Week 1 Flashcards
Databases are the best way to store and manage data. It make data persistent and shareable in
a secure way
______ is also essential for organizations to survive and prosper
All businesses have to keep this type of data and much more. It can be argued that the ultimate purpose
of all business information systems is to help businesses use information as an _________.
At the heart of all of these systems are the collection, storage, aggregation, manipulation, dissemination,
and management of ____.
Depending on the type of information system and the characteristics of the business, this data could vary
from a few megabytes on just one or two topics to terabytes covering hundreds of topics within the
business’s internal and external environment
organizational resource
How can these businesses process this much data?
They store it __, and then quickly retrieve just the facts that decision makers want to know, just when they
want to know it because they use databases.
Virtually all modern business systems rely on ______. Therefore, a good understanding of how these
structures are created and their proper use is vital for any information systems professional
Data vs Information
_____ consists of raw facts. The word raw indicates that the facts have not yet been processed to reveal
their meaning
________ is the result of processing raw data to reveal its meaning.
Data processing can be as simple
as organizing data to reveal patterns or as complex as making fore-casts or drawing inferences using
statistical modeling. To reveal meaning, information requires __________.
_____ is the foundation of information, which is the bedrock of knowledge—that is, the body
of information and facts about a specific subject
Key points:
● ______ constitutes the building blocks of information.
● ________ is produced by processing data.
● _________ is used to reveal the meaning of data.
● Accurate, relevant, and timely information is the key to good decision making.
● __________ is the key to organizational survival in a global environment.
● Knowledge and information require ___________________
Good decision making
timely and accurate data
Introducing the Database
________ is a discipline that focuses on the proper gen- eration, storage, and retrieval of data.
Efficient data management typically requires the use of a __________.
___________ is a shared, integrated computer structure that stores a collection of the following:
● ________ —that is, raw facts of interest to the end user
● _________, or data about data, through which the end-user data is integrated and managed
Data management
computer database
End-user data
________ describes the data characteristics and the set of relationships that links the data found
within the database.
The _________ provides information that complements and expands the value and use of the data. In
short, ________ presents a more complete picture of the data in the database
Role and Advantages of the DBMS
A ___________ is a collection of programs that manages the database
structure and controls access to the data stored in the database.
serves as the __________ between the user and the database.
database management system (DBMS)
Types of Databases
A _______ can be used to build many different types of databases.
Each database stores a particular collection of data and is used for a specific purpose.
The number of users determines whether the database is classified as ___________
single user or multiuser.
_________ supports only one user at a time. In other words, if user A is using the database, users B and C
must wait until user A is done
_________ - A single-user database that runs on a personal computer
multiuser database supports multiple users at the same time
_________ - A multiuser database that usually supports fewer than 50 users or is used for a specific
department in an organization.
______________ - The overall company data representation, which provides support for present and
expected future needs
single-user database
desktop database
workgroup database
enterprise database
Location might also be used to classify the database
________________ - A database located at a single site.
___________ - A logically related database that is stored in two or more physically independent sites
___________ - A database that is created and maintained using cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure or
Amazon AWS
centralized database
distributed database
cloud database
Classifying databases according to the type of data stored in them
____________ - contain a wide variety of data used in multiple disciplines
___________ - contain data focused on specific subject areas
General-purpose database
Discipline-specific database
A database that is designed primarily to support a company’s day-to-day operations is classified as an ___________ , also known as an online transaction processing (OLTP) database, transactional database, or production
An ___________ focuses primarily on storing historical data and business metrics used exclusively for tactical or
strategic decision making.
operational database
analytical database
Analytical databases comprise two main components: a ______________
The __________ is a specialized database that stores data in a format optimized for decision support. The data
warehouse contains historical data obtained from the operational databases as well as data from other external sources.
____________ is a set of tools that work together to provide an advanced data analysis environment
for retrieving, processing, and modeling data from the data warehouse.
data warehouse and an online analytical processing front end.
data warehouse
Online analytical processing(OLAP)
Databases can also be classified to reflect the degree to which the data is structured
___________ is data that exists in its original (raw) state—that is, in the format in which it was collected.
___________ is the result of formatting unstructured data to facilitate storage, use, and generation of information.
______________ does not conform to a rigid schema like structured data but contains tags or markers to separate data elements
and enforce hierarchies. It is more flexible than structured data but still has some organizational properties
Unstructured data
Structured data
Semistructured data
Unstructured and semistructured data storage and management needs are being addressed through a new generation of
databases known as __________.
___________ supports the storage and management of semistructured XML data.
_________________ is a special language used to represent and manipulate data elements in a
textual format.
XML databases
An XML database
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
____________ refers to the activities that focus on the design of the database structure that will be used to store and
manage end-user data
A database that meets all user requirements does not just happen; its structure must be designed carefully.
In fact, __________ is such a crucial aspect of working with databases that most of this book is dedicated to the
development of good database design techniques.
Even a good DBMS will perform poorly with a badly designed database
Database design
database design
____________ refers to web and mobile technologies that enable “anywhere, anytime, always on” human interactions
__________is generally used to describe a new generation of DBMS that is not based on the traditional
relational database model.
___________ are designed to handle the unprecedented volume of data, variety of data
types and structures, and velocity of data operations that are characteristic of these new business requirements.
social media
NoSQL(Not only SQL)
NoSQL databases
____________ refers to the activities that focus on the design of the database structure that will be used to store and
manage end-user data
A database that meets all user requirements does not just happen; its structure must be designed carefully.
In fact, __________ is such a crucial aspect of working with databases that most of this book is dedicated to the
development of good database design techniques.
Even a good DBMS will perform poorly with a badly designed database
Some reasons why database design is important
● Data Integrity: Ensures data is ____________ by enforcing rules and constraints.
● Performance: ______ query speed and efficiency for faster data retrieval.
● Scalability: Facilitates easy __________ as data grows.
● Security: _________ sensitive data with access controls and encryption.
● Maintainability: _________ updates and management, reducing maintenance effort
accurate and consistent
expansion and adaptation