Week 1 Class Notes - Test 1 Flashcards
History: the right of testamentary disposition is not a (1) but is given by (2). (3) pass laws re: passing of property BUT (4)! Probate is also called (5)
- natural right (as in, constitutional)
- state
- State legislatures
- federal law taxes probate
- laws of succession
The “(1)” part traditionally refers to succession of land; the “(2)” part refers to personal property.
- Will
2. testament (Of “Last Will and Testament”)
Wills have their history in (1), passage of property to the eldest son. In 1840 (2) and (3). The (4) allowed women to retain the money they made/inherited.
- primogeniture
- women began to inherit
- the requirement of 2 witnesses appeared
- Married Women’s Property Act of 1870
Why was probate law differentiated in the US vs. England?
Land was plentiful here. In England succession had to be more careful because it was limited.
3 reasons people may not have a will
- don’t think they need one (healthy)
- don’t want to talk about it
- no property
A will is a (1) of a person’s intent to (2) after his or her death.
- written declaraction
2. distribute property
3 features of a will
- revocable during testator’s lifetime (can rewrite, destroy, etc.)
- operative for no purpose until death (ambulatory)
- applicable to the situation which exists at death (e.g., the right car must be named in the will)
Another way to think of the ambulatory nature of a will is that anything written into the will, before death, is a (1), not a (2). The will is binding only upon (3).
- mere expectancy
- right
- death
Probate is an (1) of proving a (2) or (3).`
- administration process
- will
- intestacy
(1) include wills and trusts. (2) are no necessary for everyone!
- Estate plans
2. Trusts
Many people intentionally die (1)
- intestate
An (1) administers a testate estate; a (2) is (3) and administers an intestate estate.
- executor
- court-appointed
- personal represenative
Property can be (1) or (2) and (3) or (4). The status f property can change (real = tree, growing crops; personal = cut tree, harvestable crops); it is important to know what the status was at the time of (5). This can also affect the (6) of the estate.
- real
- personal
- tangible
- intangible
- death
- taxes
A (1) is a lawsuit right, a right for a paycheck, etc. Basiically a debt owed to the person that becomes owed to the estate upon death.
- chose in action
Property is only included in a person’s estate if they (1) it at their death,
- owned