Week 1 Flashcards
Who is responsible for establishing the routine maintenance schedule for the rig?
Company Commander. TB App C2
What is the acceptable rate of air loss when testing the brake system?
Max 1 lb. per 10 minutes. Max 10 lbs. per application. TB App C2
How long is the TL and AL emergency system tested for?
Max 30 seconds (weekly). TB App C2
When checking the rig, what are the four items that are checked each tour?
Fuel, Belts, Lights, Air tanks. TB App C2
You are on BI and see an FDNY ambulance that does not have the vehicle security decal on it. Who do you contact and how?
Borough dispatcher via mixer off message. TB App C2A2
T/F. When vehicle security decal on apparatus becomes damaged, the apparatus shall remain in service awaiting replacement.
True. TB App C2A2
What is the max apparatus speed after snow chains are applied?
Must not exceed 30 mph. TB App C2A1
The snow chains on the rig break while out of quarters. When can officer not stop the rig to have it fixed?
While responding to fires or emergencies. TB App C2A1
What fire department vehicles can be recovered using the vehicle recovery strap?
EMS ambulances and Battalion vehicles. TB App C2A3
Is the preferred method for vehicle recovery from the front or the rear?
Recovery from the front. TB App C2A3
What is the size of the safety zone while utilizing the vehicle recovery strap?
35’ TB App C2A3
When the emergency override rotation limit switch is enabled, the device will not allow ladder rotation of more than ______ degrees from the center line of the apparatus towards the short jacked side.
15 degrees. TB App L7
T/F while pumping you always have to have either the front or rear wheels chocked.
False. Always rear wheels. TB App P2
Which position on the engine transfer valve is to be utilized as a standard operating procedure?
Volume. TB App P3
Which position on the engine transfer valve is to be utilized when head pressure must be overcome? (Standpipes)
Pressure. TB App P3
What is pump idle pressure?
The pressure from pumps at lowest RPM’s plus water intake pressure from source (hydrant, other rig) TB App P3
What is static pressure?
Pressure on intake gauge when water is not flowing. TB App P3
When first to arrive on the first alarm, what hydrant connections may be used?
10’ small or 35’ soft. TB App P3
T/F when other than first to arrive at the first alarm, you can order ECC to utilize 10’ hard suction.
True. Can use 10’ small, 35’ soft or 10’ hard. TB App P3
What hydrant connection must be used at drafting operations?
10’ hard. TB App P3
During pumping operations, when does the ECC need to call for augmentation?
When residual pressure drops below 15 psi on the intake pressure gauge. TB App P3
T/F after water is introduced to the pump, and after increasing pump pressure, the ECC must prime the pump before opening any discharge outlet.
False. After water is introduced, prime before increasing pump pressure and opening discharges. TB App P3
What is the formula for determining 1 3/4 line pressure?
50 psi at nozzle plus 20 psi per length friction loss. (Add 5 psi for each floor above grade). TB App P3
What is the formula for determining 2 1/2 line pressure?
40 psi at nozzle plus 5 psi per length friction loss. (Add 5 psi for each floor above grade). TB App P3
If you need to change the position of the transfer valve, throttle the engine down first. Pump pressure gauge should read no more than _____ psi above the intake pressure gauge.
50 psi. TB App P3
Who does ECC notify if intake pressure drops below 15 psi?
Incident Commander. TB App P3
T/F utilize the pressure position when drafting water?
False. Volume. TB App P3
What is the service life of an SCBA cylinder?
15 years. TB SCBA
How often is the SCBA cylinder hydrostatically tested?
Every 5 years. TB SCBA
The vibralert and HUD activate when approximately what percentage of full cylinder pressure remains?
25 % TB SCBA
When are spare cylinders inspected?
Weekly on Monday. TB SCBA
How are training cylinders identified?
Blue top or sleeve. TB SCBA
The SCBA PRA normally reduces operating pressure to what psi?
100 psi. TB SCBA
Malfunction of the PRA primary system will cause operating pressure to be reduced to what PSI?
150 psi. TB SCBA
Malfunction of the PRA secondary system in the open position will reduce pressure to what PSI?
185 psi. Partially close cylinder valve. TB SCBA
If the SCBA manual shut off switch is not pressed a full cylinder can be depleted in how many minutes?
How many holes are in the regulator spray bar?
How many lights are in the SCBA HUD?
Five. Four rectangular lights for cylinder pressure and one round red battery light. TB SCBA
Two green lights glowing in SCBA HUD.
Full cylinder. TB SCBA
One greed light glowing in SCBA HUD.
3/4 cylinder. TB SCBA
One yellow light flashing slowly SCBA HUD.
1/2 cylinder. TB SCBA
One red light flashing rapidly SCBA HUD.
1/4 cylinder. TB SCBA
Face piece color sizes. Small. Comfort. Xl.
Small -Green
Comfort - Black
XL - Red
SCBA pre alarm begins after how many seconds?
20 seconds of motionless SCBA. TB SCBA
If the SCBA is not moved during pre alarm, how many seconds until full alarm?
12 seconds after pre alarm starts. TB SCBA
How many seconds from SCBA pre alarm to full alarm?
32 seconds. (20 to pre, 12 more to full) TB SCBA
Can you activate the manual alarm on the SCBA if the unit is not pressurized?
When are SCBA’s inspected?
Immediately after roll calls.
Immediately before start of MUD.
After each use.
T/F when a member needs to perform an emergency procedure they must give a mayday if any difficulty is encountered?
False. Must give mayday before attempting to free yourself.
How many blows is the emergency touch signal?
Four distinct blows on the shoulder then pull in specific direction. TB SCBA
How many full pumps of isopropyl alcohol are used to clean regulator?
6 full pumps. TB SCBA
How much contact time is allowed for isopropyl alcohol to disinfect regulator?
10 minutes. TB SCBA
SCBA Color Code
E, L, R, HM, SQ, BC, Bat Spare, Marine, MSU Spare
E- Black L- Red R and HM- Blue S and BC - Yellow Bat Spare - Orange Marine - Green MSU Spare - Black
SCBA label numbers 1-6.
Officer, Chauffeur N,B,C,D
Officer, Chauffeur R,O,I,C
How long are FAST Pak hoses?
5’ High
20’ Low
In how many seconds will a high pressure hose equalize both cylinders?
60 seconds. TB SCBA A1
In what two situations can Fast Pak be used on civilian?
IDLH removal not immediately possible.
Confined Space Rescue.
How many adaptors and cartridges does each unit receive?
Six adapters and twelve cartridges. TB SCBA A2
CO combines with blood how many times more readily than oxygen?
210 TB SCBA A3
A concentration of hydrogen cyanide is fatal at what level?
270 ppm. TB SCBA A3
Acrolein begins to irritate at less than what level?
Less than 10 ppm. TB SCBA A3
HCL is colorless but has what odor?
Pungent odor. TB SCBA A3
Phosgene is tasteless and odorless at first but at 6 ppm has what smell?
Musty hay. TB SCBA A3
Members submitting paperwork for corrective lens kit must have prescription less than what time?
Less than one year old. TB SCBA A7
What is the max range of the Pak tracker?
900’ line of sight. TB SCBA A8
Once Pak tracker receives alarm signal who is notified?
Fast Officer notifies IC. Fast Officer attempts to notify member. If for emergency or no contact give mayday to IC. TB SCBA A8
How many seconds of SCBA full alarm for it to register on Pak tracker?
Full alarm for ten seconds. TB SCBA A8
T/F Pak tracker can lock onto two SCBA’s at the same time?
False. Only one at a time. TB SCBA A8
How do you hold Pak tracker to begin searching?
Waist height top of unit towards target. TB SCBA A8
At what signal strength do the Pak tracker lights illuminate?
Above 50%. TB SCBA
When sweeping with Pak Tracker how many seconds do you pause for?
3-4 seconds. TB SCBA A8
Signal from Pak tracker will usually pass through what?
Glass, light building materials, openings, wood. TB SCBA A8
Max characters displayed on Pak tracker?
Who verifies apparatus door is fully opened before moving the apparatus?
Chauffeur, Officer, and member assigned to open the door. Regs 11
When turning corners no apparatus shall be driven in excess of what speed?
15 mph. Regs 11
The officer in command can turn a premises over to whom?
POOR. PD, Occupant, Owner, Responsible Person. Regs 11
At a car fire (other than ADV or 41-3), what information is necessary to give to dispatcher?
MMLL, Make, Model, License Plate, Location. Regs 11
If it is alleged that property has been taken by a Fire Department employee, who is notified?
The IG. If 10-41 notify BFI as well. Regs 11
Your ladder company is ordered to the roof of building (2nd alarm or greater). What is brought tot he roof?
HULL. Hose roller, Utility rope, Life rope, Life belt. Regs 11
When checking into the Command Post how far away do you keep the men?
At least 25’. Regs 11
You know that several units on the 10-66 respond into the command post. Which ones?
Rescue, Squad, SOC Support Ladder, FAST and CFR Engine. Regs 11
What is the focal point to identify the staging area?
The staging area manager vehicle. Regs 11
Member is receiving CPR or rescue breathing. Who do you notify?
EMS, Department unit with O2, Medical Officer. Regs 11
What is the proper angle to adjust the ladder pipe?
Distance between tip of ladder and center of turntable is 15-25’ (70-80 degree angle). Regs 11
When DOI, Testing Unit or BITS enters quarters, is any notification made to the men?
Not unless directed to do so by those personnel. Regs 20
Do BITS or Testing Unit have to sign in?
No, they can use their ID number instead. Regs 20
Are units in service or OOS for EEO inspections?
In service. Regs 20
Children under what year of age are not permitted to enter quarters without parent?
Under 15. Regs 20
In general the siren shall be operated in what mode, switched to _____ when encountering heavy traffic or approaching an intersection.
Wail mode, Yelp. Safety 1
What is the effective range and speed of the siren?
125’ at 30 mph. Safety 1
What are the three ways the officer can direct member to notify dispatcher of fire or emergency in quarters?
Telephone, voice alarm, street box. Safety 61
When is the EAP for quarters reviewed?
Initially when developed, changed, new personnel, quarterly. Safety 61
What is the height of a speed hump?
3-4” Safety 76
How are concrete reducers striped?
According to receding lines design. Safety 76
How are asphalt reducers striped?
Chevron design. Safety 76
What is advise speed for 3 and 4 inch speed humps?
15 for 4 and 20 for 3. Safety 76
Can the protective hood be worn wet?
Yes. Dry, damp or saturated with moisture. Safety 83
What do you wash the protective hood in?
Lukewarm water and liquid detergent. Safety 83
T/F If you feel discomfort through the protective hood you must leave the area unless it can be immediately cooled by a hoseline or can.
False. Only hoseline. Safety 83
T/F As the OOD you can order these cowards into the fire area without a hood.
True. If spare hood is not available instruct member to put earflaps down and coat collar up secured by neck strap. Safety 83
How much water should you initially drink, then how much?
20 oz initially, then 6-8 oz every 15 minutes. Safety 87
Page 500 running backwards is for what entry?
Chief visits. Co Jo.
Page 497-495 is for what entry?
Drill. Co Jo.
Page 494 and back is for what entry?
MSU and Chiefs. Co Jo.
Flagging column is how wide and to what side of red line.
3/8” to left of existing line. Co Jo.
Flagging Column - ACC
Flagging Column - AFID
Flagging Column - CV
Chief Visit.
Flagging Column - CM
Cleaning and Maintenance
Flagging Column - Com
Flagging Column - DF
Diesel Fuel
Flagging Column - DSP
Flagging Column - EE
Entries Examined
Flagging Column - EI
Exchanged information
Flagging Column - F
Heating Fuel
Flagging Column - Inj
Flagging Column - LV
Leaves starting other than roll call
Flagging Column - MSK
Mask Inspection
Flagging Column - MESS
Flagging Column - OM
Flagging Column - PR
Flagging Column - OT
Flagging Column - RPR
Flagging Column - RXD
Scheduled to report or be relieved.
Flagging Column - SP
Special entry
Flagging Column - SI
Surveillance Inspection
Flagging Column - VIS
Visit by non member
What does officer do when he suspects AUC 202 has been violated?
Prohibit anyone from leaving. Relieve on duty members from responding. Unit OOS. Notify admin BC. Notify BITS. CO JO mark. AUC 202
What is the most significant change noted as a possible indication of alcohol or drug abuse?
Change in a persons pattern of behavior. AUC 202 A2
What does wearing an SCBA mean?
Having it on your back with facepiece in standby position. AUC 220
What does using an SCBA mean?
Facepiece on with regulator donned. AUC 220
What are the two instances members can remove SCBA regulator in smoke or toxic environment?
Cylinder depleted, SCBA malfunctioning as to cut off air supply. AUC 220
When does officer on duty initial and date proby notebook?
When subject matter has been reviewed or drilled on. AUC 323
When does company commander initial and date proby notebook?
Once a month. AUC 323
Who can remove the PR prefix from the proby name?
Company commander, when granted tenure on department order. AUC 346