Week 1 Flashcards
Mental health definition
mental health is not just the absence of a mental disorder. It is defined as a state of well being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community
What is the DSM 4 TR definition
The successful performance of mental functions, in terms of thought, mood and behavior that results in productive activity
What are the objectives of the MHA (1986)
To provide for the care, treatment and protection of mentally ill people who do not or cannot consent to that care, treatment or protection; To facilitate the provision of necessary psychiatric treatment and care to people with a mental disorder; to protect the rights of people with a mental disorder; to establish a ‘mental health review board’; to establish a psychosurgery review board; to provide a mechanism of review and appeal against MH detention and treatment by appointing community visitors; to establish a victorian institute of forensic mental health; to ensurethat people with a mental disorder are informed of and make use of the provisions of this act
Principles of the Victorian MHA
patients with a mental illness in the state of Victoria are given the best possible care and treatment, appropriate to their needs, in the lest possible restrictive environment; provided the least possible intrusive manner, consistant with the effective provision of that care and treatment; rights are considered in providing for the care and treatment of people with a mental illness/disorder; the protection of members of the public any restriction upon the liberty of patients and other people with a mental disorder; and any interference with their rights, privacy, dignity and self respect are kept to the minimum necessary in the circumstances.
Criteria for Involuntary treatment
The person appears to be mentally ill; the person’s mental illness requires immediate treatment and that treatment can be obtained by the person being subject to an involuntary treatment order; because of the person’s mental illness, involuntary treatment of the person is necessary for his or hers health and safety or for the protection of members of the public; the person has refused or us unable to consent to the necessary treatment for the mental illness; the person cannot receive adequate treatment for the mental illness in a manner less restrictive of his freedom of decision and action.
acronym for involuntary treatment
RAILS. R= refuses necessary care and treatment that can only be obtained subject to an involuntary treatment order A= appears mentally ill I= immediate care and treatment L= least restrictive environment S= safety of self and others
transporting a patient to hospital
registered medical practitioner isn’t available within a reasonable period to consider making a recommendation. A mental health practitioner considers that 1. the criteria in section 8(1) applies to this person 2. the person should be taken to an approved menta health service for examination by a registered medical practitioner for the purpose of making a recommendation; the mental health practitioner completes an authority to transport in the prescribed form containing the prescribed particulars; a person who has made a request under section 9(1)(a) in respect of that person, must not complete an authority to transport that person under subsection (1)(c)
Section 10 of the MHA
A member of the police force may apprehend a person who appears to be mentally ill; the police member is not required to exercise clinical judgement and is only required to have reasonable grounds to form the belief that a person is mentally ill and has or is likely to harm themselves of others. There are no MHA forms for police to sign in regards to section 10
Section 11 of MHA
Where a member of the police force or any other person has reasonable grounds for believing that a person who appears to be mentally ill is because of that mental illness incapable of caring for herself or himself may give the information on oath to a magistrate.
Section 12 of MHA conditions
The patient can’t refuse psychiatric treatment including medication; the patient cannot discharge themselves from involuntary treatment; the patient must have any leave from hospital approved by the authorised; should the patient abscond the police are notified and returned when located; the authorised psychiatrist can give consent to certain procedures on the patients behalf; only the authorised psychiatrist of the M.H.R.B can discharge a patient from involuntary status.
Section 12 of the MHA examination by authorised psychiatrist
the authorised psychiatrist is empowered to establish if the criteria of section 8(1) applies to the patient on review; review must occur within 24 hours of the order being made; the psychiatrist must be employed by an approved MHS; the authorized psychiatrist can
- Uphold the patients recommendation and continue detention in hospital as a S12
- uphold the patients recommendation and continue involuntary treatment in the community as a S14 or community treatment order
- Discharge the patient. The patient has the option of being discharged from hospital or remain voluntarily.
Community treatment orders Section 14
At any time, an authorised psychiatrist may make a community treatment order for a person who is subject to an involuntary treatment order if the authorised psychiatrist is satisfied that:
- The criteria in section 8(1) apply to the person; and
- the treatment required for the person can be obtained through the making of a community treatment order
What are the conditions of a community treatment order
Patients on a community treatment order may have a residential clause applied by the authorsied psychiatrist. As long as the patient remains on the community treatment order, subsequent admissions will be as an involuntary patient even if the patient requests admission as a voluntary patient. If a patient fails to or refuses to comply with treatment prescribed, the authorised psychiatrist can revoke the community treatment order which means the patient is to be admitted to hospital as an involuntary patient.
What members does the Mental Health Review Board (MHRB) consist of
the members of the board are 1. An independant psychiatrist, 2. a solicitor and 3. a community visitor
What are the functions of the Mental Health Review Board (MHRB)
- To hear appeals by or on behalf of involuntary patients and security patients
- To periodically review the orders made on behalf of involuntary patients and security patients, along with their treatment plans
- to hear appeals against the refusal of the chief psychiatrist to grant special leave to security patients
- to hear appeals against the transfer of involuntary patients and security patients
- to review orders for the transfer of involuntary patients to interstate facilities
- such other functions as are specified by this act.
What are patient rights according to Section 18 of the MHA
Every person on admission must be given the appropriate prescribed statement
- Advising the patient to their legal rights and other entitilements, including the right to a second psychiatric opinion and obtain legal representation.
- Containing any other information relating to the treatment and care of the patient that the Department considers relevant to his or her legal rights and other entitlement under the Act
- The statement may be printed in different languages so that wherever possible a patient can be given a copy of the statement printed in a language with which the patient is familiar.
- In addition to the statement, the patient must be given an oral explanation of the information contained in the statement. The patient needs to have understood the information conveyed and there needs to be every attempt made to relay this information in a manner the patient can best understand
- It is the duty of the authorized psychiatrist to ensure that this section is complied within the approved mental health service.
The treatment plan
The authorized psychiatrist must prepare, review on a regular basis and revise as required, a treatment plan for each patient
In preparing, reviewing and revising a treatment plan for a patient what must the psychiatrist take into account
- the wishes of the patient
- Unless the patient objects, the wishes of any guardian, family member or primary carer
- Whether the treatment to be carried out is only to promote and maintain the patients health or well being
- any beneficial alternative treatments available
- The nature and degree of any significant risks associated with the treatment or any alternative treatment
- any prescribed matters
If a patient is an involuntary patient, what is required of the treatment plan
The treatment plan for a patient who is detained in an approved mental health service must contain an outline of the treatment the patient is to receive.
What is the definiton of seclusion
Seclusion means the solitary confinement of a person at any hour of the day or night in a room of which the doors and windows are locked from the outside
According to S82 of the MHA (seclusion) what is required for the patient
- the patient is to be reviewed at intervals of not more than 15 minutes by a RN
- Subject to sub (section 3A), to be examined at intervals of not more than 4 hours by a registered medical practitioner
- Be supplied with bedding and clothing
- Be provided with food and drink
- Be provided with toilet arrangements
- be examined by the authorised psychiatrist at intervals of not more than 24 hours
What is the criteria for secluding a patient according to S82 of the MHA (seclusion)
If it is necessary to protect the person or any other person from an immediate of intiment risk to his/her health or safety or to prevent the person from absconding.
What is S81 of the MHA
Section 81 of the MHA is in regards to restraints. In this section mechanical restraint, in relation to a person means the application of devices (including belts, harnesses, manacles, sheets and straps) on the person’s body to restrict his/her movement, but does not include the use of furniture (including beds with cot sides and chairs with tables fitted to their arms) that restricts the persons capacity to get off the furniture.
When can mechanical restraints for the purpose of treatment for a mental disorder in an approved mental health facility be applied?
A. If that restraint is necessary
1. for the purpose of medical treatment
2. to prevent the person from causing injury to themselves or another person
3. to prevent the person from persistently destroying property
B. If the form and use of restraint has been:
1. approved by an authorized psychiatrist
2. in the case of an emergency, authorized by the senior RN on duty and notified to a registered medical practitioner without delay
C. for the period of time specified in the aproval or authorization under paragraph B.
What are community visitors
the functions of a community visitor is to visit any mental health service in the region for which the community visitor is appointed and inquires into mental health facility.
What do community visitors inquire into?
- the adequacy of services for the assessment and treatment of people with a mental disorder
- the appropriateness and standard of facilities for the accomodation, physical well being and welfare of persons receiving treatment or care for a mental disorder
- the adequacy of opportunities and facilities for the recreation, occupation, education, training and rehabilitation of persons receiving treatment of care for a mental disorder
- the extend to which people receiving treatment or care for a mental disorder are being given the best possible treatment appropriate to their needs in the least possible restrictive environment and least invasive manner consistent with the effective giving of that treatment
- any failure to comply with the provisions of this act
- any other matter that an official visitor considers appropriate having regard to the objectives specified in section 5
- any complaint made to a community visitor by a person receiving treatment or care for a mental disorder.
What is GABA (1986)
The purpose of this Act is to enable persons with a disability to have a guardian or administrator appointed when they need a guardian or administrator
According to GABA what is a guardianship
Guardianship - A guardianship order appointing a plenary guardian confers on the plenary guardian in respect of the represented person all the powers and duties which the plenary guardian would have if he/she were a parent and the represented person his/her child.
What is the definiton of Mental health
It is a state of emotional and social well being in which the individual realizes his/her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively or fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
What is a mental health problem
Problems with mental health, such as worry or sadness, which do not meet the criteria for a mental disorder
What is a mental disorder?
a diagnosable illness that significantly interferes with an individuals cognitive, emotional or social abilities.
What is mental health literacy?
knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid and recognition, management or prevention. Mental health literacy includes ability to recognize specific disorders; knowing how to seek mental health information; knowledge of risk factors and causes, of self treatments, and of professional help available; and attitudes that promote recognition and appropriate help seeking.
What is mental health promotion
mental health promotion is any action taken to maximize mental health and well being among populations and individuals. In Edward, Munro, Robins & Welch (2011) their definition “is an emerging area of health that includes research, policy development, community action and program activity”.
Social and emotional well being
A holistic Aboriginal definition of health that includes: mental health, suicide and self harm, emotional psychological and spiritual well being.