Week 1: Care of Critical Patient Flashcards
releases hystamines and worry about BP going down
dramatically affects drive to breath. Can cause resp depression long after affects are gone
when do you wean patients of pain meds. Morphine and fentanyl.
- As soon as tolerated. Use london health care model
- Morphine: If dose is less than 4mg per hour , then decrease by half every six hours. If dose is more than 4mg an hour, decrease by 25% every 6 hours until less than 4
- Fentanyl: on less than 50 mc per hour, cut in half every 6 hours. On more than 50mc per hour, than reduce by 25% every 6 hours.
Most beneficial in reducing pain in patients
Touch and family
Neonatal: Sensorial Interventions for pain
- containment & swaddling
- facilitated tucking
- vestibular stimulation (rocking)
- orotactal stimulation: non-nutritive sucking (NNS) sweet solutions
- Combining interventions offers additional benefits
Neonatal: Mother-Driven Interventions for pain
- breastfeeding
- skin-to-skin care
- maternal voice, maternal heartbeat with NNS
- olfactory, aromatherapy recognition
Provide adequate
Rule these out first:
→ hypoxia
→ hypoglycemia
→ withdrawal
→ sleep deprivation
→ immobility
→ fear
Three purposes of sedation
- Amnesia: to forget what’s going on
- Agitation:
- Anxiety: go to sedation as last resort
Ramsey sedation scale
- sedation guiding principles standardized scale
- Measures: consciousness, agitation, anxiety, sleep, patient-ventilator syncrony
- Patient is anxious and agitated or restless, or both
- Patient is cooperative, oriented and tranquil
- Patient responds to commands only
- Patient exhibits brisk response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus
- Patient exhibits a sluggish response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus
- Patient exhibits no response
Ramsey scale goal for a patient on a ventilator
Ramsey scale for a nonventilated patient who just requires sedation goal
When you want a sedation medication that acts rapidly and ends rapidly?
Propofol (Diprivan): short-acting general anesthetic agent
* onset: 40 seconds, duration 3 to 5 minutes
* sedation is necessary with rapid awakening
* bolus, then continuous
- usually on ventilated patients
- containers it’s in can only be used for 12 hours
- (lipid) generally used through central line or used large bore peripherally because it’s very irritating
- if drip is stopped, expect them to wake up in 8 minutes
Sedation med used for long term, or low level sedation
Lorazepam (Ativan): benzodiazepine
* intravenous onset: 15 to 30 minutes, duration ~8 hours
* intermittent or continuous
- can only be mixed with d5w
- can cause renal tubular necrosis
Other common sedation med for short term sedation for procedure
Dexmedetomidine (Precedex): an alpha-2 agonist
* rapid onset, should be used for < 24 hours
* sedated, but arousable
- Common in critically ill patients (esp. on ventilator)
- Caused by neurotransmitter imbalance in brain
- Predisposing factors
- Patient (age, substance use, sensory impairment)
- Illness (infection, electrolyte imbalance, low HCT)
- Iatrogenic (polypharmacy, sleep disruption, immobility)
- can cause hospitals to not get reimbursed