Week 1 Flashcards
What is the primary focus of environmental psychology?
Environmental psychology focuses on the interplay between individuals and their surroundings, including natural and built environments, and how these influence behavior, well-being, and social interactions.
What concept does ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ illustrate?
It illustrates the conflict between individual interests and the common good, showing how individuals acting in their self-interest can deplete shared resources, harming the collective in the long run.
What are the key components of Hardin’s solution to the Tragedy of the Commons?
Hardin suggests mutual coercion mutually agreed upon, such as regulations or privatization, to prevent the overuse of shared resources.
What does the ‘Room with a Cue’ study emphasize in environmental psychology?
The study emphasizes how physical spaces and their design can communicate non-verbal cues about occupants’ personality traits and behaviors.
What is the main argument in ‘Environmental Psychology Matters’?
The paper argues for the importance of environmental psychology in addressing critical global issues such as climate change, sustainability,
What is the ‘Automobile’ article’s perspective on environmental psychology?
It explores the automobile as both a tool and a symbol, highlighting its environmental impacts and psychological significance in shaping individual and societal behaviors.
What is the significance of ‘The Emerging Discipline of Environmental Psychology’?
It highlights the evolution and importance of environmental psychology as a field that bridges psychological theories and environmental issues.
How does the ‘Struggle to Govern the Commons’ article contribute to environmental psychology?
It examines strategies for sustainable management of shared resources, emphasizing institutional frameworks and cooperative behavior.
What is ‘Ecologizing Social Psychology’
This article discusses integrating ecological considerations into social psychology to address environmental challenges more effectively.
What are the psychological mechanisms discussed in ‘Dragons, Mules, and Honeybees’?
It categorizes human reactions to environmental issues into resistance (‘dragons’), hesitance (‘mules’), and cooperation (‘honeybees’), illustrating diverse behavioral responses to ecological challenges.
What is the central concept of ‘The Automobile’ in the context of environmental psychology?
The automobile is examined as an integral part of human identity and urban planning, reflecting cultural values and shaping environmental impacts.
What key principle is discussed in ‘A Room with a Cue’ regarding environment and behavior?
The study discusses how personal spaces act as reflections of individual identity and influence others’ perceptions.
Define ‘territoriality’ as presented in environmental psychology readings.
Territoriality refers to the behavioral expression of ownership over a physical space, influenced by social and environmental factors.
How does ‘The Automobile’ article link transportation to environmental concerns?
It addresses how car-centric transportation systems contribute to urban sprawl, pollution, and psychological dependency on vehicles.
What does ‘Environmental Psychology Matters’ say about interdisciplinary approaches?
The article advocates for integrating psychological insights with other disciplines to tackle complex environmental issues.
What role do ‘social norms’ play in environmental conservation, according to ‘Room with a Viewpoint’?
Social norms are shown to significantly influence conservation behaviors, such as towel reuse in hotels, by leveraging descriptive norms.
Explain ‘provincial norms’ as discussed in the environmental psychology studies.
Provincial norms refer to behavior patterns observed in a specific local or immediate context, which are more influential than general norms.
What is the ‘first arriver principle’ discussed in territoriality?
It is the idea that the first individual to arrive at a location often claims psychological ownership, influencing social dynamics and territorial disputes.
What are the broader implications of the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ for sustainability?
It underscores the need for collaborative governance and sustainable practices to manage shared resources effectively.
How do ‘cultural values’ shape environmental behaviors, as discussed in Week 1 materials?
Cultural values influence individual and collective attitudes towards sustainability, resource usage, and ecological responsibility.
What are the three metaphorical frameworks for categorizing environmental systems?
Dragons (chaotic), Mules (resistant), and Honeybees (collaborative).