Week 1-6 Flashcards
What is the most important question(s) when Critical Reading?
So what?
Is it Specific?
Is it Verifiable?
Is it Achievable?
Does it Address hole in existing research?
Is it Able to answer so what question?
what does CRAAP test stand for?
Currency - when it was published
Relevancy - How the info fits your needs
Authority - who published it
Accuracy- reliability
Purpose - why it exists`
What does STS stand for?
Science and tech studies
Outline what Science and technology Studies (STS) is?
study on how society , politics and culture affect scientific research, tech, innovation and how these affect society, politics and culture
what is:
Technological Determinism
Social construction of technology
1: technological determinism: Argues that tech progresses autonomously, following its own internal logic of efficiency and it determines social change and progress. Tech impacts society
2: Social construction of technology is the notion that social factors shape tech rather than tech shaping humans
How does tech have politics
some technologies are design with ulterior political motives such as the New York Bridges to meet a political demand via tech, tech is man made thus it has bias
What are the four dimensions of technology?
Economic Dimension
Environmental Dimension
Social/cultural Dimension
Political Dimension
What are the major differences between Oral vs written communication
Memory and Dialogic nature of communication
What is the: They say I say method?
an academic writing method
They say: summarize ideas/arguments
I say: Introduce your ideas
Argue :)
what is critique, what is synthesis
to thoroughly analyze text, evaluate, analyze and comment
synthesis is drawing on multiple source to reach a broader conclusion-distilling ideas
When should you cite a source
When using ideas/words that are not your own