Week 1 b: Diversity Flashcards
Required taxonomy example
Kingdom: animals
Phylum: vertebrates
Class: mammals
Order: whales and dolphins
Suborder: toothed whales
Family: oceanic dolphins
What to focus on
Taxonomy, size, morphology, distribution, abundance, life-history, social structure, foraging, reproduction, movements, conservation status, threats
Cetacea distribution
All oceans (and some rivers)
Cetacean seize
30kg (vaquita) to 190000 kg (blue whale)
What are the two major groups of cetaceans?
Mysticetes (baleen whales): 4 families; 14 species
Odontocetes (toothed whales): 10 families; 72 species
Mysticetes general
Distribution: all oceans, but mostly temperate-polar regions
Morphology: Baleen for filter feeding (krill, fish, copepods)
Seize: large seize variation (4-34 m and 3-190 tonnes)
Mysticeti 4 families
Balaenopterids: fin whales; rorquals: 8 species
Balaenids: right and bowhead whales: 4 species
Neobalaenids: pygmy right whale: 1 species
Eschrichtiids: grey whale: 1 species
Odontocetes general
Distribution: all oceans; highest species richness in tropic-temperate regions
Seize: 1-20m and 3kg - 70 tonnes
Morphology: Teeth, but lost in some species
Diverse social behavior
Diverse diet (fish, squid, crustaceans, mammals, birds…
Odontocetes families
Sperm whales: 1 species
Dwarf and pygmy sperm whale: 2 species
Beaked whales: 22 species
Porpoises: 7 species
Narwhales and belugas: 2 species
Yangtze River dolphin (extinct): 1 species
Ganges and Indus River dolphin: 1 species
Fransiscana: 1 species
Amazon river dolphin: 1 species
dolphins: 38 species
Large diversity!
Pinnipeds (pinna=feather, ped=foot)
Semi-aquatic (must periodically on land)
Distribution: both marine and freshwater species/subspecies
Seize: 40kg (ringed seal) to 4000kg( elephant seal)
Three families of pinnipeds
Phocids: true seals; earless seals: 19 species
Otariids: eared seals: 15 species
Odobenids: walruses: 1 species
Distribution of pinnipeds
Walruses are found north
Phocids are found both north and south of equator
Otariids are found by equator and north and south. However not as north as the others.
There are 4 species found inland:
- Hawaiian monk seal
- Mediterranean monk seal
- Caspian seal
- Baikal seal
Ursudae (polar bear):
Origin: Pleistocene (1-1.5 Mya)
Relation: closely related to the brown bear
Seize: 2-2.5M and 300-800kg
Lifestyle: The most terrestrial of the marine mammals, but considered marine mammal bc it lives on ice, is a good swimmer and gets most of its food from the sea.
Distribution: Circumpolar distribution
Diet: seals, whales, fish, birds, grass, berries, garbage
Adaptations: many to the cold and their fatty diet. Very dependent on the sea ice.
Enhydra ultras (Sea otter)
No blubber
Dense fur
Elongated hind limbs and toes
Webbing between toes
20-45kg; 120-150 cm
Origin: Pleistocene (1-3 mya)
3 subspecies
Habitat: North Pacific marine kelp forest
Diet: molluscs, sea urchin and fish
Heavily hunted due to value of fur (now recovering)
Sea otters have an important role in the ecosystem by keeping down the number of sea urchins (sea urchins= less kelp). Have a flat chest to put sea urchins on.
Mustelidae species
Marine otter and Sea otter
Marine otter
South-eastern pacific
3-6kg, 85-115 cm
Poorly described
Sirenia (sea cows)
Origin: Eocene (50-60 mya)
Morphology: Loss of hind limbs; paddle-like front limbs; tail fluke
Families/species: 2 families and 5 species (1 extinct)
- Manatees (West African, West Indian and Amazon manatee): Paddle-shaped fluke, rough skin and up to 1700kg
- Dugongs (Dugong and Stellar sea cow (extinct)): Forked fluke, smooth skin, tusks and 1000kg.
Distribution: Tropical: fully aquatic
- Manatee: Atlantic
- Dugong: Indian Ocean and parts of Oceania
Diet: Herbivores; low metabolism
Summary: Order, family, species and distribution
- 3 families (eared, earless and walrus)
- 35 species
- polar-temperate
- 4 families
- 14 species
- polar-temperate-tropic
- 10 families
- 76 species
- tropical-temperate-polar
Sirenia (sea cows):
- 2 families
- 5 species (1 extinct in 17..)
- tropical-temperate
Fissipeds (sea otters and bears):
- 2 families
- 3 species
- polar-temperate
Approximately 130 species in total.