Week 1 Flashcards
large numbers of RBCs break down in bloodstream, urine may turn red or brown
presence of intact RBCs in urine which occurs after kidney damage or damage to vessels along urinary tract
bilirubin is not conjugated in the liver to UDP-glucuronate and diffuses into peripheral tissues if the bile ducts are obstructed
Pyruvate Kinase deficiency
most common enzymopathy of glycolysis
• ATP generated via glycolysis is decreased by 50%
• Clinical expression ranges from severe hemolytic anemia in neonates to a fully compensated anemia
• Anemia and/or jaundice are recognized in infancy or early childhood
• Lab: Small dense crenated cells (echinocytes) on smear
• Tx: folic acid supplementation, splenectomy
➢ Congenital Methemoglobinemia
- Patients appear cyanotic (blue) with few clinical problems
- Excess methemoglobin due to def in cytochrome b5 reductase
- Etiology: genetics → inherited hemoglobin M disease
- Single AA substitution in heme-binding pocket → stabilizes ferric state
➢ Acquired Methemoglobinemia
- Etiology: ingestion of oxidants such as nitrites, quinones, aniline, sulfonamides; benzocaine, lidocaine, or dapsone use
- Tx: administration of reducing agents → ascorbic acid or methylene blue
• 2,3-BPG
2,3-BPG stabilizes the deoxy form of Hb which facilitates the release of O2 to tissues (beneficial in high altitude locations)
1,3 BPG – BPG mutase → 2,3-BPG
If defective BPG mutase, Hb will not release O2 to tissues → hypoxia and hemolysis
• Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD)
First enzyme that catalyzes pentose phosphate pathway
Lifetime of RBC correlates with G6PD activity (due to anucleate nature of RBCs) → decrease G6PD results in increased oxidative damage → hemolysis
When rate of hemolysis substantially exceeds normal rate of RBC production, the number of RBCs drops below normal → hemolytic anemia
G6PD allows for NADPH to be produced which mediates glutathione reaction thus aiding in eliminating ROS
• G6PD Deficiency: most common enzyme deficiency in the world
➢ Symptoms: dark urine, pale skin, weakness, jaundice, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, tachycardia, fever
➢ X-linked disease with many G6PD variants (~300)
• Variant proteins have reduced stability and lowered activity → reduced RBC lifespan → more likely to lyse under oxidative stress
• Severity of disease depends on mutation
➢ G6PD deficient patients are resistant to malaria
➢ Etiology: genetic, hereditary, primaquine prophylaxis
➢ Labs: peripheral smear shows – Heinz bodies (inclusions of denatured Hgb), bite cells, blister cells
• Stabilizes deoxy form of Hgb → facilitates O2 release to tissues
➢ Shifts O2 saturation curve to the right
• 2,3-BPG is regulated by BPG mutase
• If defective, Hgb will not release O2 to tissues → hypoxia, hemolysis
o Hereditary Spherocytosis
• 75% are autosomal dominant; 25% are autosomal recessive
• Etiology:
Ankyrin deficiency most common
30-45% - Ankyrin and spectrin deficiencies
30% Spectrin alone
20% Band 3 mutations alone
• Pathophysiology
Aberrant interaction between lipid bilayer and skeleton → spherocyte
Spectrin loss caused by defect in a membrane protein that attaches to spectrin rather than primary spectrin defect
• Clinical Features:
Anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly
Onset occurs at any age; severe in neonates
• Labs:
Peripheral smear – spherocytes and reticulocytosis
Elevated indirect bilirubin (non-conjugated bilirubin) → 50-60% cases
Negative direct antiglobulin test (DAT)
High MCHC due to cellular dehydration
Gold Standard: Incubated Osmotic Fragility Test at 37⁰C – measures ability of RBCs to swell in graded series of hypotonic solutions
• Tx: splenectomy (corrects anemia but not RBC defect)
Weigh risk-reward benefit: give pneumococcal, meningococcal, Hib vaccines several weeks before splenectomy; prophylactic Pen VK in children
Folic acid supplementation
Note: people without spleens, any infection is serious
transports Fe2+ across membrane to plasma → used to make RBCs
stores iron intracellularly; hemosiderin (conglomeration of ferritin molecules) = long-term iron storage
o Hepcidin
- In Hepatocytes iron uptake is similar to that of other cells
- Hepcidin is key regulator of iron homeostasis
- Hepcidin is a 25 AA polypeptide produced in response to inflammation (AOCD, IL6) and results in increased iron stores
- Hepcidin binds to ferroportin and triggers its internalization and degradation in lysosomes and decreases Fe release from macrophages, enterocytes, and hepatocytes
- This results in increased intracellular [Fe] & decreased bioavailability of Fe
- Hepcidin deficiency results in iron overload whereas an excess of hepcidin is implicated in AOCD (anemia of chronic disease)
- Ultimately, hepcidin prevents the release of iron from cells
• Regulation of Hepcidin
o Iron stores, erythropoietic activity, hemoglobin, oxygen content, and inflammation all regulate the expression of hepcidin through the HAMP gene
o Increase in transferrin saturation signals to hepatocytes to increase hepcidin expression via HFE and TfR2 dependent manner
• Hemosiderin
long-term storage of iron (multiple ferritins) → not susceptible to depletion treatments such as phlebotomy and chelation
hypoproliferative anemia secondary to inflammation
• Characterized by increased iron stores, but decreased iron utilization (decreased bioavailability)
• Assoc. with: TB, AIDS, Hodgkin’s, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, RA, SLE, etc.
• Pathophysiology: increased inflammatory cytokines via monocytes and T cells
o IL-6, IL-1β, IL-1α, TNF-α, and IFN-α ultimately induce hepcidin, inhibit erythropoietin (EPO) production, and suppresses erythropoiesis
o This results in a shorter RBC life span
o Hereditary Hemochromatosis,
• Types 1-3 have autosomal recessive inheritance
o HFE Hemochromatosis
- HFE is a transmembrane protein belonging to MHC class I and is expressed in the liver
- Through its interaction with TfR1 and TfR2 it regulates hepcidin expression
- Most common form of HH
- Etiology: genetic mutation – C282Y mutation in HFE gene on chromosome 6p21.3
- > 90% Caucasian hemochromatosis patients are homozygous; mainly effects males
- Autosomal recessive inheritance
- Due to mutation there is a lack of interaction between HFE and TfR2 causing:
- Decreased hepcidin expression and storage of iron in macrophages
- Increased Fe absorption and serum iron and Tf Sat
- C282Y/C282Y incomplete penetrance results in:
- Elevated serum ferritin in < 50% of female and ~75% of male homozygotes
- Organ damage in less than 30%
- Clinical manifestations: Classic triad – diabetes, hepatomegaly, hyperpigmentation
- Labs:
- Increased: serum iron, serum ferritin, transferrin iron saturation
- Decreased: TIBC, (free?) transferrin
- Management: maintenance phlebotomy
o Acute Intermittent Porphyria
• Etiology: autosomal dominant deficiency of PBG deaminase (chromosome 11q24); ~227 point mutations identified, < 10% of those with mutations have clinical expression
• Pathophysiology: gene mutation resulting in accumulation of PBG and ALA
• Symptoms:
GI (95%): pain, vomiting, constipation, tender abdomen (not rigid)
Hyponatremia in severe attack
Neuropathy (2/3): motor, sensory, psychiatric
CV (70%): increased BP, tachycardia
Photosensitivity NOT present
• Risks: increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
• Dx: urine is clear initially but darkens with light exposure due to oxidation of porphyrinogens to porphyrins (caused by excess PBG, ALA)
o Vitamin B6
o Vitamin B6 deficiency is often associated with microcytic, hypochromic anemia due to slowed heme production as d-ALA synthase requires pyridoxal phosphate
o Sources of Vitamin B6: beans, legumes, nuts, breads, fish, eggs, cereals
o B6 is important for maintaining healthy brain function, formation of RBC, and breakdown of protein and synthesis of antibodies in support of the immune system
o Patients that are being treated for TB with isoniazid can acquire vitamin B6 deficiency since isoniazid (INH) competitively inhibits reactions that utilize Vitamin B6 for functioning
• Thus Vitamin B6 supplementation should be used when patients undergo isoniazid treatment to prevent peripheral neuropathy and facilitate metabolism of carbs, proteins, and fatty acids
Vitamin B6 supplementation should be used when patients undergo isoniazid treatment to prevent peripheral neuropathy and facilitate metabolism of carbs, proteins, and fatty acids
o Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
- Enzyme deficiency: hepatic uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (URO-D); > 30 mutations
- Autosomal dominant inheritance in 1/3 of cases that have ~50% URO-D activity
- Precipitating factors to decrease URO-D activity:
- Increased iron stores (may be caused by down-regulation of hepcidin)
- Hepatitis C ( >50% of patients with sporadic form are HCV positive)
- HFE hemochromatosis
- Alcohol; estrogens
- Symptoms: bullous dermatosis (blistering skin lesions), scarring, hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth), hyperpigmentation
- Associated diseases: HFE hemochromatosis, African iron overload
- Dx:
- Elevated urine total porphyrins (uroporphyrin»_space;>coproporphyrin)
- Screen for HFE C282Y homozygosity and other forms of iron overload
- Evaluate for viral hepatitis/other liver diseases
- Treatment:
- Avoid precipitating factors (i.e. alcohol)
- Phlebotomy – 500 ml (1 unit)/week until remission
- Iron chelation if phlebotomy not possible due to comorbid anemia dx
• IFNs are cytokines that limit the spread of certain viral infections
• Different subtypes:
➢ Type 1 (IFNα and IFNβ) are produced by cells infected by virus
➢ Type 2 (IFNγ) is released by activated TH1 cells
• mDCs
which now express MHC II, bind CD4 T helper cells (To) through TCRs (T cell receptors); once bound mDC releases IL-12 to act on To causing it to mature and differentiate into:
Th1 – fights bacteria, viruses
Th2 – fights parasites, allergies
Th17 – fungi, extracellular bacteria; directs neutrophil activity
Treg – turns off Th1, Th2, and Th17; lymphocyte homeostasis
• These mature T cells then secrete IL-2 to act upon themselves (autocrine signaling) to produce more of their specific mature Th cell type
• Immature B cells
(express IgM and IgD) enter germinal center of lymph node and undergo clonal expansion and somatic hypermutation = process of mutation affecting the variable regions of immunoglobulin genes (antibodies)
• B cell then binds to antigen bound by FDC which causes a cascade to occur within the B cell resulting in expression of MHC II on the B cell surface
Once B cell binds to antigen, it loses IgD → mature B cell
• Now a mature B cell can bind to a mature T cell (i.e. Th1); this process allows the B cell to undergo isotype/class switching (goes from IgM to IgG)
• The mature B cell can then become either a:
Plasma cell – loses surface Ig, but has high volume secretion of Ig (pumps out antibody); these antibodies contribute to mast cell activation in innate immunity
Memory cell – retain surface Ig specific to antigen it was presented, remains in body and is able to respond to secondary infection to the invading organism
o When the antigen is eliminated, the immune response switches off
o Note, lymphocytes (T/B cells) originate from the thymus and bone marrow, respectively
• All leukocyte groups
CD45+, CD3+
• T lymphocyte
CD45+, CD3+, CD4+
• T helper cell
CD45+, CD3+, CD8+
• Cytotoxic T cell
o Human Blood Monocyte
• Origin: Myeloid progenitor
• Characteristics:
Longevity – long-lived (months to years)
Size – large (10-18 um in diameter)
Shape – horseshoe shaped nucleus
Appearance – contains azurophilic granules (blue-staining) → peroxidase & hydrolases
• CD14 (binds LPS)
• MHC class II
• CD11a and b (adhesion molecules)
• CD64 and CD32 → Fc receptors (bind antibodies)
• Functions within immune system: phagocytose microorganisms (bacteria, fungi) and body’s own dead cells or even tumor cells
o Polymorphonuclear granulocyte (PMNs): Neutrophils
• Origin: Myeloid progenitor
• Characteristics:
Longevity – short-lived (2-3 days)
Size – 10-20 um in diameter
Shape – multi-lobed nucleus (3-5 lobes)
• Azurophilic granules → hydrolases, myeloperoxidase, muramidase
• Specific granules → defensins, seprocidins, cathelicidins, bacterial permeability inducing (BPI) protein
• CD11a, b, and c → associated with CD18β2 chains (adhesion molecules)
• CD64, CD32, and CD16 → Fc receptors (bind antibodies)
• Functions within immune system: role in acute inflammation; protection against microorganisms → phagocytosis and destruction of pathogens
• Neutrophils
o Morphology: many lobed nucleus (3-5); young/immature cells are non-segmented (band or stab cells)
o Cytoplasm:
• Azurophilic granules contain lysosomal enzymes and myeloperoxidase (peroxidase) to kill phagocytized bacteria
• Neutrophilic/specific granules contain alkaline phosphatase and bacteriocidal substances to kill bacteria
• Tertiary granules contain gelatinase, cathepsins and glycoproteins that can aid in phagocytic processes
o Plasma membrane contains NADPH oxidase which catalyzes formation of ROS (superoxide, H2O2, HOCl) within phagosomes of neutrophils
o Function: first line of cellular defense to organism invasion
• PMNs are chemotactically attracted by devitalized tissue, bacteria, and other foreign bodies/factors produced by antigen-antibody interactions → migrate to site of infection (diapedesis)
• Killing bacteria by two mechanisms:
• Enzymatic – fusion of specific (inactivating material) and azurophilic granules (digesting material) → expel material from cell
• Formation of ROS due to presence of myeloperoxidase
• Note, neutrophils become the pus of an abscess
• Eosinophils
o Morphology: bi-lobed nucleus
o Cytoplasm:
• Specific granules contain a large amount of arginine due to presence of major basic protein and eosinophilic cationic protein → effective agents in combating parasites, helminthes, and protozoas
• Azurophilic granules contain hydrolytic enzymes and peroxidase → destroy parasitic worms
o Function:
• Degradation of chemical mediators such as leukotrienes and histamine from mast cells and basophils, thus are involved in local inflammatory responses due to allergic, inflammatory, or parasitic infections
• Note, differential count increases with parasitic infections and allergic conditions
• Basophils
o Morphology: irregular shaped nucleus that is masked by tons of granules
o Cytoplasm:
• Specific granules are basophilic and metachromatic and contain heparin, histamine, eosinophil chemotactic factor, neutrophil chemotactic factor and perioxidase (similar to mast cells)
• Azurophilic granules contain lysosomal enzymes
o Function: mediate allergic and inflammatory reactions (similar to eosinophils)
• Bind IgE molecules which cause basophils to release specific granule contents (histamine) → smooth muscle contraction, vasodilation
• Begin to produce and release leukotrienes
• Note, basophils increase in number in leukemia, smallpox, chicken pox, and sinus infections/conditions
• Monocytes
o Cells originate in bone marrow; when leave bone marrow become macrophages
o Morphology: nucleus is eccentrically placed and horseshoe shaped; lighter staining nucleus
o Cytoplasm: stains light or pale blue
• Vacuoles have phagocytic function
• Azurophilic granules contain lysosomal enzymes
o Function: second line of defense against invading organisms
• Monocyte works alongside T cells in the differentiation of B cells into the plasma cell which produce immunoglobulins (Ig)
o Monocytosis = increased monocyte count due to infectious and inflammatory disease such as TB and leukemia
o Monocytosis
increased monocyte count due to infectious and inflammatory disease such as TB and leukemia
o Lymphopoiesis
(B-lymphocytes as example)
• B-lymphocytes develop in bone marrow; T-lymphocytes develop in the thymus
• Development of B-lymphocytes occurs in the bone marrow:
• CFU-L → lymphoblast → prolymphocyte → B-lymphocyte
• B-lymphocytes seed lymphatic tissue (except thymus) and may differentiate further in response to antigen
o Monopoiesis:
- Monocyte comprises only 1-2% of bone marrow cells
- Development occurs in bone marrow:
- CFU-M → monoblast → promonocyte → monocyte
- Monocytes serve as precursors to macrophages which have different names once in tissue
• Secondary Lymphatic Nodule
dark staining periphery with light staining germinal center (aka reaction center); however, section could be through portion of secondary nodule that does not include the germinal center…
• Do not appear until after birth; numerous during childhood, decline in number with age
• Disappear in absence of antigen; reappear with re-exposure to antigen
• Thymus is required for development
• Cells found within germinal center:
o B and T lymphocytes, macrophages, and FDCs throughout; plasma cells at periphery of germinal center
• Note, lymphatic nodules are present within lymph nodes and spleen, but NOT in the thymus! If they are present in thymus → pathologic condition
• Lymph flow through lymph node
• Afferent lymphatic vessels → subcapsular sinus → trabecular sinus → paracortical sinus → medullary sinus → efferent lymphatic vessel
• Blood flow through lymph node
• Arterial vessels (hilum)→ trabecular vessels→ arterioles & capillaries → post-capillary venules
• Thymus origin
o Derived from endoderm of the third brachial pouch → reticular stroma, Hassall’s (thymic) corpuscles
thymus cortex
- Outer Region – stem cells enter from vascular system; contains the largest lymphocytes (cells mature and become smaller as near medulla)
- Middle Region – consists of maturing cells differentiated from outer region
- Inner Region – smallest lymphocytes; mature T-lymphocytes enter blood vessels at the corticomedullary junction → thymic dependent zones of lymphatic organs
o White Pulp
• Consist of periarterial lymphatic sheaths (PALS) that surround the central artery and contain primarily T-lymphocytes
• Presence of lymphatic nodules which form in response to antigen and contain primarily B-lymphocytes (except in area associated with central artery)
o Marginal Zone
transition zone between red and white pulp; location where blood vessels empty their blood
o Red Pulp
• Has splenic sinuses (sinusoids) which are vascular passageways lined by specialized endothelial cells (elongated)
• Consists of splenic cords which are located between splenic sinuses and contain RBCs, granulocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, platelets, plasma cells, reticular cells and fibers
• Splenic Circulation
o Splenic artery → trabecular artery → white pulp/central artery →
• 1) Open Circulation: follicular artery → red pulp
• 2) Closed Circulation (penicillus): red pulp artery → sheathed artery – capillary (by macrophages) → terminal arterial capillaries → sinusoids
• Sinusoids: consist of endothelial cells
o There is much flux of blood between red pulp and the capillaries
o Pulp veins → trabecular veins → splenic veins
• Function of Spleen
o Forms antibodies in response to blood-borne antigens
o Removal and destruction of defective blood cells, platelets, debris by macrophages (filters blood)
o Concentrates and store blood cells and platelets
o In prenatal life, forms RBCs, granulocytes, lymphocytes, and platelets
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Blood: hypochromic, microcytic, anisocytosis (variation in size of cells), poikilocytosis (unusual shapes); decreased reticulocytes, increased platelets
Bone Marrow: erythroid hypoplasia, dyserythropoiesis (odd development of RBCs), decreased iron stores
• Megaloblastic Anemia
BIG cells with asynchrony between maturity of nucleus (big) and cytoplasm (eosinophilic) – think on continuum from Downing lectures
• Caused by retarded DNA synthesis and unimpaired RNA synthesis
Blood: macrocytic anemia, oval macrocytes, hypersegmented neutrophils (usually 6+)
Bone marrow: megaloblastic erythroblasts and neutrophils
• Hemolytic Spherocytosis
Blood: mild normochromic, normocytic anemia with numerous spherocytes, other poikilocytes (odd shaped RBCs – targets, sickles, fragmented)
o Signs of RBC Destruction and Production
• Destruction
↑ serum bilirubin → not allowed to become conjugated with glucuronate
↑ LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) → found in great quantities in RBCs
↓ free (un-bound) haptoglobin – carrier molecule for free hemoglobin; decreased amount indicates that haptoglobin is bound to lots of hemoglobin (lysed RBCs)
Hemoglobinemia/-uria: hemoglobin in blood plasma
• Production
Reticulocytosis – more reticulocytes than expected (~1%)
Nucleated red cells in blood – bone marrow is trying really hard to make more RBCs before they are ready to go; sometimes it means that there is a tumor though
Know the morphology of the two types of benign neutrophilia
- lots of segmented neutrophils (mature); lots of immature neutrophils (immature)
- normally, half are marginated (stuck inside blood vessel; can dislodge due to stress)
• Toxic changes of benign neutrophilia
Toxic granulation: primary = dark purple, secondary = pink
• Result due to promyelocytes out in peripheral blood with primary granules due to rush to get neutrophils out into the peripheral blood
Döhle bodies – result due to staining of RER to gear up for infection
Cytoplasmic Vacuolization – excessive vacuoles present within cytoplasm used to fight off an infection → most worrisome change of the three
o Causes: Mature Neutrophilia
Infection (bacterial)
Physiologic: stress, hormones
causes: Immature Neutrophilia
Infection (bacterial)
Severe anemia → senses need for RBCs in periphery (rushes production, thus see immature neutrophils in peripheral blood)
Three main forms of immature neutrophilia:
• Left shift: earlier blood cells in progression found in periphery
• Leukomoid reaction: reaction in blood that looks like leukemia, but is not (do NOT use this term as it is non-descript)
• Leukoerythroblastotic reaction: young WBCs, RBCs, out in peripheral blood which indicates that there are immature neutrophils due to either benign or malignant causes
➢ Check hemoglobin to determine:
• Low Hgb (< 6) → rush to get cells out
• Normal Hgb (> 6) → malignancy; more tests needed
o Normal lymphocyte count
T cells (80) > B cells (15) > NK cells (5)
• Infectious lymphocytosis
similar lymphocyte numbers compared to leukemia (100 count); found in children only
• Bordatella pertussis – whooping cough (55 count)
• Transient stress – cardiac arrest (8 count)
Reactive Lymphocytosis
Morphology: atypical lymphocytes →
• Infectious mononucleosis: Downey cells (I, II, III); II most common
• Pediatric viral infections
• Immune disorders: SLE, vaccine reactions, etc.
Other cell type seen: plasmacytoid lymphocyte
o Flow Cytometry Differences: benign vs. malignant lymphocytosis
• Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) score is determined by flow cytometry and is used to aid in diagnosis of certain blood diseases:
Decreased LAP: CML, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Increased LAP: leukomoid reaction, polycythemia vera
• Know how to differentiate between a benign left shift and CML (chronic myeloid leukemia).
• Benign: Left Shift Malignant: CML
o Possible toxic changes Super-high WBC
o Fewer immature cells Lots of immature cells
o No basophilia Basophilia
o LAP normal/increased LAP decreased
• Best way to differentiate: cytogenetics (CML has Philadelphia chromosome (9:22))
• Know how to differentiate between a benign lymphocytosis and CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia).
• Benign Malignant: CLL
o Reactive Lymphocytosis Mature Lymphocytes
• Atypical lymphocytes Monophorphous!
• Age: young (< 40) Age: older (> 40)
o Mature Lymphocytosis Flow: B cells with CD5 (T cell) marker
• Mature lymphocytes
• Age: very young (< 14)
o Flow for both: mixture of B and T cells
Best way to differentiate: immunophenotyping (via flow cytometry)
• Know a few causes for basophilia, monocytosis and eosinophilia.
o Basophilia: Found in patients with CML
o Monocytosis: infection, autoimmune disease, malignancy
o Eosinophilia: drugs, asthma, skin diseases, parasites