Week 1: Building Blocks of R/s + Research Methods Flashcards
What is social psychology?
The scientific study of how our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are affected by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others
What is the effect of relationships on well-being?
Social networks and physical health
- Larger quantity of social networks, better physical health (Alameda County Study, 1979; The Cold Study, 1997)
Relationship quality and health
- Higher relationship quality, better health (Heart disease study, 2001)
What are the results of the Alameda County Study (1979)?
Crude measure of social network: 1) married, 2) close friend/relative, 3) religious membership, 4) informal group membership
Results: Across age groups, the most isolated Ps were 2-3 times more likely to die over the next 9 years than the least isolated Ps
What are the results of The Cold Study (1997)?
Social network measure: Diversity of social roles
Results: Ps with fewest roles were 4 times more likely to develop a cold than Ps with the most roles
What are the results of The Heart Disease Study (2001)?
Measured r/s quality through surveys and objective coding of a lab-based conflict discussion
Results: Ps with congestive heart failure were more likely to die over the ensuing 4 years if they had a worse marriage
What is the need to belong?
The powerful drive to establish intimate connections to others
What are the 6 components of intimacy?
1) Knowledge
2) Caring
3) Interdependence
4) Mutuality
5) Trust
6) Commitment
What are the characteristics of interdependence for intimate partners?
Intimate partners have - strong - diverse - endearing influence on each other
What are the three relationship challenges?
- The porcupine challenge
- The naive realism challenge
- The commitment challenge
What is the porcupine challenge?
How to balance the need for connection with the fear of rejection?
What is the naive realism challenge?
How to reconcile the tendency to believe our reality is objectively time with the fact that building a successful r/s requires that we acknowledge our cognitive distortions
What are the 3 tenets of naive realism?
- I perceive things accurately
- Other fair-minded people would share my view if armed with the same facts
- If others deviate from my views, they are biased, stupid, or characterised by bad motives
What is the commitment challenge?
How to develop and sustain a loving, time-consuming r/s despite the existence of so many alternative partners in the world
What is the influence of interaction?
R/s emerge from the combination of the partners’ experiences and talents
Often much more than the sum of those parts
Unique r/s
Fluid, dynamic processes (vs. static, changeless)
What are the methods to develop a question?
- Personal experience
- R/s norms
- Social problems
- Previous research
- Theories