Weed Science (Lecture) Flashcards
ETC thief, characterized by rapid death upon foliar application. Post-emergence or pre-planting control
ETC thief, characterized by rapid death upon foliar application. Post-emergence or pre-planting
ETC blocker. Applied to soil as a persistent pre-emergence herbicide. Affected plants turn yellow, then brown. Starts in leaf margin (xylem transport) and builds up in veiny pattern.
Phenoxy-type growth hormone regulator. Mimics IAA. Foliar application. moves in phloem to target growing areas. Post-emergence. Symptoms are twisting leaves, abscission, odd growths, loss of apical dominance.
Benzoic acid growth hormone regulator Mimics IAA. Foliar or soil application. moves in phloem to target growing areas. Pre and post-emergence. Symptoms are twisting leaves, abscission, odd growths, loss of apical dominance.
Benzoic acid growth hormone regulator. Mimics IAA. Soil application. moves in xylem to target leaves Pre-emergence. Symptoms are dying seedlings.
Phenoxy-type growth regulator. Soil-applied extremely potent and persistent. Kills seedlings before emergence.
Dinitroanline type Mitotic Inhibitor. Soil applied pre-emergence herbicide. Inteferes with microtubule polymerization. Root and cell swelling, seedlings do not grow. Warning: Does not work on oily seeds.
Carbamate-type herbicide. Mitotic Inhibitor. Soil-applied, inhibits sprouting
Carbamate-type herbicide. Mitotic Inhibitor. Soil-applied, inhibits sprouting
Thiocarbamate-type Mitotic Inhibitor. Pre-emergence soil herbicide. Blocks production of Acetyl-CoA to prevent growth of first leaf.
Thiocarbamate-type Mitotic Inhibitor. Pre-emergence soil herbicide. Blocks production of Acetyl-CoA to prevent growth of first leaf.
Thiocarbamate-type Mitotic Inhibitor. Pre-emergence soil herbicide. Blocks production of Acetyl-CoA to prevent growth of first leaf.
Glyphosate-type Amino Acid Biosynthesis inhibitor. Foliar-applied only systemic herbicide, moves through phloem. Characterized by wilting & wrinkling in leaves, new growth affected first, chlorosis/necrosis.
Amino Acid Inhibitor. Foliar/soil? Applied as a pre-emergence herbicide. Blocks conversion of pyruvate into proteins.
Wild Oat Persistence Strategy
- Variability in seed dormancy
- Co-adaptation of seed dormancy and viability
- Modification of dormancy by environmental factors
Wild Oat Control Strategies
Wild oats and seedlings emerge at different times
Cultivation promotes wild oat germination
Competitive advantage given to crop
Knapweed Persistence Strategy
Large & easy to maintain seed bank
Difficulties in predation
Strong competitor due to deep roots & allelopathy
BC Approach to Control of Knapweed
Containment via education & control + biological control using 3 species.
Conditions for livestock poisoning by weeds
- lack of other forage due to overgrazing, grazing pressure due to drought
- recent herbicide applications
- Specific plant life cycles or physiological reactions to climate
Eurasian water milfoil persistence strategy
Vegetative reproduction by stolon and fragmentation + seed production to enable dormancy.
High competitive ability in water
Eurasian water milfoil control strategies
Harvesting Water drawdown Bottom barriers Biological control Rototilling