Wed. Notes Flashcards
At baptism Jesus receives supernatural powers
to seem, appear: no human body
No name
real body but not material
Jesus & Christ distinct
First of created beings, through whom all others made
true human body and soul, but not human spirit
Denied real union of Divine & human nature
Only one nature in Christ, all divine
Also called Monophysites
Human Nature - Elements
Body, soul, spirit
Human Nature - Infirmities
Weary - Jn. 4:6 Hungry - Mt. 4:2 Thirsty - Jn. 19:28 Slept - Mt. 8:24 Tempted - Heb. 2:18 Limited knowledge - Mt. 24:36 Dependent on Father - Mk. 1:35
Claims of Jesus
John 5:17-18 — Equal with God
John 10:30-33 — One with God
John 13:13 — Teacher & Lord
John 14:7-11 — Father in Son, Son in Father
Jesus says “I AM”
Bread of life - Jn. 6:35 Light of the Word - Jn. 8:12, 9:5 Door - Jn. 10:7 Shepherd - Jn. 10, 11, 14 Resurrection and Life - Jn. 11:25 Way, Truth, Life - Jn. 14:6 True Vine - Jn. 15:1
Signs and Wonders - Quality
Water to wine
Signs and Wonders - Space
Healing noble’s son
Signs and Wonders - Time
Healing lame man