Week 1/2 Health Promotion Flashcards
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for influenza?
- 1 dose annually for all ages
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for Tdap?
1 dose to Tdap then Td every 10 years for all ages
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for varicella?
2 doses one time for any age
(Not recommended for people who are pregnant, immunocompromised, or have <200 tcell count per microL)
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for HPV?
- 3 doses
- female/male
- 19-26
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for zoster?
- 1 dose
- >60
- (Not recommended for people who are pregnant, immunocompromised, or have <200 tcell count per microL)
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for MMR?
- 1-2 doses
- 19-59
- (Not recommended for people who are pregnant, immunocompromised, or have <200 tcell count per microL)
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate?
- 1 time dose
- 19-64 only recommended if other risk factor present
- >65 should get it regardless of risk factors
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for pneumococcal polysaccharide?
- 1 or 2 doses for 19-64 only if risk factors present
- 1 dose for >65 regardless
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for meningococcal?
- 1 or more doses
- all ages
- only reccommended if risk factors present
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for Hep A?
- 2 doses
- only recommended if risk factors present
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for Hep B?
3 doses for all ages only if risk factors present
What is the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)?
1-3 doses for all ages if risk factors present
When should one be screened for a physical exam?
- 3-5 years
- women q1-3 yrs
- men q 1-5 yrs
- age 20-40 then more often afterward
When should one be screened for a dental exam?
q 6 months
When should one be screened for BP?
q 2 years, yearly if previously elevated
When should one be screened for BMI?
every routine visit
When should one be screened for Cholesterol?
Start at age 20, min q 5 years
When should one be screened for blood glucose?
starting at 45, min q 3yrs
When should one be screened for colorectal?
- starting @ 50
- high sensitivity fecal occult blood testing annually
- or flexible sigmoidoscopy q 5 years
- or colonscopy q 10 years
When should one be screened for cervical cancer?
- 21-29
- pap q 3 yrs
- 30-65
- pap/HPV test q 5 yrs
When should one be screened for breast cancer?
- CBE q 3 years for 20-30 yo, annually for >40
- annual mammograms >40
- 50-74
- mammograms q 2 yrs
When should one be screened for clinical testicular exam?
starting @ 20 during every routine health care visit
When should one be screened for prostate specific antigen/digital rectal exam?
starating @ 50 if indicated
When should one be screened for pelvic exam?
- female
- 20’s
- q 1-3 yrs
When should one be screened for testicular issues?
after 20, yearly
What make up the CHEM 7 lab values?
- K
- Na
- Cl
- CO2
- Creatinine
- Glucose
Normal values for K+?
Normal values for Na
Normal values for Cl
CO2 normal values
BUN normal values
Creatinine normal values
Glucose normal value
What make up a CBC?
- Hgb
- Hct
Normal values of WBC
RBC normal values
Hgb normal values
Hct normal values
Platelets normal values
What is included in a coags panel?
- PT
What are the normal values for PTT?
PT normal values?
INR normal values
What is included in ABGs?
- Ca++
- PaO2
- O2 Sat
- pH
- PaCO2
- HCO3
Ca++ normal values
PaO2 normal values
O2 sat normal values
pH normal values
PaCO2 normal values
HCO3 normal values
Inspiratory capicity of a normal person
Normal respiratory rate
12-20 (<12 Bradypnea; >20 Tachypnea)
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding activity/rest?
- adequate sleep/rest
- activity intolerance/risk for
- ineffective activity planning
- risk for disuse syndrome
- deficient diversional activity
- fatigue
- insomnia
- lifestyle, sedentary
- impaired bed mobility
- impaired wheelchair mobiliity
- readiness for enhanced sleep
- sleep deprivation
- disturbed sleep pattern
- impaired transfer ability
- impaired walking
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding circulation?
- autonomic dysreflexia/risk for
- risk for bleeding
- decreased cardiac output
- decreased intracranial adaptive capacity
- perfusion
- ineffective peripheral tissue
- risk for decreased cardiac tissue
- risk for ineffective cerebral tissue
- risk for ineffective gastrointestinal
- risk for ineffective renal
- risk for shock
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding ego integrity?
- anxiety
- death or specific level
- risk prone health behavior
- disturbed body image
- decisional conflict (specify)
- coping
- defensive
- ineffective
- readiness for enhanced
- readiness for enhanced decision making
- ineffective denial
- risk for compromised human dignity
- moral distress
- disturbed energy field
- fear
- grieving
- complicated
- risk for complicated
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding ego integrity more specifically related to hope/ post trauma?
- readiness for enhanced hope
- hopelessness
- disturbed personal identity
- post trauma syndrome/risk for
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding ego integrity dealing w/ power, rape, and relationships?
- readiness for enhanced power
- powerlessness/risk for
- Rape-trauma syndrome
- rediness for enhanced relationships
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding ego integrity and dealing with religiosity, relocation, and resilience?
- religiosity
- impaired
- ready for enhanced
- risk for impaired
- relocation stress syndrom/risk for
- resilience
- impaired individual
- readiness for enhanced
- risk for compromised
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding ego integrity and dealing with self/emotions/spirits?
- readiness for enhanced self-concept
- self-esteem
- chronic low
- situational low
- risk for situational low
- chronic sorrow
- spiritual
- distress/risk for
- readiness for spiritual well-being
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding elimination?
- bowel incontinence
- constipation
- or percieved/risk for
- diarrhea
- dysfxnl GI motility/risk for
- urinary elimination
- impaired
- readiness for enhanced
- urinary incontinence
- fxnl
- overflow
- reflex
- risk for urge
- stress
- urge
- acute/chronic urinary retention
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding food/fluid?
- breastfeeding
- effective
- ineffective
- interrupted
- impaired dentition
- risk for electrolyte imbalance
- adult failure to thrive
- ineffective infant feeding pattern
- readiness for enhanced fluid balance
- fluid volume
- deficient hyper/hypotonic/isotonic
- excess
- risk for deficient
- risk for imbalanced
- risk for unstable blood glucose
- risk for impaired liver fxn
- nausea
- nutrition
- imbalanced: >/< body requirements
- risk for more than BR
- readiness for enhanced
- oral mucous membrane impaired
- impaired swallowing
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding hygiene?
- Self-care
- readiness for enhanced
- deficit
- bathing
- dressing
- feeding
- toileting
- self neglect
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding neurosensory?
- confusion
- acute/risk for
- chronic
- infant behavior
- disorganized
- readiness for enhanced organized
- risk for disorganized
- impaired memory
- unilateral neglect
- risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction
- disturbed sensory perception (specify)
- stress overload
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding pain/discomfort?
- comfort
- impaired
- readiness for enhanced
- pain (acute/chronic)
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding respiration?
- ineffective airway clearance
- risk for aspiration
- ineffective breathing pattern
- impaired gas exchange
- impaired spontaneous ventilation
- dysfxnl ventilatory weaning response
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding safety A-F?
- Allergy Response
- latex/risk for
- risk for imbalanced body temp
- contamination/risk for
- risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- impaired environmental interpretation syndrome
- risk for fall
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding saftey H-M?
- Health maintenance
- ineffective
- impaired
- hyperthermia/hypo
- readiness for enhanced immunization status
- risk for infection
- risk for injury/perioperative positioning injury
- neonatal jaundice
- risk for disturbed maternal/fetal Dyad
- impaired physical mobility
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding safety P-S?
- risk for poisoning
- ineffective protection
- self-mutilation/risk for
- skin integrity
- impaired/risk for
- risk for suffocation
- risk for suicide
- delayed surgical recovery
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding safety T-W?
- ineffective thermoregulation
- impaired tissue integrity
- risk for trauma/vascular trauma
- violence
- actual/risk for other/self-directed
- wandering (sporadic or continual)
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding sexuality?
- readiness for enhanced child bearing process
- sexual dysfxn
- ineffective sexuality pattern
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding social interaction A-C?
- risk for impaired attachment
- caregiver role strain/risk for
- communication
- impaired verbal
- readiness for enhanced
- parental role conflict
- coping
- ineffective community
- readiness for enhanced community
- compromised family
- disabled family
- readiness for enhanced fam
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding social interaction F-S?
- family processes
- dysfxnl
- interrupted
- readiness for enhanced
- risk for loneliness
- parenting
- impaired/ risk for
- readiness for enhanced
- ineffective role performance
- impaired social interaction
- social isolation
What are the NANDA RN Dx regarding teaching/learning?
- risked for delayed development
- risk for disproportionate growth
- delayed growth and development
- risk prone health behavior
- ineffective self health management
- knowledge
- deficient
- readiness for enhanced
- non-compliance
- therapeutic regimen management
- ineffective
- ineffective fam
- readiness for enhanced