Week 1 Flashcards
How is Development measured?
Development (& underdevelopment) is measured by economic and governance indicators.
Economic Indicators for underdevelopment?
countries that have not achieved economic development & industrialization are classified as developing/underdeveloped.
Governance Indicators for underdevelopment?
non-democracies or fragile democracies are classified as developing/underdeveloped.
What are the main roles/purposes of a state? (3)
1) Solving collective action problems
2) Protecting domestic populations from foreign attack
3) Protecting citizens from each other
What is a Collective Action Problem?
a situation in which everyone would be better off cooperating, but fail to do so because of conflicting selfish interests
Ex: climate change
What is the Treaty of Westphalia?
- Ended the 30 Years War in central Europe, 1648
- enshrined / marks beginning of sovereignty, recognition of borders, and separation of church & state
Charles Tilly on European State Formation (& its aftermath) (3)
1) “War made the state & the state made war”
2) Interstate War Mechanisms
3) Results of state formation process
“War made the state & the state made war” cont’d
The ongoing process of frequent wars between states (interstate) at the very beginning of formation has resulted in the states we see now: (4 formative mechanisms)
1) Raising an army (centralization of political power)
2) Collecting taxes
3) Building infrastructure
4) The ‘rally around the flag’ effect (built up nationalism)
Charles Tilly: “War made the state”
The ongoing process of frequent wars between states at the very beginning of formation has resulted in the states we see now
Charles Tilly: “The state made war”
States decide to go to war with one another
What’s the difference between an Interstate War & a Civil War?
Interstate Wars occur between states while Civil Wars occur **within* states
What are the Impacts of Wars Within States? (civil wars)
- more civil wars than interstate wars
- weaken/divide states
- colonial legacies prevail
- drawing borders
What effect do Interstate Wars have on the population of a country?
may generate a sense of nationalism (strengthens states)
What effect do Civil Wars have on the population of a country?
create divisions within a state (weakens state)
What kind of wars have there been more of since 1945?
More civil wars than interstate wars