhood neglect=aggressive behavior in 1 child and withdrawal in another p.21
Table 1.1 (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
behavioral indicators of disorder
- developmental delay
- developmental regression or deterioration
- extremely high or low frequency of behavior
- extremely high or low intensity of behavior
- behavioral difficulty persisting over time
- behavior inappropriate to the situation
- abrupt changes in behavior
- several problem behaviors
- behavior qualitatively different from normal
Figure 1.2 (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
identifications of problems of youth:
- dev. norms
- cultural norms
- gender norms
- situational norms
- changing views of abnormality
- roles of adults
Methodological issues in gender prevalence/difference findings (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
males are more affected than females (in terms of disorders)
males are more affected early in life on whereas females are affected in adolescence (emotional problems and eating disorders)
males = display physical aggression; females = relational aggression (gossip/rumor spreading) p.9
in the past, there was a bias for studying males, also for clinical trials and referral bias p.9
if more boys in MH facilities, there is more research on boys p.10
different protective and risk factors associated w/ psychopathology based on gender p.10
Table 1.3: Significance of 1896, 1905, 1913, 1935 (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
1896: first child clinic in the US established by uni of penn by Lightner Witmer
1905: binet & simon developed first intelligence tests to identify children who benefit from special ed efforts
signmund freud’s “3 essays on the theory of sexuality” described a startingly different view of childhood dev.
1913: john watson introduced behaviorism in his essay “psycholoy as a behaviorist views it”
1935: leo kanner authored child psychiatry, first child psychiatry text published in US
p. 11
Contributions of G. Stanley Hall (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
scientific research = collected data on problems of youth to understand mental dx, crime, social dx; helped establish APA (1st president) p.14
Contributions of Lightner Witmer (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
founded first child clinic; treated and assessed children with learning difficulties; founded psychological clinic journal; began hospital school for long-term observation of children; he related psych to education to sociology etc. p. 14
Contributions of Binet & Simon (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
designed a test to identify children in need of special ed; their research became basis for intelligence tests p.14-15
Contributions of Sigmund Freud (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
psychoanalytic theory (based on psychosexual stages p.12) , first to attempt to understand mental disorders p.11
proposed 3 structures of the mind: id, ego, superego
Contributions of John Watson (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
little attention to stages and early life psych conflicts; introduced idea that most behavior (maladpative and adaptive) is learned and can be explained by learning experiences p. 13
developmental norms (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
describe typical rates of growth, sequences of growth and forms of physical skills, language, cognition, social behavior and emotion p.3
therapeutic alliance (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
build trusting personal bond and collaboration on tx p.17
psychologist (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
receive training in research and direct contact in assessing and treating; hold a PhD/PsyD p.16
psychiatrist (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
hold an MD (doctorate in Medicine); physicians specialized in tx of mental disturbance; can prescribe medications p.16
informed consent (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
client consents to participate w/ full understanding of how tx will proceed p.17
confidentiality (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
gender norms (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
expectations based on gender p. 5
expectations based on gender p. 5
situational norms (Wicks-Nelson Chapter 1)
expectations in specific settings or social situations p.5