Week 1 Flashcards
And some associated parameters
List files
- Force (shows hidden files)
- Full
How to know flag options in Linux?
–help after a command
Flags and parameters
Specify additional options for a command
man and -Full
man is a flag used to pull up more detailed info on a command’s parameters
-Full is the windows version of man, though man goes before the command and -Full goes after
Absolute path
One that starts from the main directory
Relative path
One that starts from the current directory
Print working directory
Tells you which directory you are currently in
What command moves you one directory up from the one you’re on?
cd ..
Tab completion
Lets you use tab key to autocomplete file names and directories
What’s the command in PowerShell to make a new folder?
How to search history in PowerShell?
Ctrl - R
A character that’s used to help select files based on a certain pattern
- is followed by the extension or other pattern you want to select by
What command lets you rename a file?
What is the command to remove files?
rm or remove
How do you leave the “more” command
Enter the “q” key
How do you view the first 10 lines of a file and the last 10 files?
- Head 10
- Tail 10
What key moves you to the beginning of a file opened via the “less” command in Linux? The end?
g (takes you to the beginning)
G (takes you to the end)
How to search for words in less interface in BASH in Linux?
/word (where “word” is whatever word you’re looking for)
What gets you out of less interface in Linux?
q key
Nano, Vim, Emacs
Text editors used in the Linux OS
PowerShell command that lets the user know which PowerShell command is actually getting executed when using alias commands like ls
Windows Search Service
It indexes files on your computer by looking through them on a schedule and compiles them into a database
PowerShell command used to search directories to look for just files with a certain file extension or some other category
What is the command equivalent to select-string in Linux BASH?
What is echo an alias for in PowerShell?
What does the > symbol mean in PowerShell?
It’s a redirector operator that moves the output from the screen to a specified location such as a file
What is the difference between the > and»_space; symbol?
The»_space; symbol will not overwrite an existing file, but instead it will just append info to it
What does the | symbol do?
Sends the output of one command to the input of another command
Standard error (2)
An empty void to redirect crap you don’t want to see output to