Week 04 (Layer Models) Flashcards
How are unicasting, multicasting and broadcasting message delivery options different?
Unicasting is messaging to a specific user/entity/process.
Multicasting is delivering and addressing a message to more than 1 users, but not all users who could receive it.
Broadcasting is messaging to everyone on a network.
What are the 3 types of switching?
Package switching, message switching, circuit switching.
What is encapsulation?
A process where when you receive data, you attach additional information to the start/end/both of the data, then forward it onto something else. You don’t touch the message or ‘payload’.
What is decapsulation?
Stripping away the header or trailer information.
What are the main benefits of a layer model?
FAPI - Fostering Competition, Assisting Protocol Development, Providing a Common Language, Isolating Problems.
How does a layered model assigning protocol development?
You can work in one layer and not have it affect others. i.e. using specific/isolated information and interfaces.
How does a layered model foster competition?
Products from different vendors can work together.
How does a layered model isolate problems?
Changes made in one area are isolated there.
Explain the benefit of a layered model providing a common language?
Supports teaching, learning and understanding…
How are the OSI and TCP/IP layers fundamentally different?
The OSI layer is an international standard. There are 7 layers and there always will be. Whereas TCP/IP is an industry standard with a little more flexibility. For example Forouzan uses 5 layers and Cisco content uses 4.
What are the 7 layers of the OSI model?
Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application.
What are the 4 layers of the TCP/IP model?
Network Access, Internet, Transport, Application.
What does the Physical layer involve?
It involves bits, interfaces, power and signaling. The physical layer gets us from the sending device to the medium.
What does the Data Link layer involve?
It involves physical addressing and framing, of flow control and error control from 1 link to another link (or one device to another device) within a network.
What interconnects networks, and why is this important in relation to the data link layer?
Sort of a waffle, just generally explain.