WEEK 1: ANAEMIA Flashcards
What is anemia?
*Inadequate capacity of the blood to transport oxygen in the conditions prevailing
*Anemia is a condition marked by a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBC), the proportion of hemoglobin, or the collective volume of packed RBCs (hematocrit).
Outline and describe the measures of anemia
- Hematocrit or packed cell volume ( Hct or PCV)
It is the measure of the total volume of blood occupied by cells. It is measured in percentage (%)
*Total hemoglobin (Hb) : it is the total hemoglobin content of blood expressed as g/L or g/ dL
*Mean cell volume (MCV) : it is average size of erythrocytes measured in fl ( Femto litres or L x10^-15)
- Mean cell hemoglobin: It is the average amount of hemoglobin per cell in pg ( picogram or g x10^-12)
*Red blood cell count (RBC): the number of red blood cells per liter of blood
State the 2 basic causes of anaemia
- Normal lifespan of erythrocytes but problem with the synthesis process
- Normal synthesis process of erythrocytes but short lifespan of erythrocytes in the body due to early breakdown or abnormal blood loss
State the components of erythrocytes
* cytoskeletal proteins
* Enzymes: carbonic anhydrase and glycolytic enzymes
State other hormones that indirectly influence erythropoiesis
- Androgens: Stimulate hematopoietic system by various mechanisms. These include stimulation of erythropoietin release, increasing bone marrow activity and iron incorporation into the red cells.
*Growth Hormone:
- Estrogen: Estrogen has been shown to inhibit the production of erythropoietin-stimulating factor (ESF), which is a precursor of erythropoietin (EPO) that requires activation by a kidney mechanism for elaboration of the functional circulating ESF.
Why do males have more Hematocrit in blood than women?
*Estrogen inhibits erythropoiesis in females hence less erythrocytes produced
State the requirements for erythropoiesis
Adequate supply of:
* Amino acids
*Vitamin B12
*Folic acid
*Other vitamins
Outline factors that may limit hemoglobin synthesis
- lack of iron ( FE2+)
- Error in globin synthesis: Genetic mutation, deficiency essential in amino acids and protein deficiency, Malnutrition
*Error in hem synthesis: Genetic or heavy metal poisoning
Which structure in the life cycle of erythrocyte synthesize hemoglobin?
Describe macrocytic anemia
*High MCV and MCH
* MCV greater than 100fl
*DNA synthesis is impaired but hemoglobin synthesis is normal
* Caused by deficiency in vitamin B12 and folate which are needed to convert RNA base uracil to the DNA base thymine
* In this deficiency, RNA synthesis and protein synthesis are normal but DNA synthesis is reduced , so cell division is impaired
Outline possible causes of macrocytic anemia
*cytotoxic drugs
*anti-HIV therapy
*cancer chemotherapy
Name the 2 types of macrocytic anemia
*megaloblastic (hypersegmented neutrophils)
Differentiate between megaloblastic and non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia
M: consists of large immature erythrocytes
NM: consist of large mature erythrocytes
N: Due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency and drug toxicity
NM: due to alcohol abuse, pregnancy and hypothyroidism
Describe the etiology of macrocytic anaemia
*Megaloblastic anemia occurs from deficiencies in folic acid and vitamin B12.
*Folate deficiency is due to diminished intake (alcohol abuse or malnutrition), increased consumption (hemolysis or pregnancy), malabsorption (familial, gastric bypass, or medications like cholestyramine or metformin).
*Vitamin B12 deficiency appears in diminished intake (malnutrition), malabsorptive states (atrophic gastritis either autoimmune or non-autoimmune from Helicobacter pylori or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Diphyllobothrium tapeworm infection, gastric bypass, ileal resection), or the presence of antagonists (nitrous oxide).
*Drugs that impair DNA synthesis are folic acid analogs (ex. methotrexate, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole), nucleic acid analogs (5-fluorouracil, zidovudine), and others (hydroxyurea, pentamidine, phenytoin, pyrimethamine, sulfasalazine, triamterene).
Non-megaloblastic anemia, the absence of hyper segmented neutrophils, occurs in a variety of settings.
*Benign conditions are alcohol consumption (RBC toxicity), hereditary spherocytosis (impaired volume regulation increases red cell size), hypothyroidism and liver disease (due to lipid deposition in the cell membrane), and marked reticulocytosis from states of excess RBC consumption such as hemolysis or turnover in pregnancy or primary bone marrow disease (reticulocytes are larger than the average RBCs)
*Some cases of macrocytosis are normal variants associated with a genetic predisposition or found in infants, patients with Down syndrome, and pregnant women.
*Others are spurious findings include hyperglycemia concentrates the blood, and when diluted, the RBCs swell with volume, leukocytosis and paraproteinemia increase sample turbidity for overestimates of RBC size, or operator error from occlusion of microscope aperture or sample left out at room temperature too long
Describe the histopathology of macrocytic anaemia
Macrocytic anemia that is megaloblastic contains hypersegmented neutrophils and macro-ovalocytes on peripheral blood smear (PBS) (figure “macrocytic anemia”). Anisocytosis and poikilocytosis are not uncommon due to ineffective erythropoiesis.
*Bone marrow evaluation will demonstrate hypercellularity with abnormal maturation and proliferation of myeloid cell lines, particularly the erythroid lineage.
Nonmegaloblastic macrocytic anemia will not have hyper segmented neutrophils; instead, its PBS will show round macrocytes or macro reticulocytes, in addition to other cells representative of the underlying etiology (acanthocytes from liver disease, myeloid dysplasia or immaturity in primary bone marrow disease, polychromatophilic RBCs with reticulocytosis, schistocytes from hemolysis, or spherocytes in inherited hemolytic anemias such as hereditary spherocytosis).
Describe the pathophysiology of macrocytic anaemia
The equation for mean corpuscular volume [MCV (fL) = Hct (%) X 10 / RBC (106/microgram)] explains how macrocytic anemia represents large red blood cells (RBCs) in comparison to total amount.
*Folate and vitamin B12 are necessary for RBC nucleic acid synthesis.
*Without DNA or RNA, erythropoiesis is ineffective with nuclear/cytoplasmic asynchrony, resulting in larger erythrogenic precursors with abnormal nuclei (ex. hypersegmentation) but normal cytoplasms.
*Anemia occurring in the presence of macrocytosis and hypersegmented neutrophils is known as megaloblastic anemia.
*The absence of hypersegmented neutrophils characterizes non-megaloblastic anemia.
*This occurs from mechanisms discussed earlier: abnormalities involving the RBC membrane, excess erythrocytic precursors, increased cell volume, or RBC toxicity.
How do healthcare providers diagnose macrocytic anemia?
*Complete blood count (CBC):
Healthcare providers use this test to evaluate your red blood cell count and function.
*Peripheral blood smear (PBS):
This test is a technique healthcare providers use to examine your blood cells. Unlike some blood tests that are analyzed by a machine, healthcare providers analyze your blood cells by looking at them under a microscope.
*Reticulocyte count:
A reticulocyte count measures the number of immature red blood cells (reticulocytes) in your bone marrow. Healthcare providers measure reticulocytes to determine if your bone marrow is producing enough healthy red blood cells.
Describe the characteristics of microcytic anaemia
*Normal cell division but impaired hemoglobin synthesis
*Normal number of cells but a much reduced amount of hemoglobin is produced to fill them
* MCV less than 80fl
* RBC is normal
* Hct and Hb will be reduced
Describe the etiology of microcytic anaemia
*Iron deficiency: This may be due to decreased iron in the diet, poor absorption of iron from the gut, acute and chronic blood loss, increased demand for iron in certain situations like pregnancy or recovering from major trauma or surgery.
*Thalassemia: mutation which inactivates a globin gene synthesis or genes
*Chronic inflammatory disease
* Failure to produce haem component of hemoglobin , which is porphyrin : genetic mutation, lead poisoning ( sideroblastic anaemia)
Describe histopathology of microcytic anaemia
The decreased quantity of hemoglobin in the RBCs leads to a compromised size of RBCs.
*Normal RBCs contain a central zone of pallor, which is usually one-third of the size of RBC; however, in hypochromic microcytic anemia, that size increases, and hemoglobin is usually only present in the peripheral rim of the RBCs.
*The normal size of RBC is about 80 to 100 femtolitre/RBC (fl/RBC); however, in iron deficiency anemia, this size decreases below 80 fl/RBC.
*Normal bone marrow stored iron gives a black-blue color on reaction with Prussian blue dye but, in iron deficiency-related hypochromic microcytic anemia, that stainable iron is markedly decreased or even absent in severe cases. Poikilocytes in the form of small, elongated red cells (pencil cells) are also characteristically seen.
Describe pathophysiology of microcytic anaemia
Hypochromic microcytic anemia is caused by any factor which reduces the body’s iron stores. Hemoglobin is a globular protein that is a major component of RBCs it is manufactured in the bone marrow by erythroid progenitor cells. It has four globin chains two of which are alpha-globin chains while the other two are beta-globin chains, these four chains are attached to a porphyrin ring (heme) the center of which contains iron in the form of ferrous (reduced iron) capable of binding four molecules of oxygen. Reduced iron stores halt the production of hemoglobin chains, and its concentration begins to decrease in the newly formed RBCs since the red color of RBCs is due to hemoglobin the color of the newly formed RBCs begins to fade thus the name, hypochromic. As the newly produced RBCs contain less amount of hemoglobin, they are of relatively small size when compared to normal RBCs, thus the name, microcytic.
Iron deficiency hypochromic microcytic anemia is caused due to disruption of iron supply in diet due to decreased iron content in the diet, pathology of the small intestines like sprue and chronic diarrhea, gastrectomy, and deficiency of vitamin C in the diet. It may be due to acute or chronic blood loss and also due to suddenly increased demands of pregnancy or major trauma and surgery.
Reduced hemoglobin in the RBCs decreases the amount of oxygen delivered to the peripheral tissues leading to tissue hypoxia.
Name the protein that transport iron in blood
transferrin protein carries this iron in the blood
Name the iron transporter
Where is iron absorbed?
Iron is subsequently absorbed from the duodenum and upper parts of the jejunum through an iron transporter called ( ferroportin)
What controls the process of iron absorption from the gut?
It is controlled by hepcidin, a protein that regulates the amount of iron absorbed from the diet
*Hepcidin is the main modulator of iron metabolism, giving it a key role in the pathophysiology of anemia of chronic disease.
*An acute-phase protein, the up regulation of hepcidin is facilitated by interleukin-6 (IL-6) and other proinflammatory cytokines.
*Hepcidin binds to the iron export protein, ferroportin, which is present in macrophages, hepatocytes, and enterocytes.
Increased hepcidin levels lead to iron trapping within macrophages and hepatocytes, resulting in low levels of circulating iron. Through negative feedback stimulated by increased iron stores, hepcidin causes enterocytes and macrophages to degrade ferroportin, thus reducing absorption and promoting storage, respectively.
Describe the iron pathway in the blood
*Ingested iron is freed from other food constituents by gastric HCL while ascorbic acid (vitamin C) prevents precipitation of ferric.
*Iron is subsequently absorbed from the duodenum and upper parts of the jejunum through an iron transporter called ( ferroportin)
*while transferrin protein carries this iron in the blood.
*Iron is stored in the form of ferritin a ubiquitous iron protein that is found predominantly in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and skeletal muscles.
*In the liver, it is stored in parenchymal cells while in other tissues it is stored in macrophages.
*This process of iron absorption from the gut is controlled by hepcidin, a protein that regulates the amount of iron absorbed from the diet.
Describe the requirements of iron
*Iron from animal sources is in the form of Heme iron which has a bioavailability of 10% to 20% compared to non-heme iron which has a limited bioavailability of 1% to 5%.
*The cause of low non-heme iron bioavailability is due to its interactions with tannins, phosphates, and other food constituents
*8.7mg a day for men over 18.
*14.8mg a day for women aged 19 to 50.
*8.7mg a day for women over 50.
Describe normocytic anaemia
- MCV: 80-100fl( normal cell) and normal MCH
*reduced Hb, Hct and RBC - Normal erythrocytes but reduced in number
*identified by reticulocyte count - HIGH: Haemolytic anaemia and blood loss
*LOW: Bone marrow disease (Aplastic anaemia)
Describe the causes of normocytic anaemia
1.Increase in Pro-inflammatory Cytokines and Iron Dysregulation:
*This increase is associated with a variety of disease states, including infection, neoplasm, chronic kidney disease, as well as autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
*Hepcidin is the main modulator of iron metabolism, giving it a key role in the pathophysiology of anemia of chronic disease.
*An acute-phase protein, the up regulation of hepcidin is facilitated by interleukin-6 (IL-6) and other proinflammatory cytokines.
*Hepcidin binds to the iron export protein, ferroportin, which is present in macrophages, hepatocytes, and enterocytes.
Increased hepcidin levels lead to iron trapping within macrophages and hepatocytes, resulting in low levels of circulating iron. Through negative feedback stimulated by increased iron stores, hepcidin causes enterocytes and macrophages to degrade ferroportin, thus reducing absorption and promoting storage, respectively.
2.Inappropriate Erythropoietin (EPO) Levels or Less Response to Erythropoietin:
In a healthy individual, erythropoietin circulates in the bone marrow to assist in the production of RBCs, thereby improving oxygen concentration in the blood and relieving hypoxia. Recent studies have identified a number of cytokines that inhibit hematopoiesis in the bone marrow and contribute to a subnormal erythropoietin response, varying by the degree of anemia. For example, in patients with chronic kidney disease, anemia is mainly due to a deficiency of EPO. Because kidney function plays an important role in hepcidin clearance, kidney dysfunction leads to decreased hepcidin clearance and consequent hepcidin storage, resulting in hyposideremic anemia development. Several inflammatory proteins, as well as the inflammatory cytokine, especially IL-6, have been linked to this diminished response to erythropoietin. These cytokines down-regulate the expression of the SLC4a1 gene in late erythroid precursors and thereby reduce hemoglobin synthesis. This process results in the escalation of the hepatic synthesis of hepcidin.
3.Decreased RBC Survival and Bone Marrow Infiltration:
Several studies have identified a mild shortening of the red-cell lifespan in normocytic normochromic anemia cases, which appears to be due to an extra corpuscular factor or intrinsic abnormality of the red cells. The RBC survival is usually not markedly shortened, and marrow function should compensate for the reduced survival. In hemolytic anemias, the etiology of premature erythrocyte destruction is diverse and can be due to conditions such as intrinsic membrane defects, abnormal hemoglobin, erythrocyte enzymatic defects, immune destruction of erythrocytes, mechanical injury, and hypersplenism. Hemolysis may also be intramedullary, occurring in cases when fragile red blood cell (RBC) precursors are destroyed in the bone marrow before their release into the circulation.[15] Bone marrow changes also lead to physical obstruction and destruction of the bone marrow microenvironment.
Name and describe the 6 groupings of anaemia cause categories
- Nutritional anaemia: deficiency in Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron
- Pernicious anaemia: inability to absorb enough vitamin B12 from the digestive tract ( deficiency of intrinsic factor)
- Aplastic anaemia: Failure of the bone marrow to produce enough erythrocytes even though all ingredients needed for erythropoiesis are present
4.Renal anaemia: results from kidney disease resulting in inadequate erythropoietin secretion
- Hemorrhagic anaemia: Blood loss
- Hemolytic anaemia: rupture of too many erythrocytes
Outline possible causes of blood loss
- Trauma
*Heavy periods (menorrhagia)
*Parasitic infection
Outline possible causes of low erythropoiesis
*Vitamin B12 , folic or iron deficiency
*Bone marrow disease
*Chronic kidney disease
*Chronic inflammatory disease
Outline possible causes of high Erythrocyte destruction (HEMOLYSIS)
*Extravascular ( Spleen and Liver)
*Inherited haemolytic e.g sickle-cell
*Acquired haemolytic e.g Malaria
Name the sources of iron
*liver (but avoid this during pregnancy)
*red meat.
*beans, such as red kidney *beans, edamame beans and chickpeas.
*dried fruit – such as dried apricots.
*fortified breakfast cereals.
*soy bean flour.
*White beans.
*Organ meats.
How is iron converted from Iron (III) TO Iron (II) ?
*The low pH of gastric acid in the proximal duodenum allows a FERRIC REDUCTASE enzyme, duodenal cytochrome B (Dcytb), on the brush border of the enterocytes to convert the insoluble ferric (Fe3+) to absorbable ferrous (Fe2+) ions.
What is the need for iron to be converted from Iron (III) TO Iron (II) before being absorbed?
Reduction is important because iron (II) dissociates from ligands more easily than iron (III).
There are two major forms of dietary iron.
Name them
*Heme iron, found primarily in red meats, is the most easily absorbed form.
*Other forms of iron are bound to some other organic constituent of the food. Cooking tends to break these interactions and increase iron availability.
Why are vegans more likely to suffer from iron deficiency?
*their diet lacks heme iron, which is the form that’s best absorbed.
*Grain products, vegetables and fruit also contain iron, but in non-heme form, which is absorbed at 1-5%.
*Heme iron in meat (particularly red meat) and fish is absorbed at 10-25%.
Describe the signs and symptoms of anaemia
*loss of appetite or weight
*brittle nails
*fast heartbeat
*pale skin, including lips and eyelids
*shortness of breath
*poor concentration or confusion
*memory loss
*itching: high levels of mast cells in the blood which release histamines which result in allergic symptoms.Are affected by temperature changes that’s why there is itching after bathing
*Fullness: splenomegaly
Outline possible causes of iron deficiency
- Use of NSAIDS
*malabsorption - Lack of iron in diet
*Stomach ulcers
*GI blood losses
*Excessive menstrual flow
*GI cancer
State the iron supplements
*Iron sulphate
*Ferrous Fumarate
*Ferrous Gluconate
What raises the risk of thalassemia?
You may be more likely to have thalassemia based on your family history and genetics and your race or ethnicity
How does alpha thalassemia develop?
*You need four genes (two from each parent) to make enough alpha globin protein chains.
*If one or more of the genes is missing you will have alpha thalassemia, which means your body does not make enough alpha globin protein.
Describe degrees of alpha thalassemia
1.If you’re only missing one gene, you’re a “silent” carrier
2.If you’re missing two genes, you have alpha thalassemia trait (also called alpha thalassemia minor).
3.If you’re missing three genes, you likely have hemoglobin H disease (which a blood test can detect). This type of thalassemia causes moderate to severe anemia.
4.Very rarely, a baby is missing all four genes. This condition is called alpha thalassemia major or hydrops fetalis. Babies who have hydrops fetalis usually die before or shortly after birth.
How does beta thalassemia develop?
You need two genes (one from each parent) to make enough beta globin protein chains.
If one or both of these genes are altered, you’ll have beta thalassemia. This means that your body won’t make enough beta globin protein.
Describe the degrees of beta thalassemia.
- If you have one altered gene, you’re a carrier. This condition is called beta thalassemia trait or beta thalassemia minor. It causes mild anemia symptoms.
2.If both genes are altered, you’ll have beta thalassemia intermedia or beta thalassemia major (also called Cooley’s anemia). The intermedia form of the disorder causes moderate anemia. The major form causes serious anemia symptoms.
Briefly describe sickle cell anaemia
*Caused by a genetic mutation that changes a
single amino acid in the 146 long amino acids that make up the beta chain forming HbS.
*HbS is formed by substitution of valine instead of Glutamate at position 6.
*On deoxygenation, the HbS form long polymers that distort the shape of erythrocyte but it is reversible on reoxygenation
*At some point it becomes irreversible , prone to hemolysis which increase spleen workload
Why are people with sickle cell disease more likely to survive malaria?
Because the defective cells as they invaded by malaria parasites are more apt to be destroyed as they travel through the spleen, eliminating the infected cells before the parasites have a chance to multiply and spread
Describe polycythemia
A condition characterized by too many circulating erythrocytes and elevated hematocrit
Differentiate between primary and secondary polycythemia
Primary polycythemia: it is caused by tumor like condition of the bone marrow in which erythropoiesis proceeds at an excessive uncontrollable rate
Secondary polycythemia:
*Is an appropriate erythropoietin induced adaptive mechanism to improve the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity in response to a prolonged reduction in oxygen delivery to the tissues
*in people living at high altitudes where there is less oxygen in air
*People with chronic lung disease or cardiac failure
- The RBC in secondary polycythemia is usually less than the one in primary polycythemia
Describe complications of too many hematocrit and red blood cells
Blood viscosity resulting in:
- blood flows sluggishly which may reduce oxygen delivery to the tissues
*Increase in total peripheral resistance which may elevate blood pressure, thus increasing the workload of the heart
Describe the role of the liver in the destruction of erythrocytes
- Phagocytosis of the erythrocyte by kupffer cells
- Kupffer cells breakdown hemoglobin into globin and heme containing groups
- Globin is digested by peptidases to amino acids which are either recycled or metabolised by the liver
- Heme groups are broken down into iron and bilirubin
- The iron can be stored the liver within a shell of ferritin or transported to the bone marrow for hemoglobin formation within the protein transferrin
Describe how vitamin B12 is absorbed in the body
*Vitamin B12 binds to the protein in the foods we eat.
*In the stomach, hydrochloric acid and enzymes unbind vitamin B12 into its free form.
*From there, vitamin B12 combines with a protein called intrinsic factor so that it can be absorbed further down in the small intestine.
What produces intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid?
Parietal cells in the stomach
State factors that may cause vitamin B12 deficiency:
*Avoiding animal products.
*Lack of intrinsic factor
*Inadequate stomach acid or medications that cause decreased stomach acid
*Intestinal surgeries or digestive disorders that cause malabsorption
Describe ways for supplementing for vitamin B12
Animal sources include dairy products, eggs, fish, meat, and poultry
Describe the role of vitamin B12 in erythrocyte synthesis
There are several forms of folate that are transformed to other forms in a cycle.[1] One form of folate - methylenetetrahydrofolate - is essential for the formation of thymine - one of the four bases that form DNA. Another form of folate, methyltetrahydrofolate, is converted to tetrahydrofolate in a reaction catalysed by Vitamin B12. If there is insufficient B12 then this conversion doesn’t happen at the normal rate. Most of the folate in the body is trapped as methyltetrahydrofolate. The levels of methylenetetrahydrofolate decrease, as does the rate of formation of thymine. The result is that the body cannot made DNA at the normal rate.
So a B12 deficiency inhibits the production of DNA, but RNA production is unaffected (as it doesn’t use thymine). RNA is needed for the cell to grow, DNA is needed for the cell to replicate.
So a B12 deficiency means that cells can grow normally but they cannot replicate normally. This is only noticeable with rapidly producing cells - like red blood cells. The cells that go on to form red blood cells can grow, but not reproduce. The result is a smaller number of larger cells - macrocytic anaemia.
Describe how folate is absorbed in the body
Folate is actively absorbed primarily from the upper third of the small intestine.
State factors that may cause folate deficiency:
*A diet low in fresh fruits, vegetables, and fortified cereals is the main cause of folate deficiency.
*Conditions that affect absorption in the gastrointestinal tract can cause folate deficiencies
*Some people have a genetic mutation that hinders their body from properly and efficiently converting dietary or supplemental folate to its usable form, methylfolate.
*Excessive alcohol intake
Describe ways for supplementing for folate
leafy, green vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach
Brussels sprouts
fruits, such as bananas and melons
tomato juice
liver meat
wheat bran
fortified cereals
Describe the role of folate in erythrocyte synthesis
*Folate helps to form DNA and RNA and is involved in protein metabolism.
* Folate is also needed to produce healthy red blood cells
1.Reduction of folate by dihydrofolate reductase to Tetrahydrofolate.
2. Conversion of tetrahydrofolate to N5, N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate.
3.used in the synthesis of Pyrimidines and purines which are the building blocks of DNA
5. used in the formation of methionine
Tests used to differentiate vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia and folate deficiency anaemia?
1.Blood tests:
*check for methylmalonic acid levels, high shows B12 deficiency
2.Upper endoscopy: view any signs of gastric atrophy
NOTE: Methylmalonic acid is a substance produced when proteins, called amino acids, in the body break down.