Week 1 Flashcards
<2 year old fever, rhinorrhea (coryza), cough 18 hours and labored breathing 1 hour, exam reveals tachypnea, hypoxia, crackles, coarse breathe sounds +/- Wheezing. What is the diagnosis?
Bronchioloitis caused by RSV
Tx. Supportive
Hemochromatosis can have what complications
HCC, Cirrhosis, CM (CHF), arrythmias, DM, impotence, arthropathy, hypopituitarism
Contralateral paresis and sensory loss in the face and arm, gaze preference towards side of the lesion
MCA Stroke
Left (dominant) - Aphasia
Right (non dominant) - neglect
SOB in someone with rib fracture, no breath sounds, unstable BP 80/60, next step?
needle thoracostomy
87 year old w/dementia in nursing home with UTI, had a catheter for urinary incontinence for a week, what could have prevented this?
incontinence briefs instead of a catheter
how to treat superficial thrombophebitis
NSAIDS, warm compress
37 immigrant from pakistan, 2 week RUQ pain, fever, increased T bili 1.4, Alk phos 120, AST 40, on US see right cystic mass of the liver, what is this?
Entamoeba histolytia, diagnose with serum antibody for E histolytica, tx with metronidazole. Can also cause blood diarrhea.
Just started HCTZ feel fatigued, which electrolyte abnormality?
hypoKALEMIA, can also cause, hyponatremia, hyperglycemia, hypelipidemia, hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia, sulfa allergy
Tinea versicolor, doesn’t tan in sun, what to treat?
selenium sulfide or topical azoles, dx KOH spahgetti and meatballs
Kid with scalp scattered papules and scaly ares, and short broken hairs in patches
Tinea corpis, from sharing hat probably, Dx KOH, 2/2 tricohophyton, tx griseo or terbinafine)
6 month old chronic constipation, no stool in ampulla, next step dx
anorectal manometry detects failure of the internal sphincter to relax after distention of rectal lumen, used in atypical preso older children
4 year old with ear pain, bulging TM, edematous auditory canal, small amount MC discharge, tenderness behind ear, EAR IS LATERALLY DISPLACED, 1 CM freely mobile NT mass over L anterior neck, next step
CT scan Temporal bone … ABSCESS!
guy works as a pharmacist, advised to lose weight, high T4, very high T3, very low TSH, decreased uptake on radioactive thyroid scan and small gland, what is the cause?
EXOGENOUS ADMIN thyroid hormone
30 min after fluid resuscitation with crystalloid solution and transfusion of 4 units crossmatched PRBC, SOB and diffuse rhonchi and crackles, what is cause?
Fluid overload, Transfusion induced lung injury
prego who is vegetarian, what additional supplementation vitamin for pregnancy and lactation?
47 yo male knee pain, fracture when 16, progressively worse now, can’t walk
post traumatic arthritis
What to decrease Renal Ca++ stones
- Increase fluid intake
- Decrease Na+ intake
- NL Ca++ intake
How to treat uric acid stones
- Hydration
- Alkalinize urine 6-6.5 w oral K/citrate
- Decrease pruine diet
Asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis w/nasal polyposis, and bronchospasm or nasal congestions following ASA or NSAIDS is
Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease
How to treat recurrent variable decelerations? (occur with >50% of contractions)
Maternal repositioning, left lateral 1st line may reduce cord compression and improve blood flow to the placenta, 2nd line amnioinfusion
DiGeorge Syndrome Pathogenisis
Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion, defectiev development of pharyngeal pouches
Clinical Features DiGeorge syndrome
Conotruncal cardiac defects (truncus arteriosis)
Abnormal facies (low set ears, microagnathia)
Thymic aplasia/hypoplasia
Cleft palate
Can also have T cell lymphpenia and increased risk viral and fungal infections
What to order if suspect DiGeorge syndrome?
Serum Ca++ and echo
Chronic granulomatous disease
-Recurrent pulm and skin infections
-Catalase +
Dx: neutrophil function testing, dihydrorodamine 123, nitroblue tetrazolium test
Partial oculocutaneous albinism and recurrent cutaneous infections with staph a, strep pyogenes
impaired neutrophil migration to site of infection, delayed umbilical cord separation, recurrent non purulent skin infections, sever periodontitis, neutrophilia
Eczema, thrombocytopenia, recurrent infections
Wiskott-Aldrich synfrome
Cafe-au-lait spots, multiple neurofibromas, lish nodules iris, increased risk intracranial neoplasm
NF1 (TS gene codes neurofibromin, Cr 17)
Bilateral acuostic neuromas
NF2 (TS gene codes merlin, Cr 22)
Drugs that cause megaloblastic anemia (folic acid deficiency)
Phenytoin, primidone, phenobarbital, TMP, Methotrexate
progressive visual loss, especially when driving/reading and see straight grid lines appear curvy
Macular degeneration most common cause of blindness in industrialized nations
Diffuse Telangiectasias recurrent epistaxis, wide spread AV malformations (mucous membranes, skin, GI, liver, brain, lung) AVM in lungs can shunt blood from the R to L heart causing hypoxemia and reactive polycythemia, also can preso as hemoptysis
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, AD
1-2 weeks after exposure to abx (beta lactam, sulfa) or acute hep b, have fever, skin rash, urticaria, and polyarthralgia. Low Complement, elevated ESR, CRP
serum sickness like reaction type III HS reaction
tx remove offending agent, supportive care, steroids or PM if severe
What to give for a DVT in end stage renal disease?
unfractioned heparin followed by warfarin for at least 3 months
Dx Lichen sclerosus
Punch biopsy
Tx Lichen Sclerosus
Topical high potency corticosteroid
Adverse effects oxytocin
Hyponatremia (bcus like ADH)
Uterine Tachysystole (increased risk C section, low umbilical cord pH and neonatal intensive care unit admission)
Which antiarrhythmic agents cause use dependence?
Class IC - Flecainide and propafenone, when HR increased can cause QRS prolongation
(also verapamil and diltiazem prolong PR internval)
2 week old neonate with mucopurulent eye discharge, and what tx?
Chlamydia tx with PO macrolide (topical erythromycin effective prophylaxis for gonococcal conjuctivitis)
6mo -3yo with barky cough, stridor, hoarse voice, preceding URI sxs
CROUP parainfluenza virus tx with steroids and racemic epi for pts w/stridor @rest
Drugs that cause pancreatitis
- Anti seizure - valproate
- diuretics (furosemide, thiazides)
- IBD - sulfasalazne, 5ASA
- Azathioprine
- HIV (didanosime, pentamidine)
- Abx (metro, tetra)
Microcephaly, Micrognathia, prominent occiput, low set ears, clenched hands with overlapping fingers, renal defects, limited hip abduction, rocker bottom feet, heart defects
Trisomy 18 Edwards
Cutis aplasia, microphthalmia, midline defects like holoprosencephaly and omphalocele, rocker bottom feet
Trisomy 13
SE Cyclosporine
Nephrotox, HTN, Neurotox (HA, vision changes, seizure, mild tremors, akinetic mutism), glucose intol, infection, malignancy (SCC skin and lymphprolif dz), gingival hypertrophy and hirsutism, GI probs
Drugs that cause hyperK+
- B Blockers
- K sparing diuretics
- Digoxin
What is Leriche Syndrome?
- Aortoiliac occlusion
- Triad 1) b/l hip, thigh, buttock claudication 2) impotence 3) symmetric atrophy of the b/l lower extremities 2/2 chronic ischemia
What is the workup for an ovarian mass in a post menopausal woman?
- Ultrasound and CA-125
- Then if ++ further imaging with CT/MRI
- Never to needle aspiration in postmeno women w/adnexal mass bcus of seeding malignant cells
Blunt Trauma to lower abodmen pelvis + peritoneal signs (peritonitis)
Rupture dome of the bladder, bcus urine spills into peritoneum, leading to peritonitis
Kehr sign
irritation to the right or left hemidiaphragm causing referred pain to the ipsilateral shoulder (C3-C5, phrenic nerve also innervated diaphragm)
What ia alcoholic hallucinosis?
Alert sensorium, visual hallucinations (auditory, tactile occur too), relatively stable vital signs developing 12-24 hours after the last drink and usually resolves within 24-48 hours. (Vs DT which occurs after 48 hours, disorientation and global confusion, hallucinations, fever, autonomic hyperactivity and potentially life threatening)
How to determine etiology of fetal demise?
Autopsy, gross and microscopic placental exam, karyotype/genetic studies. Also maternal lab testing for fetomaternal hemorrhage and antiphospholipid.
What is pemphigus vulgaris?
Antibody vs desmogleins 1 & 3, flaccid bullae and ulcers, +nikolsky sign, intraepidermal cleavage, acantholysis, IF netlike intracellular IgG and C3
Tx: steroids
2 month milestones (Gross motor, fine motor, language, social)
Gross: lifts head/chest prone
Fine: tracks past midline, unfisted 50%
Lang: alerts to voice/sound & coos
Social: social smile, rec parents
4 mo milestones (Gross motor, fine motor, language, social)
Gross: Sits with trunk support, begins rolling
Fine: Hands mostly open, reaches midline
Language: Laughs, turrns to voice
Social: enjoys looking around
6 mo milestones
gross, fine, lang, social
Gross: sits momentarily propped on hands unsupported by 7 months
Fine: Transfer objects hand to hand, raking grasp
Language: responds to name, babbles
Social: stranger anxiety
9 mo milestones
Gross: Pulls to stand, cruises
Fine: 3 finger pincer grasp, holds bottle/cup
Language: Dada, Mama
Social: Waves bye, plays pat a cake
12 mo milestone
Gross: Stands well, walks first steps, throws ball
Fine: 2 finger pincer grasp
Language: first words
Social: Separation anx, comes when called
When does moro reflex go away? Babinksi?
Moro/grasp - 4 months
Babinski - 12mo-2years
Tx urge incontinence
Antimuscarinic, oxybutinin
Tx overflow incontinence 2/2 diabetic neuropathy
Painful pustules and honey crusted lesions, what is it? tx?
Non bullous impetigo, tx topical mupirocin for localized infection
Tx impetigo with extensive skin involvement or bullous?
Clinda, cephalexin, dicloxacillin
Tx Iron poisoning
Deferoxamine which binds ferric iron allowing urinary excretion (ex. radiopaque prenatal vitamins)
Probability of being disease free if the test result is negative?
NPV, varies with pretest probability of a disease
Complications of mumps?
Aseptic meningitis and orchitis
Asx gallstones t?
no treatment until symptomatic, then lap chole
How to improve oxygenation in mechanically ventilated patients?
- Increase FiO2
- Increase PEEP
Cough, coryza, conjuctiitis then maculopapular rash that spreads cephalocaudally and SPARE palms/soles
Measles (Rubeloa), transmitted airborne, tx supportive and Vit A
Acute shoulder pain after forceful abduction and ext rotation at the GH joint suggest ….
anterior shoulder dislocation, may cause injury to axillary nerve (teres minor and deltoid, weak shoulder abduction)
Most common valcular abnormality detected in pts with IE?
Mitral valve prolapse with coexisting mitral regurgitation.
44 y/o woman with hot flashes, insomnia, irregular menses, what do order?
<10 year old with triad of pain, jaundice, and palpabale mass
Biliary Cyst
Tx: Surgery
Boy 13-16 yo with no constitutional sxs, tender soft tissue mass, Xray “spiculated sunburst pattern” and periosteal elevation “Codmans triangle”, also elevated AP, elevated LDH, Elevated ESR
Osteosarcoma, metaphysis long bones
Adolescent male, 20% systemic symptoms, xray shows osteolytic lesion with periosteal reaction, onion skin appearance
Ewings scarcoma
sclerotic, cortical lesion on imaging with a central nidus of lucency, pain at night, NSAID make it better
osteoid osteoma
Beta adrenergic agonists (epinephrine) cause
hypokalemia (Also poteniated by increased insulin)
Fetal hydantoin syndrome 2/2 pheytoin and carbamazepime
Midfacial hypoplasia, microcephaly, cleft lip and palate, digital hypoplasia, hirsutism, dev delay
Person w/un tx AIDS (CD4 <200) has progressive neuro sxs and imaging evidence of non enhancing/no edema white matter lesions
JC virus, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
dx LP with CSF PCR for JC virus
tx. antiretroviral therapy
PCP with PaO2 <70mmHg or A-a gradient >35mmHg tx
Symptoms of CO poisoning?
HA, N/V, ab discomfort, confusion, coma, pinkish-red skin hue. Tx Hyperbaric Ox.
AKI after acyclovir, MOA?
High does acyclovir can cause crystalluria with renal tubular obstruction, give IVF with drug
Severe burn >20% BSA, hypothermia, tachyx2, refracvtory hypotension, change in burn appearance or loss of skin graft 1st sign
- Soon after think gram +
- 5 days think gram - and fungi, like pseudomonas
Dermal blisters on hands and untreated hep C, painless blisters heal with scarring, increased skin fragility on dorsal surfaces of hands, hyperpigmentation
Porphyria cutanea tarda, can be hereditary or acquired disorders of heme synthesis